
by: J Hedberg

I was so relieved, felt as great as can be
I walked on air as I left your presence
Didnīt feel lonely at all
I felt your scent still around me smelled you and loved it
happier than ever every time I leave you
The sweet flashes of instant memories of tonight
Oh, let it never change

Iīve never felt as strong as this - right now
I feel I can take on the world
Carrying you within my chest
the sparkling of us united
follows me and I love it
to snuggle up the sheets and kiss you
everywhere and everytime of disappearing eternity
Oh, please donīt ever change

Wild of used and simple joy I smiled
you laughed inside of me again
the warmth of your soft body
the tongue against my lips
could still feel your taste
so excitingly new always but not
Tingles through my spine of happiness
Oh, that will never change

When Iīm struck with your absence
I remember looking into your eyes
Feeling complete for the first time
Feeling so disgustingly happy

This poem is, of course, all mine. And therefore also copyrighted by me.