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the world grows more dismayed over the war in Iraq, our risk of
terrorist attack grows daily. The Bush administration acknowledges
as much, calling the risk of another large-scale attack “likely.”
Images of civilian casualties in this US-initiated civil war fill the
television screens and front pages of the world media, and is hidden from
American audiences, as are images of lop-sided firefights with insurgents
(Naomi Klein
calls it “community policing with F-16s.”) Every day the Muslim
world is outraged, further pumping up Al Qaeda. Terror attacks have
increased, not diminished. And top-level CIA Al Qaeda expert Micheal
Scheuer calls the attack on Iraq a “never-to-be-hoped-for gift” to bin
Laden. While driving the Taliban out of Afghanistan was a
justifiable war, the attack on Iraq has put us in mortal danger. It
is urgent now that Americans make a clean break from George Bush, to show
the world that he is not us and we are not him. Americans were once
greatly loved. Now we are hated. Our government’s shenanigans in the Middle East did not start with “Iraqi Freedom.” As far back as 1952 we overthrew democratically elected leaders and replaced them with thugs. Author Stephen Kinzer said: "It is not far-fetched to draw a line from [the Shah of Iran's] repressive regime and the Islamic Revolution to the fireballs that engulfed the World Trade Center in New York." It’s time for this Kafka novel to end, Bush’s world in which up is down and dangerous is safe. We owe it to the future of our children; we determine now what kind of world they will live in. Will it be a future of senseless violence upon violence? Or will we put the brakes on it RIGHT NOW, we, the American people? George Bush is very simply the most impeachable president in history, but the Democratic "opposition" pretends not to see the elephant in the room. Which means blood will be on their hands too in the event of another terrorist attack, for letting this George Bush continue in office when his betrayals of our security were plain for all to see. Air America Radio’s Al Franken calls it “spin the wheel, chose your scandal.” What follows is a minimum case docket against George Bush: |
Bookstore - Good Reads! (Orders through this site support the cause...) by Stephen
Kinzer Killing Hope: U. S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II by William Blum Indispensable Enemies: The Politics of Misrule in America by Walter Karp Merchants of Grain by Dan Morgan | ||||||||
It is not too late to be safe. A strong shift of power is needed, to protect ourselves from the dangers unleashed by this president’s policies. Not only is he the worst president in modern times, he is quite possibly the worst in our history. He has put us on course for a hundred-years-war drenched with blood on our own soil. But a high-profile impeachment before the world, especially that part of the Muslim world that does not yet call themselves our enemy, to disavow ourselves of the blood and destruction wrought by this administration, will not happen with the Democrats we have now. This site is a resource for citizens who will take back their government by throwing their hats into the ring for US Congress in 2006. The unprovoked invasion of Iraq, against a dictator with whom we had allied in the past, when we knew of his torture, killing, and rape rooms, has placed our military in the middle of an ongoing civil war. Our sons, fathers, and brothers are dying in it. We want our loved ones Home in 2005. This website is dedicated to them.
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