
by: J Hedberg
mild subtext

You smiled that warm smile of yours,
and took both my hands to you
you put your heart in those hands
and I was frightened
What happens now?, I thought
What can I do to prove myself worthy this gesture of yours?

You laughed that rich laugh of yours
and took my heart close to you
you put your arms around my neck
and kissed me whole and truly
and I was frightened
Was that all?, I thought
What more can I do to prove my affection for you into eternity?

You gave me that long, deep look of yours
and took my mind inside of you
you put your faith in me
then buried it deep inside my heart
and I was amazed
What as that?, I thought
What can I do now to show that you are everything I am?

Sleep beside me now in stillness
Linger your fingers around my soul
let me protect you when you donŽt see it
just let me watch you forever and ever
To death and beyond IŽll go with you
allow me that and IŽll be eternally grateful

This poem is, of course, all mine. And therefore also copyrighted by me.