My little FAQ

Well. I'm gonna tell you a little bit more about me this time. So I did a little J-FAQ from some questions I've been asked. Here we go:

Who are you, anyway?
I am me. I'm a 1978 swede with too much time in my hands for the moment, since this is being written. Length: shorter than Renee O'Connor. I've got a really twisted sense of humor and love to sketch, paint, write; -create. Anything funny and nice one can do with two hands I looove doing. *VEG* Work... yeah; I've worked with theater, with art/painting orders and with magazines. The most important thing in life is my family and friends, and my dog Ida, a black lab who's got an affair with another girl lab named Emma. I'm a sucker for chocolate chip cookies (anything chocolate, actually). A must when photoshopping is that I wear my old, worn out baseball cap, turned backwards. A blue, faded and very comfortable thing. And it keeps the hair out of the way.

Evenings or mornings?

Rain or sunshine?

Chocolate or ice cream?
You seriously expect me to choose?

What makes you run the other way?
Spin the bottle!!! *LOL* I always get to name all the places where I've had sex! Truth and dare...makes me run. I always choose 'truth' if I'm in the game. Because I am a coward... (Allow me to explain: a friend of mine ended up topless on a balcony in an autentic viking helmet and with a pitchfork in her hand, singing the swedish contribution of the 1983 Eurovision Song Contest... -while encouraging the neighbours to join in on the refrain...

Waltz or Mambo?

Fight or run?

Swedish Coca-Cola and Fanta.

Do you hate Robert Tapert?
No, I think he's a great guy with interesting ideas. If it hadn't been for him and the other creators we never would have known Xena and Gabrielle. And that'd been a pity. I don't have to agree with him on everything he does/writes/says, though. But that's a human/human thing and not a TPTB/fan thing. RT is a living person just like me, who can get pissed off sometimes, laugh his ass off other times and have his doubts. What's there to hate? All I see is a guy who loves his family, has a sense of humor, is quite smart and happens to be a producer/showbiz business man. I know I've made fun of him with the FINfools, but that is just a thing. An idea. Having fun with the concept/idea Tapert rather than the man.

Horror or romantic comedy?

Love: platonic or physical?
Define "love".

What really irritates you?
Not being able to help, to feel helpless.

Do you read a lot of ubers?
Yeah...I must admit I'm addicted. I never thought I would read an uber, actually. But I clicked on Tropical Storm and thought "What the heck, Melissa Good is a fine writer." And my flat mate gave up on me and called her boyfriend for conversation the four days I threw myself in front of the computer every night I came home from work. *BG* Well. After that I started to read pretty much everything uber that was available and good. I'm extremely picky when it comes to all fanfic. Ask my friends.

What's your fave FINfool pic?

The one where Xena is complaining about her gold bikini and Gabrielle offers to give her some 'comfort'. Because I have always enjoyed the banter between those two characters. :)

What's your fave wallpaper?
It's very hard to answer that, since there are many talented wallartists out there... I'd say much of Tane's work.

What's your fave wallpaper?
Made by me? Hm.
Serious: "Fate's Hand" and "Coming Full Circle".
Funnier: "Gabrielle: Rabbit Hunter" and "Gabby Gets A Pet".

What programme do you use for all pics?
Photoshop. It's the holy one.

Did the AFIN episodes suck?
They were not Xena. They weren't compatible with the concept developed over the years. I wanted a big, powerful finale that swept me away. But FIN never did. Emotionally, yes. Two times; -when Gabrielle asks Xena how she could let her death happen and when ROC's voice breaks in the end. But that's it. I've said this before; the characters were not treated the way they ARE. The whole finale (both episodes) felt like they were puppeteered and not that much interesting and engaging. Usually I'm just devouring the episode, but with FIN it felt like the characters were wronged over and over again, as well as the show itself. The errors in detail and Japanese myths/ways adds to the disappointment.

Do you really hate Akemi that much?
Yes. As a swedish subber pointed out; anybody who can't tell a garden light from a shrine is a lost cause. *VBEG*

What the hell is Poteiromepolis?
That is the set, transformed to fit the current episode. You know; that same set they use over and over again. When we have our video nights in Stockholm and see the usual little cottages/houses we yell from different directions; "Poteidaia!" "Amphipolis!" "Cirra!", etc... -and when we see those walls, we yell "ROME!" "NO! Troy!", etc... But that's a part of the show's charm!

Fave X&G fanfic?
Uuuh... Anything dark and realistic, that's well written low fantasy. Ok, high fantasy can be ok, too. If the writer knows what she/he is doing and where they are headed.
The Ghost In The Forest is a helluva read.

Fave uberfic?
Please don't ask me that. There are too many good ones to choose from. If I was to pick one out of the blue, it'd probably be "None So Blind" by LJ Maas, though. It's shorter than my average read, but oh, how easy it is to just fall in love with it! And it's got some of that wonderful angst, as well! You gotta have angst in a story, or else it's not fun.

Worst date ever?
Peter. Overconfident, which can be suitable on the right person. But not on him. Dinner at a snobby place, talking and some more talking. But nothing personal, no contact on an intellectual or emotional level. He actually beats Robin, the egocentric, muscular young woman and blind date, who decided we should go out on a date with her ex next time.

Best date ever?
Sanna. Dinner, talking, dancing and even more dancing in the quiet stillness of night in her livingroom.
*sigh* Total connection, interaction and someone who was as bad as me when it comes to being a mushy romantic. Nothing ever happened, we were both confused teenagers discovering ourselves individually. I always wanted a sequel to that date, though...

Hetero or homo?
*whahahaaaaa* Give it your best shot! People surrounding me usually does.

Do you read comics?
Yup. My opinion is that the comic artists are the true barometer of what's happening in the world; in society. I've always had a big interest in comics, and it's grown into a passion, where the underground series and reality based comics make their way straight into my heart. It's no wonder my fave comics are Strangers In Paradise, Poison Elves, Dawn, The Crow, Nocturnals, Sandman, Sin City, Hell Eternal, I Feel Sick, Metropolitan, Arne Anka and Valhall. Anything that moves me or makes me get an overload of dark reality, or the hunt for THE truth. Aaaah. The real reason for loving comics is of course the relationships and characters, to be served an opportunity to look into the souls and hearts, fears and courage of all these unique, real or far too complex people. The way a person works and is put together intrigues me, as well as a good storyteller.

Fun facts people hardly ever know?
I can play some instruments. Some better than others.

I love to dance.
I've sung in four choires.

I am a history freak, and am very fond of the french revolution era.
I make costumes from different periods. Most common are the medieval, viking, the 18th century and the 19th century clothes.
I've written 79 songs, 30 for a small band.

Can't you answer
anything with just one line?
Yeah, but it wouldn't be any fun then. The trick with people is to make them talk. To spill little bits of information about themselves. If a person is allowed to speak out in a relaxed environment, she or he will add something more than just the answer to a question. That is needed for the person to come to terms
with why the answer is the answer. And that glimpse of a person usually reveals a whole lot more than you might expect to see. *G* Ok, maybe I just like to rant...