February 28th
I've been feeling quite strange these past two weeks. Exhausted, tired and broken. RL isn't exactly cozy and nice right now. I have no inspiration and no strength left in my body. Not for the moment. That may change with an update or two. Or when I can find some time to write.

Got a sour throat and soon a cold will come. I can feel it. It hurts like hell. Agh! I'm like a seven year old who wants mom or anybody to spoil me and make me some hot chocolate. I'm a big whimp when I'm sick. *sigh* Dammit.

And I'm way too tired to be writing this moment. This will be a very, very short entry.

What's happening right now:
Am working on some pics for a card game. They want suggestive art. Well, they're gonna get it. *g*

After a few comments and numbers, we now know that the swedish xenites are slightly younger than their fellow xenites in the US, England and Australia. The most common age is 22-27.

I'm a bit pissed off with the LITS editor again. This time he's written an article in a swedish magazine that consists of fact errors in absurdum, a subjective view of XWP and the notion that Gabrielle is nothing important and that the subtext is a joke.

The swedes are gathering. We're about to make our own swedish XWP info site.

What's happening right now with the site:
I've had a tough month. Besides that, updates should be coming soon. Walls, pic jokes, etc.
The last FINfools page is on it's way. The pics are too few yet for an update.

The wallpaper pages might change later this year. The site may get a special facelift in two months, when Xenario will be a very happy one year old! We'll see about that.

Am doing some uber montages and walls. The next one to show up will probably be a wall of Mavis Applewater's The Brass Ring.

A couple of Jan&Mel walls will be up...

That's about it, I think!

Uninteresting and boring stuff that's happened:

Ok, now I've seen LOTR ten times. It's a wonderful movie. What more can I say? It received 13 academy awards nominations. End of story; -go, McKellen!!! Yay!

It's been snowing again. Stockholm is white... Some long for spring to come, others just enjoy the beautiful scenery and the crisp air.

This week's "To do"-list:

Finish 15 paintings/graphics.
Buy painkillers in case of fever.
Write the end of Vintersjälen. (I just don't feel like it...)
Continue writing Mörkrets hjärta and Lost, found and Confused. (I'm working...)
Get on with Norse Con! Am working on it.
Anime race this saturday. This will be fun! As long as I get the armchair.
Get some sleep. THIS is utterly important!