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A Picture's Worth....

Our Wise and Wonderful Leaders, Jen and Kate....

Kate with frightening extra eyes

Well, obviously

Dave, Amber, Sheppy, Geoff, Leith


Geoff "hiding" behind the hedge

Geoff "hiding" in the bushes

Geoff "threatening" Ashley with the fire hose....
Okay, WHO let him near the fire hose?!

Ken and Amber

It's....the JANINA SHOW!!

The Many Faces of Bambi-Eyes Bennett:

Classic Bambi Eyes

Something resembling shocked - and just generally frightening

Um, Amanda....I'm not sure people are supposed to bend that way

The Monsters Under the Bed Photo Shoot....
(Almost, but not quite, as exhilerating as the makeover/party-in-the-laundry-room night)

Amanda and Janina, "being opposite"

Leith alternating between shock at the thought of monsters under her bed,
and general I-am-at-a-photo-shoot-ness (not a real word)

And now for something COMPLETELY different....
an Artz Haüs Photo Album Exclusive!
You will ONLY see this here - you will NEVER see anything like it anywhere else....
I promise
Here, for your viewing (pleasure is optional), the Artz Haüs Photo Album is proud to present:
(Consider yourself warned)

The incomparable Gordon with flowers in his hair

Gordon pretending to be....Zorro?

Gordon, unquestionably the SEXIEST man in the house

Aaaand, just to finish things off

Ken's scary killer monkey

More coming eventually....