
by: J Hedberg
mild subtext

Slowing down, justifying sleep, my absence of mind
Leaving my troubles, worries, death and life behind
The bedroll is softly soothing, dimming every little thought
Lingering little gliding things that leaves the head with naught

Laying my head against crossed arms, breathing your name
Over and damned again over, the thoughts return the same
Warmth of skin so tightly pressed, it tingles me yet
Shivering excitement when breath to breath is met

Falling in the trap once again
Of longforgotten mysteries, revealed in the light of day
I seek what I no longer can have, no longer can feel
Between my bare hands
The trap strikes and breaks my soul

Drown myself with fragments of memories in the dark of night
I am sinking, floating fast astray out of the eye of sight
Just watching the shadows moving down is all
Waiting for your soft fotsteps blessing my call

Missing how you´d glide down and lay beside me
Weaving our hands together, one look says what will be
Taste of lips so gently pressed, it tingles me yet
Shivering excitement when heart to heart is met

Drawing patterns with my fingers on your imagined leg
I won´t make the illusion stop, unless my concious will beg
You smile, wrap my arms around you, we lie together
And I say a silent prayer thet the night will last forever

Smiling and talking, sofly, still, the hours walk away
The closeness the only mattered thing, what we ever say
Smell of hair so softly pressed, it lingers me yet
Shivering excitement when body to body is met

Shimmering, my fading memories lay me down to rest
Once again empty is the side of the bedroll you found best
I still feel your senses ´round here, it´s like they´ve never gone
I still get this sensual feeling that fights to be overwon

No more careful footsteps gracing my call at night
The healthy slammer with pots in the morning light
Thought of loss so damn depressed, it smothers me yet
Shivering body when truth to truth is met

Night, quit following me
nomore, find another victim
Torment another soul
with things that once was

This poem is, of course, all mine. And therefore also copyrighted by me.