Disclaimer:  De här figurerna tillhör inte mig så värst mycket, men det hade inte gjort något om de gjorde det. I alla fall ett par av dem. =) Detta är typ en Uber fast ändå inte riktigt. Det är ju inte under Antikens Grekland eller något sånt. Men det är Xena och Gabrielle och massa andra. Jag vet inte riktigt vad jag ska kalla det. En del personer tillhör mig, si så där två, tre stycken eller nåt. Det märker ni nog själva.

Våld: Självklart är det våld med, barnen är ju mellan fyra och fem år for crying out loud. Alla barn i den åldern slåss.

Engelska: Ni får låtsas att ni förstår allt jag skriver på engelska även om ni inte gör det. Och så får ni låtsas att jag alltid stavar rätt och har grammatiskt rätt… eller något i den stilen. Eftersom det är barn med i den här fanficen så är det ibland faktiskt meningen att det ska vara grammatiskt fel.

Ett måste: Ett måste är att läsa allt det barnen säger med så barnslig röst som möjligt.

Twinkle star: Om du vill läsa hela Twinkle star får du allt vänta lite. Den kommer snart till en Internetsida nära dig. Det är bara det att Xena måste komma på hela först.

Little Gabby and Little Xena
av Linda Bengtsson

"Good morning and welcome back to the Hundred Acre Wood School", the kindergarten teacher said and looked at the nine children that were sitting on the floor in front of her. "I'm Roxanne Andrews and I'm going to be your teacher here. This department is called Piglet." Eight of the little children sat in silence and just looked at her, the ninth child rose from her place and walked up to Roxanne.

"I'm Xena", the little girl said. "That's my best friend Gabrielle."

She pointed at a blonde little girl who sat in a corner and look like she was going to sink into the wall. Her eyes were widely opened and you could see tears starting to fill her eyes.

"She is little shy", Xena whispered to her new teacher.

Roxanne nodded and smiled at the little girl, then she looked at the other children. "Well, I don't know any of your names, except Xena's and Gabrielle's. So I thought that we could sing a song to learn all the names. And I know that you sang this song when you went to Winnie the Pooh, Kanga and Eeyore."

Winnie the Pooh, Kanga and Eeyore was the three departments for children between one and four years old at the Hundred Acre Wood School, the year they turned five they started at either Piglet or Tigger.

"I have the name list right here so when we sing your name you can stand up", Roxanne said. "Is that okay?"

The nine children nodded but didn't say anything. Xena went back to her place next to Gabrielle in the corner and took her friends hand. Gabrielle immediately stopped crying.

Roxanne started to sing.

"Willy by Walle by Wena an elephant sat on Xena."

As soon as Xena heard her name she stood up and smiled at the other kids. Roxanne continued to sing and every time she sang on of the children's names one of the kids stood up.

"Okay, now that I have sung all the names you can sing along with me", Roxanne said. "Shall we try that?"

The nine children nodded again and started to sing along with Roxanne.

"Willy by Walle by Woxer an elephant sat on Joxer. Willy by Walle by Wephiny an elephant sat on Ephiny."

They sang the song two times and every time a child heard its name she or he stood up. And by the end of the second time the children knew all of their new friends' names. The children then got permission to play whatever they wanted.

A few of the children already knew each other; Xena, Gabrielle and Joxer went to Winnie the Pooh together. And Callisto, Ares and Aphrodite went to Eeyore together, and Ephiny, Autolycos and Eli went to Kanga. So in the beginning they played with the kids they knew and felt safe with, but after a while all the kids started to play together. They played Indians, at first all of the girls were supposed to be wives and daughters. Then Xena said that she wanted to be a warrior, but the boys said that girls couldn't be warriors.

"They can too"; Xena said and stuck out her tongue. "And I want to be one."

So she, Gabrielle and Ephiny started a new Indian tribe with only girl warriors. At first the boys didn't want to play with them, but the girls seemed to have so much fun that the boys finally gave in. All the kids played together for an hour, but then Roxanne called for them. "If you all could just take a seat at that table over there I'm going to tell you what we are going to do."

All the kids ran to the table and there was a bit arguing about the chairs before everyone finally calmed down. Nine sweet little children looked at Roxanne with hopeful expressions on their faces.

"I thought that you could all draw a picture of what you want to be when you grow up. Okay?"

Each one of the children got a paper to draw on and a couple of crayons. All of the kids started to draw at once and it was almost dead silence in the room for about twenty minutes. The only thing you could here was the soft sound of crayons scraping on paper.

Xena's tongue stuck out of her mouth while she was drawing. Roxanne could see Gabrielle glancing at Xena's drawing. Gabrielle put her thumb in her mouth and sucked on it a little, then she started to draw again with her thumb still in her mouth. Roxanne knew that all of the kids had turned five except Gabrielle and Callisto. Gabrielle turned five in September and Callisto didn't turn five until after Christmas Eve.

Roxanne walked around the table and looked at the children's drawings. The majority of them were actually kind of nice; you could actually see what the pictures were supposed to look like. But she also could see that some kids had trouble holding the crayons right and get their drawings to look like they wanted the picture to look like.

When all the children were finished she told them to stay at their places and then they were going to tell everybody what they wanted to be.

"Ephiny, could you start?"

Ephiny nodded then she held up her drawing. "I want to breed horses, so this is me and all my horses."

"That's good Ephiny. Xena, your turn."

"I want to be a warrior with swords and fighting clothes and all that."

She held up her drawing showing herself fighting against four guys, she smiled proudly. Roxanne nodded and then it was Aphrodite's turn, she wanted to be a movie star. Callisto wanted to be a ballerina, Eli wanted to be a doctor or a priest, Ares wanted to be a fire fighter and Autolycos wanted to be Harry Potter.

"Okay, so now it's Gabrielle's turn."

Gabrielle looked at the other children; her lip was shaking a little.
"I want to be with Xena", she whispered and held up her drawing showing Xena fighting against a couple of guys with her sword and herself standing behind Xena, smiling.

Roxanne smiled at her and gave her a pat on the shoulder, then she looked at Joxer.

"It's your turn now, Joxer."

He held up his drawing showing a boy and a girl holding hands in a big red heart. "I want to be with Gabrielle" he whispered and his face grew redder for every word he said.

Nobody except Roxanne and Joxer himself had heard the name Joxer said; the other kids could actually not care less. Kids this age are very egocentric and don't really care about others very often. That's just how five-year-olds are.

Roxanne was amazed that someone Joxers age could be in love, it doesn't happen very often. And it was so sweet seeing his faces turn all red. After a while she realized that all the kids were looking at her, they wanted to know what to do.

"Is there someone here that could write his or hers name?" she asked and looked around at the children in front of her.

One hand rose to the air, and to her big surprise it was Gabrielle's hand. Of all the nine kids she hadn't expected that Gabrielle was the one who could write. The teacher at Winnie the Pooh had told her that one of the kids could write and read, but she hadn't told her which one.

"Good Gabrielle, could you write your name at the whiteboard?" she asked and pointed at the whiteboard behind her.

Gabrielle looked at Xena; Xena was smiling and nodding at her. Gabrielle turned to Roxanne and nodded, then she got out of her chair. She walked up to Roxanne and took the whiteboard pen that Roxanne had in her hand. With small, beautiful letters she wrote Gabrielle on the whiteboard. She held the pen exactly right and the letters were on a beautiful straight line.

"Very good, Gabrielle", Roxanne said and smiled at her. "You can go back to your seat now."

When Gabrielle was back to her seat Roxanne started talking again.

"Now I will help those who can't write their names yet, after that you can do what ever you want. Just leave your drawings on your place."

She walked around the table helping all the kids, except Gabrielle, to write their names on their drawings. Most of the kids could actually write one or two of the first letters in their names. But Autolycos and Aphrodite had a lot of trouble with their names. When she had helped all the kids she sat down at her desk and started to write little nametags. The tags were supposed to be glued on to nine different boxes, so the kids would all have their own box to put their drawings in. She glued the nametags to the boxes that were standing in a corner of the room and then she sat down again to watch the children play. The boys were playing with building bricks in one corner, Callisto, Ephiny and Aphrodite was playing with dolls in another corner. Xena and Gabrielle sat on the sofa; Gabrielle was actually reading to Xena. Roxanne walked up to them.

"Gabrielle, how long have you been able to write and read?" she asked.

"Donno, always I think", she lisped.

"Have your mom and dad taught you?" Roxanne asked. She had never met a four-year-old that could read before, and she was very curious about how much the little girl knew.

Gabrielle shrugged her shoulders. "Donno."

Xena, who was getting tired of all the talking, sighed. "Can't you just stop talking, I want to hear my story!"

"Okay, I'll go and play with the other children", Roxanne said before she left the two girls alone.

Gabrielle picked up the book that she had placed on the sofa and started to read again. She was reading a book about a little rabbit called Tiff. And Tiff lived in a little forest with her seven older brothers and sisters. Tiff was the youngest so she had to do all the work in the little hole where they lived.

"But one day Tiff grew tired of all the work", Gabrielle read. "I'm going to run away from home, Tiff said. Then she went in to her room to pack her bags."

"What happened then?" Xena asked. "C'mon tell me what happened next."

Xena loved to hear stories, especially when Gabrielle read them. Gabrielle turned the page and started to read again. Luckily the story ended happily, Tiff went home just a couple of hours after she had run of from home and her brothers and sisters promised to help her with all the work in the hole. Just when Gabrielle was finished reading the story Roxanne rang in the bell. All the kids knew that it was time for lunch, they had had that kind of bell at Winnie the Pooh, Kanga and Eeyore. Gabrielle put the book back in the bookcase, and then she and Xena went to Roxanne's desk. When all the kids had gathered around Roxanne she said: "Every time the lunchbell rings I want you all to stand in a nice line here by the door."

The kids nodded.

"Follow me then."

The kids followed their new teacher out the door, through the big playroom where both kids from Piglet and Tigger had their gymnastics, and in to the dining room. Roxanne pointed at the tables where they were going to sit. Xena, Gabrielle, Autolycos, Callisto and Ares sat at one round table, and Eli, Aphrodite, Joxer, Ephiny and Roxanne sat at another round table. All the kids had been here before because they ate here when they were between one and four years old.

Roxanne walked around the tables and handed out food to all the children, today it was spaghetti and meatballs. All the kids had good tablemanners and didn't start to eat until everybody was served. The same kids that had trouble holding the crayons right also had trouble holding the fork and knife right. Roxanne told those kids to look at how the other kids did.

"But it's so hard", Aphrodite said and pouted with her mouth.

"Yeah, I can't do it", Callisto said and dropped her fork on the floor.

Roxanne sighed and smiled at them. "You just have to continue trying."

The two girls and Eli nodded and started to eat again.

"Do you have any ketsup?" Xena asked. "I can't eat spaghetti without ketsup."

"Xena you know were the ketchup is, don't you?" Roxanne said.

"Yes, ma'am."

Xena walked over to the lunch lady and asked for ketchup, the lunch lady smiled at her and gave her a bottle. Xena said thank you and curtseyed, then she went back to her table again. She put a little ketchup on Gabrielle's spaghetti and then a lot on her own.

"I like ketsup"; she said and smiled at Gabrielle.

Gabrielle smiled back. "I know. Me too."

When everybody was done eating they got permission to play outside. Roxanne helped the kids to put their drinkingglases, forks, knifes and plates at the right plays, and then she followed them out. All the children except Callisto and Aphrodite ran towards the swings. There were only five swings and all the seven children wanted one. Ares and Xena got to the swings first, and then Autolycos, Ephiny and Eli. Unfortunately Gabrielle had to short legs and Joxer was a little clumsy so the didn't get there in time.

"C'mon Joxer, we can share swing", Ares said to Joxer.

Joxer smiled and ran to Ares swing. Gabrielle felt tears starting to fill her eyes and her lip started shacking. Xena jumped of her swing and ran to her friend.

"You can take my swing if you want", she said to her crying friend. "I can push it for you."

Gabrielle rubbed her eyes; then she looked at Xena. "Really? You would do that for me?"

"Sure", Xena said and took her hand. "Come, I'll help you up."

Xena held the swing while Gabrielle climbed up on it; Gabrielle grabbed hold of the chains and took a deep breath.

"I'm ready"; Gabrielle said and smiled at Xena.

Xena grabbed hold on the back of the swing and started to push it forward. When she had pushed the swing as high as she could she let it go and jumped aside. Gabrielle shrieked with laughter. Xena stood behind the swing and every time it came near her she push it as hard as she could. And every time she pushed Gabrielle shrieked.

"Do you want to go higher?" Xena asked and push the swing again.

"Yeah", Gabrielle shouted.

Then when the swing came near Xena again she gathered all her strength and push with all her power. At first Gabrielle laughed, but just seconds after that Xena could hear a scream that she knew couldn't from joy. Gabrielle had lost hold of the chains and was now falling in, what Xena thought looked like, slow motion. Xena ran towards her friend screaming.


Gabrielle was now lying in the sand, her eyes were closed and she didn't move a muscle. Roxanne came running as fast as she could, she had seen everything from a 30-metre distance. She sat down beside Gabrielle and checked if the little girl had a pulse, she let out a heavy sigh when she felt the blood pumping in the girls veins.

Xena was now sitting beside her friend, crying.

"Gabrielle, are you dead?" she asked and patted the little blonde on the shoulder. "Tell me if you're dead."

Another kindergarten teacher came up to them. "I called an ambulance. How is she?"

"I don't know, alive at least", Roxanne answered while she as careful as she could tried to wake Gabrielle up.

After a minute or two, Gabrielle started moving. The little blonde slowly sat up and started rubbing her head, tears running down her cheeks.

"It hurtz", she whispered.

Xena threw her arms around her friend. "You're not dead, you're not dead", she cried.

Roxanne took them both in her knee and started to rock them back and forward while whispering comforting words. Xena looked at her teacher; she could see tears running down her cheeks.

"It wasn't your fault"; Xena said and wiped some of the tears away with her hand. "It was my fault, just my fault."

Roxanne shook her head. "No, it wasn't your fault. Don't you ever think that again."

The other kids on the play area stood around them.

"Yes, it was Xena's fault", Ares said. "She was the one who pushed the swing. I saw it!"

Xena's lip started shacking; she broke loose from Roxanne's embrace.

"I knew it was my fault", she cried and ran away from them.

Roxanne who was still sitting with a crying Gabrielle on her lap couldn't do anything but call Xena's name. The other kindergarten teacher started to organise the children from the Piglet department.

"C'mon kids, let us go inside, shall we?" she said and started to walk towards the building. All the children at the play area, except Gabrielle, started to follow her. Roxanne saw the ambulance drive in on the school area and stop just beside the swings. A man jumped out of the passenger seat and started to walk towards them. He sat down on the sand beside them and smiled at the little girl.

"Hi, my name is Jimmy", he said. "What's your name?"

"Gabrielle", the little blonde said and sniffed.

"Hi Gabrielle, do you know what happened?"

Gabrielle nodded. "I fell of the zwing."

"Does it hurt somewhere?"

Gabrielle shook her head. "Not anymore."

The man smiled at her and patted her cheek. "That's great. Can I take a look at you anyway?"

Gabrielle nodded. The man started to check for fractures or wounds, but he couldn't even find a bruise. He asked Gabrielle if she felt nausea or dizzy, but Gabrielle just shook her head.

"You are a very lucky girl", he said. "I can't find anything wrong. But we better go inside my ambulance and have an extra look, okay?"

Roxanne rose with Gabrielle still in her arms. The walked to the ambulance and started the examine.

"Is she going to be okay?" Roxanne heard someone whisper.

It was Xena; she was standing outside the ambulance looking in on her friend. Her face was wet and dirty and Roxanne could see some sticks in her hair. Roxanne smiled at her and held out her hand for the little black-haired girl.

"She's going to be alright", Roxanne said.

Xena took her hand and Roxanne helped her up in the ambulance. Xena looked at Gabrielle with soft tears running down her cheeks.

"I'm sowy, Gabrielle", she whispered and stroke her friend on the cheek.

Gabrielle smiled at her and showed a charming little gap where her two front teeth should be.

"Gabrielle, you have lost two of your teeth", Xena panted.

"I know, but they were loze", Gabrielle answered. "I zwallowed them."

Xena smiled at her and gave her friend a hug. Roxanne who hadn't seen that Gabrielle lost two of her front teeth opened Gabrielle's mouth to take a look. There was some blood in her mouth, but not as much as you would expect.

"Were they very loose?" Roxanne asked.

Gabrielle nodded. "Yes and daddy zaid that if I don't looze them zoon he was going to pull them out with a tongz."

"Well then it's kinda good that I accidentally pushed you off the swing", Xena said and smiled proudly.

When the ambulance man was finished with his examine they got permission to go back in again. But Gabrielle had to take it easy the rest of the day, no playing and screaming. Just play board games and read books.

"You must take it easy now, Gabby", Xena said and lead her friend to the sofa. "I can read a book for you."

Gabrielle smiled and sat down at the sofa, she knew that Xena couldn't read but she played along. Xena took a book from the bookcase, the book she had chosen was "Twinkle star".

"This book is about a girl named Gabrielle and her friend Xena, the Warriorprincess"; Xena said and opened the book. Then she started "reading".

"Once upon a time there was this girl called Gabrielle, she had beautiful blonde hair and seagreen eyes. And she had a friend called Xena, Xena was a real warrior. And everybody called her warriorprincess because she was as beautiful as a princess. Gabrielle and Xena used to walk around the world and help people. And Xena had a sword, Gabby had a staff. Because Gabrielle didn't want to hurt people to much, because she was a very caring person."

Gabrielle didn't want to hurt people to much, because she was a very caring person." Xena made a paus to get some air, she looked at Gabrielle. Gabrielle gave Xena a smiled that almost covered her entire face, Xena could see that she enjoyed the story. Xena continued her story, it was a very long story.

After half an hour.
"Then Gabrielle said: You're my best friend, Xena. And then Xena said: And you're mine. And then they lived happily ever after. End."

Gabrielle clapped her hands and laughed.

"I loved that ztory", Gabrielle said and hugged Xena. "Can't you read it again?"

"No, now we're going to sing a song", Xena said and looked as serious as she could. "What do you want to sing, little girl?"

"I want to zing Itzy Bitzy Zpider."

Xena nodded, and then they started to sing.

Itsy bitsy spider
Crawled up the water spout
Down came the rain
And washed the spider out
Out came the sun
And dried up all the rain
So itsy bitsy spider
Crawled up the spout again.

"Again" Gabrielle said. "Again, please Zena."

"Okay, but just one more time", Xena answered. "After that I want to sing another song."

They sang the song again, when they were done they discovered that most of the other kids had joined them and was now sitting on the floor in front of them.

"What are we going to sing now, Xena?" Aphrodite asked.

"I want to sing "If you're happy and you know it", Xena said. "But then I have to stand up."

Xena climbed of the sofa and put her hand on Gabrielle right leg.

"You just sit here", she said and smiled. "You have to rest. Now lets sing."

All the kids started to sing and do the moves, they had learned this song when they were four years old. Everybody at the Hundred Acre Wood School learned that song.

If you're happy and you know it,
Clap your hands
If you're happy and you know it,
Clap your hands
If you're happy and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it,
Clap your hands.
If you're happy and you know it,
Stomp your feet
If you're happy and you know it,
Stomp your feet
If you're happy and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it,
Stomp your feet.
If you're happy and you know it,
Shout "Hurray!"
If you're happy and you know it,
Shout "Hurray!"
If you're happy and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it,
Shout "Hurray!"
If you're happy and you know it,
Do all three
If you're happy and you know it,
Do all three
If you're happy and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it,
Do all three.

When they were finished singing, Roxanne came up to them.

"Autolycos, Aphrodite and Ephiny your parents are here", she said and pointed at two women and one man that were standing by Roxanne's desk.

The three kids got up and ran towards their parents, each one of them jumped in their respective parents arms.

Roxanne turned to Gabrielle. "I called your mother and she's going to come and pick you up in a couple of minutes. She was in a meeting right now that she couldn't get out of right away."

Gabrielle nodded and smiled; she could have guessed that herself. Her mother was always in a meeting or talking on her cell phone. Roxanne went back to the parents to say good bye to the kids and talk a little about the first day with the parents.

The other children contuined to sing different songs until four more kids had to go home. After an hour it was only Xena and Gabrielle left. Roxanne walked up to them and sat beside them in the sofa.

"You're going home with Gabrielle Xena, you know that?"

"Yeah, I asked mama yesterday", Xena said and nodded. "She was the one who fixed it."

Roxanne nodded and went back to her desk, she knew that the girls didn't want her to be there. Xena got out of the sofa and fetched a book from the bookcase.

"Can't you read this for me?" she asked Gabrielle and showed the book to her.

"Alright, but that book isn't as good as the one you read for me", Gabrielle answered and took the book from Xena.

Just when she had opened the book and was about to start reading, Roxanne interrupted.
"Gabrielle, your mother's here."

Gabrielle dropped the book, jumped down from the sofa and ran towards her mother.

"Mama, you know what?" she said and hugged her mother. "Daddy don't need to pull my teeth out, I've already lozt them, zee."

She opened her mouth and her mother took a look, then she smiled at her daughter.

"That's good Gabby, but how's your head?"

Gabrielle shrugged her shoulders. "Okay I guezz, it doezn't hurt any more."

Xena walked up to them and gave Gabrielle's mother a hug, then she patted Gabrielle on her little blonde head.

"I must follow her home today to check that she is alright", she said and looked seriously at Gabrielle's mother. "You can't take care of her on your own."

"That's great Xena, thank you very much", Gabrielle's mother said and smiled at the raven-haired little girl. "So now, lets go home shall we?"

They said good bye to Roxanne, took their things and left. Gabrielle lived just a few blocks from the school so it wasn't a long walk.

"I'm just going to go home and leave my things", Xena said and ran ahead of them.

Xena lived in the house just next to Gabrielle so they played almost every day. They were mostly at Xena's house because they could run around wherever they wanted there. In Gabrielle's house they were just allowed to run in Gabrielle's room or in the garden. Gabrielle's big sister Angelica's room was strictly forbidden. She had told the girls that if she found them in her room she was going to strangle them with her bare hands. Of course Xena said that she couldn't kill the Warriorprincess, but she thought it was best not to challenge destiny. Angelica was eleven years old and very strong for her age.

When Xena had said hello to her mother and left her things in her room she ran over to Gabrielle's house. Gabrielle was sitting at the kitchen table eating brownies, muffins and drinking milk.

"Hi Zena, you want zome?" she asked with her mouth full of brownies. "There'z a glazz here for you too."

Xena smiled and sat down at the table beside her friend. She took a muffin from the basket in front of her and took a big bite.

"I love muffins", she said with scraps flying out of her mouth.

"Me too", Gabrielle said though she hadn't eaten a muffin yet.

When they were finished eating Gabrielle put her glass in the dishwasher and dried her mouth with a kitchen towel.

"Do you want to watch TV?" she asked but didn't wait for her friend to answer. She just walked out of the kitchen and in to the living room. Xena put her glass in the dishwasher, then she ran after her friend. Gabrielle was sitting on the floor next to the TV, they had a box there filled with videotapes that Gabrielle was allowed to watch. Gabrielle wasn't allowed to watch TV without asking first, just videotapes.

"What do you want to zee?" Gabrielle asked when Xena sat down beside her.

"I wanna see Lionking" Xena said and roared.

Gabrielle laughed so hard that she had to lay down and put her arms around her stomach. Xena looked at her and raised her eyebrow.

"What's so funny?" she asked and shook Gabrielle's shoulder.

Gabrielle panted for air but she couldn't say anything. Xena just shook her head and took the videotape from Gabrielle. She put in the video and pushed on the play button.

"Well, I don't know about you", she said and went to the sofa. "But I'm going to watch now."

Gabrielle took a deep breath to calm down, then she went to the sofa and sat down next to Xena. After watching the tape for about twenty minutes they grew tired of it.

"Can't we watch zomething elze?" Gabrielle asked and sighed.

"Okay, we can watch dinosaursong."

"Yeah", Gabrielle shouted and jumped of the sofa.

She ran to the box next to the TV and Xena followed her. Gabrielle started looking for the tape but couldn't find it, so she took out all the tapes in the box. But even then she couldn't find it.

Gabrielle pouted with her mouth and looked at Xena. "I wanna zee dinozaurzong."

Xena rose from her place, then she patted Gabrielle on the head. "I find it for you. Wait here."

Gabrielle looked at her but stayed where she were. Xena left the room and walk up to Angelica's door. She swallowed a couple of times before she knocked on the door.

"Yeah", she heard Angelica's voice answer on the other side of the door.

"It's Xena", Xena said and her voice didn't sound as it used to.

Angelica rose from her bed where she was lying and opened the door.

"What do you want?", she asked and starred at the little black-haired girl that were standing in the doorway.

"Gabrielle's sad, she can't find dinosaursong", Xena said and felt tears starting to fill her eyes. "She must have dinosaursong ´cause she hurt her head and must rest."

Angelica sighed and followed Xena in to the living room. Gabrielle was sitting on the floor next to the box with soft tears running down her cheeks. Angelica sat down beside her and lifted her up in her knee. She hugged her little sister, even though she didn't like her sister that much she didn't want her to cry.

"It's going to be okay", she whispered. "I will find the tape with the dinosaursong on for you."

Gabrielle dried some of her tears with the back of her hand. "Promize?"

"Promise", Angelica answered and smiled at Gabrielle.

She put her little sister back on the floor again and crawled to the cupboard next to the sofa where they had the videotapes that Gabrielle wasn't allowed to watch. She was almost 100 percent certain of that their mother had put the tape there by mistake. But Gabrielle was to well raised to look there herself, Angelica hated her for that. Gabrielle always did the right things and she was so sweet and she always behaved good. Angelica hated that little miss-goody-good. She always got what she wanted, and Angelica was almost certin that their mother loved Gabrielle more.

She found the tape, took it and threw it at her little sister who was still sitting on the floor with tears in her eyes.

"There", she said. "I hope you can put it in the VCR yourself."

The tape hit Gabrielle on the right leg.

"Ow!" Gabrielle shouted. "Mommy, Angelica'z dumb."

She rose from the floor and ran towards her sister and kicked her on the leg. Angelica pulled her little sisters hair and pushed her, then she ran to her room. Gabrielle fell to the floor and started screaming so loud that Xena had to put her hands over her ears.

Gabrielle's mom came running from the kitchen, she sat down next to her daughter.

"What happened, angel?" she asked and pull her daughter up in her lap.

Gabrielle sniffed. "Angelica dumb, she puzed me", she lisped.

"Why did she push you, darling?"


Gabrielle's mom rose from the floor with Gabrielle in her arms, then she went to Angelica's room and knocked in the door. Nobody answered so Gabrielle's mother opened the door. Angelica was sitting at her desk writing in her diary. She closed the diary but didn't look at her mother and her little sister.

"Angelica, can we talk?"

Angelica shook her head, but didn't say anything.

"Angelica, I need to know why you hurt your sister like that", Gabrielle's mother said and sat down at Angelica's bed.

"She's not my sister", Angelica whispered.

Gabrielle's mother sat Gabrielle down at the floor. "You can go and play with Xena, okay?"

Gabrielle nodded and went out from the room and closed the door.

"Angelica, you know that I don't want you to say things like that in front of your sister."

"She's not my sister", Angelica answered. "Just because we have the same mother doesn't make us sisters!"

Gabrielle's mother sighed. "Yes it does, babe. You are her big sister and she wants to look up to you. Please, why can't you be a big sister to look up to?"

"You like her better than me", Angelica whispered and sniffed.

Gabrielle's mother rose from the bed and put her arm around Angelica. "No, I don't. I love you just as much as I love her. You two are the best things in my life."

"Really?", Angelica asked and sniffed again.

She stroke her daughters face and kissed her forehead. "Really! Now, please Angelica. Can´t you go in to your sister and apologise?"

Angelica sighed, she sat in silence for a while before she nodded slowly and arose from the chair. "I guess I can."

The walk slowly to the livingroom where Xena and Gabrielle were. Xena sat in the big stuffed chair and Gabrielle were sitting in her knee. Even though they were the same age Xena was more than six inches taller than Gabrielle. And it really looked like Gabrielle belonged in Xena's knee, she looked content and safe. Xena were running her hands along Gabrielle's back, soothing her and whispering soft, sweet words in her ear.

Angelica immediately felt guilty for what she had done to her little babysister, Gabrielle couldn´t help that she was the youngest. She fell to her knees next to the stuffed chair and took her little sisters pale hand.

"Gabby, I'm so sorry", she whispered. "I didn't really want to hurt you. Can you forgive me?"

"'Courze I can", Gabrielle answered and when she smiled she showed the gap were her two front teeth just to be.

"Thank you", Angelica said. She smiled, kissed her little sister on her forehead. Then she stood up and walked out of the room.

Gabrielle's and Angelica's mother also walk out of the room to let the girls watch their video alone. The little blonde girl was still sitting in her friend's lap and Xena was still stroking her back. They sat like this during the entire videotape, but after that Xena look at Gabrielle.

"Gabrielle, my leg has fallen asleep", she said and made a face. "Can you please get of it?"

Gabrielle nodded and climbed down from Xena's lap and the stuffed chair. "Better?"

Xena nodded and climbed down after Gabrielle. "Much, but I think I must go home now."

"Already?" the little blonde said and looked disappointed.

"Yeah, I think I really must."

Gabrielle nodded and walk her friend to the door, Xena put on her shoes and her jacket. They opened the door together and went out. They were now standing on the stair, Xena with her black jacket and her shoes on and Gabrielle in her socks.

"Zee you tomorrow then", Gabrielle said and smiled.

Xena nodded. "Of course we do."

"Thank you", Gabrielle said and put her arms around her friend. "You're my bezt friend, Zena."

"And you're mine."


And they lived happily ever after.

The End