Welcome to my abyss of art. This is somewhat of a sister site to my comic site, since I don't use it as an art gallery. It is here that you will find all of my random pics aside from my comic.

Bokutachi Wa Tenshi Datta Art

The Untitled Picture
Other Art


Been a while. I got around to putting up the page for my untitled WWII protrait, as well as the 8 days worth of conceptual sketches and such that went into it. But for now, I need to get everything caught up, I've been reading Harry Potter ^^


I am a perv. I put up an X rated page. See if you can find it, and if you cant', then you shouldn't see it.


Added all the other covers for BWTD and a new Vegeta pic. I'm considering adding an 'X' rated section of the site for my 'more mature artwork' (as affectionately called by Miro). Let me know what you think. (Ryoka157 for AIM) But, if everyone said 'yes', that doesn't mean that I will (And I hope everyone DOESN'T say yes, you pervs)


Did some behind-the-scenes work, organizing the webshell, and added a page for the covers and art of Bokutachi Wa Tenshi Datta, my new doujin.


Haven't been good about putting updates on the index. I've added several pics, including a stab at realistic art and 3 DBZ pics.

  • All artwork on this site, original characters, names, and likeness thereof is copyright 2003 Katie Armstrong
  • DBZ, all characters, names, and likeness thereof is copyright Akira Toriyama, Bird Studios, TOEI Animation, and FUNImation Studios.
  • Cardcaptor Sakura, all characters, names, and likeness thereof is copyright CLAMP, Kodansha, and the evil Nelvana.
  • Layouts are copyright Miro-chan (hint, hint, Miro ^^)
  • All other copyrighted characters, creative property, or items not cited here are copyright their respective owners. You know who you are.