The JH XWP column: DEAD END


Xena is dead. Gabrielle lives on, as her replacement.

Did I want this? No. Yes and no. I still can understand why the creators wanted to bring Xena full circle in this way. But I don't have to agree with it. I'm a HCNB fan. I will read everything and buy everything I can lay my hands on. Why? Why the hell did I get so fanatic about something that I otherwise definately never would watch? Why did I get hooked on XWP?

Because Xena and Gabrielle stunned me.
Because they inspired me.
Because Xena alongside with Gabrielle is the QUEEN of kickass!!!
Because they showed that love is universal and conquers all. It's worth to die for and certainly even more to fight for and live for.
Because their relationship was beautiful.
Because they had the best villains; Callisto and Alti.
Because of the good humor.
Because LL and ROC and crew seemed to enjoy themselves, and when people have fun, it rubs off on their audience. I love watching people have fun!
Because I'm a fantasy freak girl who happens to love old weapons. (Love that sword and the sais...but the chakram and the old staff rule as well.)
Because I'm a sucker for epics.

Part one; the queens of kickass
The first time I saw Xena, I went "Wow!" She was the coolest thing I've ever seen on TV, and still remain so in my heart. I instantly knew I'd found my new favorite show. No bad guy could corrupt Xena, she was a bad lone wolf turned good, looking for redemption. Her reputation was wide spread, and it became even more awesome if you remember that she in fact was a living legend. A myth for some people and reality for others. Some hated her with intensity, but reconsidered their anger when she proved herself over and over to be trustworthy, loyal and caring. I say Xena redeemed herself from the start, by wanting to change.

Why is it so easy to surrender for Xena and dump all other shows to worship XWP? Well, here came an actionhero that was harder and waaaays tougher than any other actionheroes that ever existed. And it was a woman!!! Xena would never scream for help from some cheesy muscle boy with zip character. She's brave, darkness, light, skillful as hell and noble. Not even Lara Craft could put up a fight against the warrior princess.
Ok, I don't care too much for LC, she is such a plastic product! Besides, she's a former aristocrate with all benefits served... The beauty with Xena is that she made herself. She's really got nothing but her horse, sword, chakram and the clothes she wears. Oh, and her travelling companion, of course! Who could forget Gabrielle! The new queen of kickass! (Yeah, Lara Croft...I think Gab could bury you alive with her hands tied on her back.) Gabrielle's got a simple past as well.

Both she and Xena are farm girls to begin with. They are you and me, we can relate to them because of their past and that makes them even more human to us. The thought and inspiration born from that fact lifts us up, encourages us and makes us feel good. Xena and Gabrielle are the proof that one can make oneself, no matter what others say or do. We can do anything if we put our mind to it. That's a beautiful message and that's one of the biggest reasons I stuck with the show.

Their courage changed the world two, three times over. You don't have to be a feminist to see, speak and know that XWP has changed the possibilities for female influence in the entertainment industry and that the ordinary woman rightfully got her rolemodel. Hetero, lesbian, bisexual. We got a different stereotype than the one of the woman as a victim we've been fed with since the evolution. We all finally got our two ultimate heroines! When you look at a pic of Xena and Gabrielle you get the impression that they can accomplish anything. They are unstoppable, they are a unit of spiritual and physical strength. Now we know what happened in the end, but that doesn't change that they were stubborn, funny and showed us that being weak sometimes is being strong.

We learned that friendship and caring kan kick ass even harder than the plain asskicking. The action was almost always justified. The satisfaction of watching Xena and Gabrielle give the bad guys a good fight and win, was only made sincerer when they fought for something besides the greater good. They fought for each other too. They cherished their friendship, it was their strength and that relationship proved to be as effective in the fight against evil as the kicks, flips and asswhipping. T
hey showed us that it's ok being human. We all make mistakes, even bards and warrior princesses. We pay for them and we learn from them.

Part two; the bitching villains
When I look back at XWP's eps, I can see a long line of villains. Some were temporary and others returned. My two favorites were Callisto and Alti. Sharing the third spot is Velasca and Najara. There's just something about great bitches! The female villains are colorful, they made Caesar, Dahak, Ares and others seem pale and uninteresting. All these four women have psychopathic influences. And they often have illusions of grandeur. And they were after each of the two main characters.

Callisto is my ultimate favorite because she was an unbeatable psycho Barbie, with little tics, deadly creepy charm and a past that fit XWP like a glove. She was made by Xena but in the reality, (that is not her brain or Xena's self acclaimed guilt), she made herself. It was her decision to be like the old Xena. It was her own vindictive mind that told her what she should do. Not Xena's. Callisto is guilty as sin, even more so, since her only way to redemption was through Xena denying herself that redemption. Xena's peace was the price for Callistos goodness. In other words; Callisto thus has a small amount of guilt in the Xena-staying-dead arc. Not intentionally, but isn't it ironic, in a small, twisted way? I agree with Gabrielle in IS; Callisto has won. She's even been reincarnated as Xena's daughter Eve, for cryin' out loud! Oh, and she once had her own sidekick; Theodorus. Before she cut his throat...while she was in Xena's body. ;)

Alti is another favorite. She's so damn creepy my younger brothers shiver in their seats while watching. This is a woman who is true evil. Callisto chose to be evil for a cause, even if she misguided herself. But Alti knows exactly what she does. And that makes her really scary. She is manipulative and calculating. We know what she wants and that is Xena. To corrupt her, to play cat and mouse with her and well... everything. She is a true sadist bitch, and that is f*cking great! Alti also is one of the winners in villainland. She's probably laughing her ass off as I write, if she survived the burning of the loom. Disappeared she did. But did she die in that world or the other? Alti has thus become an existencial question. Take that, Freud and Jung! Heheheeeh! Her powers are undeniable, they are strong and dangerous. She can travel your dreams and make your waking hours a living hell. Because of that impeckable manipulation sense she can puppet people around any way she wants. I say that Xena'd better watch out in that spiritual realm!

Velasca. Well...what can one say? She wanted power and even more power. Her flaw was that she got to hung up on it and slipped. Ok, so X&G tricked her with Callisto and sent them both into a lava pit, but hey! She got to scream and bitch a lot while still alive! Her main focus was rolling in self pity and in justifying her own deeds. She didn't care much for anything but proving herself, she definately had a bad childhood. And decided to take it out on others, with all the childish characteristics she had. Misunderstood villains are grooooovy! She snapped in The Quest and snapped even harder in A Necessary Evil. The god of chaos was indeed the perfect name for Velasca as a god. She really needed a good therapist. She was quite insane. :)

And then there was Najara. Like Velasca she appeared in two episodes. Why? Well, they were both after Gabrielle and that makes them a bit too dangerous to deal with on a regular basis. When villains chase after Xena or are being chased by her, the relationship between hero/villain is simple; hunt and destroy/make life miserable for. When they go after Gabrielle, they usually try to trick her with her own compassion first, and thereby pissing Xena off in the process. AND getting her all jealous. Especially in the Najara case. Najara showed herself off as a do-gooder with noble motives and methods. She had an obvious crush on Gabrielle, which made her a lot more interesting as a double leveled villain. Xena felt left out, only to hunt evidence (unintentionally AND intentionally) and kick Najara's ass. Najara believed she was good and did good. People with their own morals are pretty difficult to convince that they should be locked up behind barrs. Najara used Gabrielles goodness and light to get close to her. And threw sarcastic remarks at Xena.

Then we have the men. Caesar and Ares are the ones that come easy. Ares got boring in s5, but the writing of him was saved for s6. (Thank the gods!) I still say he's Xena's father, though. Why? sure explains things. And after all; all the gods on mount Olympus tried to get their kids, aunts, sisters in law, etc. into bed. Groce, but true. In greek mythology he's actually fathered three children with Aphrodite, to name one of his flames. But making him a lovesick puppy who's not Xena's father also has it's fun points. We get to see him as another confirmer of the subtext, we get to see him bargain with Gabrielle and caring for both the girls 'cause he's secretly a big mushball. Offcharacter, but cute. I totally loved the Ares character when he was not shown in every other episode (Yeah...s5 is NOT my favorite season, they misused him!)

He's supposed to be a bad guy and not a comic relief that's pining for Xena. He is lust and darkness, the god of unorganized war and therefor he is dangerous as hell. The point with his and Xena's little games is the battle of wills. It's about seduction, as Kevin Smith said. And that uneasy but smooth feeling one gets when watching The Reckoning and other old eps is intoxicating. One part of you hate him then, and the other part just loves that he exists and can be a contrast to what Xena is now. He is a past which she's not going back to. The neverending string of "no's" and "never's" that's been throwed at him establish our view of Xena as a reformed warrior with new values. Should they ever have gotten involved throughout the series, it wouldn't have made any sense. I'm still surprised when I hear poeple say that Ares and Xena should be together. They will always have that pull that unites them in the past, but she's different now. And in a relationship. *heheheh!* Besides; he fooled around with her daughter and her sidekick's daughter and STILL had the nerve to try to get her to have his child. Beeep! Wrong question, Ares! Get morals and wit like Gabrielle and then, maybe...NOT! *whahaha* He's a great villain. The best of the male ones. I liked him.

Caesar is fun, he's mentally deranged. If you look up "
illusions of grandeur" or "megalomania" in the dictionary, you'll find his picture as the illustration. *vbg* But he is admirable in his ambitions, completely convinced that it's his destiny to conquer and rule. And conquer and divide, of course. But nothing goes exactly the way he plans...could it be that warrior princess he betrayed so long ago that's shattering his dreams of supreme power? Yep. He uses the hate she aims at him, but doesn't realize that she wins in the end. Why? Because she's the hero and he's not. Sayonara, sucker! *even bigger grin*

There has been dozens of villains on XWP. The good old warlords, for example. You could always count on them back in the earlier seasons. They've all been enjoyable, but the ones listed above are the ones that still rules the villainverse. Without a doubt. Yodoshi was a bug. Print a pic of him, number the makeup fields and let the kids color him. *VERY evil grin*

Part three; the subtext
This was the best love story I've ever seen on television, and it just happened to be between two women! I feel good about that fact. It brought me hope for humanity and the public in general, not to speak of the creators, whom I adopted as house gods for using the subtext both in dramatic situations as well as comic ones.

This is a show that has changed so many things and that has been groundbreaking in very many ways. But still it couldn't fully acknowledge the ingredient that made the show tick and that made lots of curious people turn in to the channels; that they ARE. Yep. I still say X&G are lovers and mean that it's been proved the entire sixth season. The season has been a slow, step by step coming out process.

But still there are forces who tend to see love as something ugly or unnatural. No offense, but I feel so sorry for you guys. Intolerance and prejudice are two things I despise, that and low knowledge. Some people just can't see why two women or two men could fall in love with each other. I always say that the ones that cannot see, walk through life blind, without full understanding. And that's a pity. Rolemodels can be gay or bisexual. It's a matter of character, not sexual orientation. People are people and your sister/friend/mother/aunt etc. is the same person she was yesterday before she told you that she is gay.

XWP proved to be that show my extremely straight friends with warmth calles "Xena, that lesbian show!" They all think it's cool and daring show for portraying a lesbian relationship. They just see. And I am fortunate to know so many seeing people. And so many moralists. *g* They complain on s5...

"Hey! Get away from Ares, Xena! You've got a girlfriend, for christ's sake!!! And she's NICE! We said; Get-away-from-him. He's not even got half the balls Gabby does! Damn it, you CHEATER! Adultury! " (actual quote from Anton, very straight subtexter and friend)

The subtext invented a whole new level for the show, where the plots got more important and it was very useful whenever a comedy was waiting around the corner. Since sex is one of the funniest things in the world to joke about, the little hints here and there of a loveaffair, (as in the infamous line "Is that a hickey?" from BTDT, followed by a guilty look from Gab), are hilarious and actually makes the relationship a more relaxed one.

That the relationship was that of lovers, I noticed from ep1. They looked so damn cute glancing at each other in that first ep, especially the starstruck Gabrielle whom I adored from her first line. I could tell I was going to like these two women, after watching them walk off towards adventure and over the next hill in the end of SOTP. I also got these huge romantic epic vibes. Didn't I tell you I was a sucker for epics? The only bad thing about epics is the obligatorial death of the hero in the end. But still...when you're watching, you might as well enjoy the ride and see where it takes you.

That people assumed Xena and Gabrielle were lovers, is no wonder. The LL and ROC chemistry is one of the most sparkling and natural, sensual ones I've had the pleasure to watch. For two straight women, they sure nail it. One does notice that these women are close friends off the set. When one of them frowns, the other acts on it.

The subtext made the show deeper and thus gave the storyline a thourogh meaning. 'Cause when continuity lacked, the only constant thing was that our warrior and her bard always ended up together somewhere. In a world where things changed, where they slept for 25 years and woke up to a time in which they had lost familymembers, friends and Argo; they had each other. Always looking out for each other.

(This part can be found on another part of Xenario:)

This is my favorite pic from the Norse Trilogy. The ep, of course, is The Ring.

This pic makes the merging duality of Xena and Gabrielle's relationship so obvious. They truly are two different sides of the same coin. And that's what I love.

Dark and light. The experienced woman and the naive girl, that have come such a long way together. Their friendship and love made them change and gather knowledge of themselves. They've been through hate, joy, laughter and tears. They have gone to hell and back for each other. The relationship of Xena and Gabrielle is truly an inspiration. The courage these two women time after time have summoned to stay true to themselves and the greater good is admirable. I have never seen a frienship, and a love story for that matter, which have been so near me. LL and ROC have had the ability to reach out and touch so many fans with their one-of-a-kind natured chemistry. What I am grateful for is, that through all this fantasy and sword and sorcery, they made a relationship so real that it made us feel. It's genuine warmth all the way and a pure beautiful connection.

I say it is a crime to completely deny this extremely beautiful love story. Because that's what it basically is, in spite of what some creators say or do. The show took on a life of it's own. And that's why my friend Alex sat on my couch with a look of pure bliss and bittersweet sorrow when we watched Return of Callisto and X&G kissed. He thought it was heartbreaking. The next minute the whole GabrielleObsessionArmy booed at Perdicus...*vbg* I love the old redshirts! They're fun! By using redshirts, Joxer and Nerdicus the subtext was firmly established. Hehehe.

And TPTB has certainly won on the subtext. There are hordes of subber fans, both gay and straight. Debates and press have sprung from it and by that circus of talks, moral value chitchat and lesbian innuendo, the show gained attention. Without the subtext the show wouldn't be half as big. On my word.

If I should cut it short and simple, this is what I would say:
These are two of the most gorgeous women in the world in a trusting relationship that's been to hell and back are in love, they have kissed occationally and the symbolic language in both colors, writing and overall story points to it. None of the men on the show has ever lived up to the strength of X&G and therefore doth not deserve any of them. Conclusion: X&G only deserves each other. Both ROC and LL have outed the girls. And hey; X&G make a greatlooking couple! Now we can resurrect Xena and send out the wedding invitations! (Resurrect Ephiny too, so she can perform the ceremony, and we are cool. :) )

Part four; writing
What can one say more? Well, it was the show that had a Python sense of humor, which made me laugh so hard i fell from the couch more than one time. It was the show that could be so dramatic I sat with tears running down my cheeks.

Who cares that the timeline sucks and that Xena is the mother of all inventions? It's not to learn about world history or the antique
you watch Xena. You watch the action, the relationships and the fairytale.

FantasyTV is a grateful media for telling stories. Every person with a head on her/his shoulders would kill for the opportunity to write for a show like Xena, because all writers left their own mark on the overall story. My favorite writers were Steven Sears (the man writes EVERY character with respect!), and RJ Stewart. Ironically none of them wrote the best episode ever of XWP. But they built the foundation upon which the other writers stories were made possible. If it weren't for them, Gene O'Neil and Noreen Tobin (OAAA), Katherine Fugate (WFC), and Melissa Good (Legacy) wouldn't have written the great episodes they did.

More about the writing can bediscussed further, into eternity, in fact. I'll mention it on the page dedicated to TPTB, the link is up and to the right.

Part five; why did I love the show so much?
It was true. It was bold. It was fun. It had action, it had passion.

Xwp had it all.


I want this solved. Pronto!