FanFic Links

Sites with Fanfic
Strictly Über
Academy of Bards Annals of the Conqueror Beyonduber BL Miller
The Bard's Corner Ashera's Archive Casa Uber GabGold
Lynka's Fan Fiction Alt scrolls of d bards The Uber Abode UpD. Vivian Darkbloom
Ultimate FF Directory Pink Rabbit Cons. The Ultimate Überlist SX Meagher
Shadowfen's XenaDinosaurBardsFF Exposure T Novan
ForevaXena's FF Index Obsessions - Xenarotica Blurb recommend J&M LJ Maas
PDA Fiction: Xena fic Ella Quince's fics The Blind Side of Love Advocate
Tom's FanFic Archive LN James' Chak.Time Castaway Jordan Redhawk
Amazon Nation Web Bard Scrolls Uber-Xena Central Kim Pritekel
The Athenaeum Fade to Black Archaeo-Adventures Melissa Good
XIPPY Awards Swollen Bud Awards Home Fires/Roo XWPFanatic
So why is genfic not listed? Altfic and Uber dominate the ficworld. But you WILL find genfic on some of the sites in the 'Sites with Fanfic' category. XIPPY and Swollen Bud are really good if you want to search for damn fine fic's that have won awards for different reasons.