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October 26th

You say, "Today will be the last lesson on 'Horror' pictures. As these lessons are more of an adult nature, you may wish to leave at this point. While none of them have been particularly bad, there are some people who don't like to view these sort of things so I respect that."
Kamida sits down behind a desk and turns on the computer.
You say, "As I wanted to end this theme with a bit of a bang, I managed to find us a live-model for our art class today. Be aware it will take a bit - these are photos after all we'll be looking at."
Brongaar warms up his doodlepad 3k
Sslaxx snuggles Yasha.
Sslaxx hisses, "Ooh, neat pics!"
Brongaar nickers, "Warewolf head! Sweet!"
Kamida lilts, "its not as skary as george bush. :)"
Yasha-Myr heys... "I like GB
Brongaar nickers, "Kamida GB or GWB?"
Piccillo chuckles. "Not quite Brongaar, it's a semi-finished Skaven plauge monk head - it still needs it's hood and other doo-dads to make it stand out though."
Rhan'lav says, "Oooh. Skaven."
You say, "Now from the models, we will start looking at the things we have been going over this month that make a horror pic. Would someone like to comment on what they see as 'horrible' about this set of pics? (raise hands first, please)"
Brongaar raises his hand
You say, "Okay Brongaar, you first."
Brongaar nickers, "the retracted lips showing gnarley teeth"
Yasha-Myr raises her paw
Piccillo nods, "Good. Yasha, your observation?"
Kamida has disconnected.
Kamida changes into her nightgown.
Kamida falls asleep.
Kamida has connected.
Kamida puts on a T-shirt and a blue skirt.
Kamida sits up, and rubs the sleep out of her eyes.
Yasha-Myr replies softly, "the wide yellow eyes?"
Yasha-Myr hands Kami a pillow?
Rhan'lav holds up a hand.
Piccillo nods. "Good Yasha, Rhan'lav, your comment?"
Rhan'lav says, "The huge, nasty, pointy teeth! T"
Piccillo nods. "Anyone else like to make a comment or point?"
Yasha-Myr xylephones the model's toofers
Yasha-Myr raises her paw...
Brongaar raises a hand
You say, "Yes Yasha?"
Yasha-Myr replies softly, "Looks a small bit like the wolf outfit in the Mask?"
Piccillo nods to Yahsa. "Teen Rat? :)"
You say, "Your turn, Brongaar."
Yasha-Myr hasnt seen Teen rat
Brongaar nickers, "looks like a chunk has been torn out by the nose exposing underlaying muscle by an unwilling vicitm"
Piccillo nods.
You say, "Now then, we've all taken a look at the pics and started to think about what makes it scary..."
You say, "...the big question is, and one we've been touching on all month, is *why* these things make us feel afraid or nervous or threatened."
You say, "Once you get the underlying concept of that, you can start adding horror to your artwork in your own way - not just by following my examples in classes."
You say, "As I may have said before, people see certain things as unusual or frightening."
You say, "There are some obvious ones, as were pointed out - pointed nasty teeth, yellow eyes, torn flesh."
You say, "But there are some subtle ones as well, which you can use in your artwork, to enhance it's terror value."
Piccillo gives Kamida a teddy bear, so she doesn't have bad dreams with all the scary talk goign on.
You say, "Let's take a look at my personal fave of the series, #5."
You say, "Notice the lighting. You actually don't see as much of the picture as in the rest - but this, I feel, enhances the value of the scare the subject causes."
Yasha-Myr raises her paw
You say, "Sometimes, it's as important as to what you don't show as what you do. For example, you only see clearly a few things on that pic - some white fur, teeth, and the eyes. But as you look at it, the imagination of the viewer kicks in - automaticly filling in the blanks with what *they* feel is the most scary."
You say, "Yes Yasha?"
Yasha-Myr replies softly, "Is that why the lighting is bright in some and less in others... for it to seem like it is in shadows growling at youu?"
Piccillo nods to Yasha. "I tried different light settings to show you different looks. How it looks in bright light, in shadow, in darkness."
Yasha-Myr hmmms at that
Yasha-Myr replies softly, "Is the first one yellowed?"
Yasha-Myr is done after this q
You say, "Not yellowed, but more to the effect I used yellow lighting in that picture to give it a different look. "
You say, "A couple were done with the flash on, a couple with them off in a darker room (like 5 was)."
Yasha-Myr nods and okays
You say, "Using this as a base will also give you a feel as to how shadow's 'fall' along a face and teeth and such, more than I could show you by drawing an example. You can get a feel for yourself how things look, and make your own desicions about how to do them."
You say, "But I'm rambling a bit off the point I first made. :)"
You say, "Some of the best artwork around doesn't show you completely what the subject will allow your mind to work as well, making the picture more an experience than just something to look at."
You say, "Go ahead, Yasha."
Yasha-Myr replies softly, "Well I read a graphic novelof a series called Hepcats, and one book was stunning, no dialog, just images, and there was only one panel with a scream at the end, that book alone is my fav, even tho it was dark, the centerfold had a femme being thrown through a patio window door... it still stuns me... "
AlexRaccoon says, "Hepcats was my favorite comic. . . . "
Yasha-Myr waves to the others as she uses a comment on setting moods
You say, "Excellent point, Yasha."
You say, "Now, another way to invoke horror that this model shows off is it's 'torn up' look...something that invokes fear on several levels."
You say, "Fighting isn't natural to most people, and it strikes a nervous part in most viewers. But there are different ways to potray it."
You say, " 'Noble' fighting, as I like to call it, is when you see an epic struggle. Like superhero comics. You see people fight a lot, but they don't really dwell much on the consequences of said fighting. Buildings get smashed, and heroes/villans tossed about like dolls, but in the end most get off pretty easy considering the punishment they artisticly endured."
AlexRaccoon smiles
You say, "Most fights also have their reasons explained out, or a clear-cut 'bad guy' the viewer can hope gets the stuffing beat out of and a hero/heroine that they hope will win."
You say, "That's why most villians are drawn nasty or scarred or such."
You say, "Now 'realistic' fighting is not something most people enjoy viewing. Everyone likes to see a side they can root for, even in art. Watching two people slug it out without knowing who to side with is a disturbing thing for the general viewer."
Sigor nods eagerly
You say, "And while most people like to glorify fighting, they rarely show the 'aftermath' of said fight effectively - in which the winner can be pretty much in as bad a shape as the loser. Seeing the price one pays for fighting can be more disturbing an image than the fight itself, in some cases."
Yasha-Myr raises a paw
You say, "Especially in storytelling (which is something we will be getting into at a future class), not giving someone the 'whole' story let's their imagination kick in. They start to try and figure out the what and the why behind what they see."
You say, "Yes, Yasha?"
Yasha-Myr replies softly, "On two points, where there are the motivesd for the fight?like honor, at a tournament where one can cheat to win or the other of hero being worse off mentally if the fight turns deadly.. so you wont see a pose of victory, instead torment"
Piccillo nods to Yasha, and listens.
Yasha-Myr replies softly, "Thats why im into furry and anime, usually the enemies are better looking or more devious or cunning... "
Yasha-Myr finishes, "And I cant wait to get the storytelling portion...
Yasha-Myr sits
Piccillo grins at Yasha, then asks. "Any other questions or comments at this point?" u talked about conswquences of fights"
Piccillo nods to Alex. "Go on."
AlexRaccoon says, "I immediately thought of Celebrity Deathmatch"
Yasha-Myr replies softly, "thats all sempai"
Piccillo chuckles.
You say, "True enough Alex, that brings the spirit of that part of the discussion into light. :)"
AlexRaccoon says, "yep"
You say, "For those who don't know, Celeb. deathmatch uses 'claymation' to pit famous celebrities in a brutal death match against each other."
You say, "Now this month has been a bit different - you haven't learned much about how to draw things on paper and I've been trying to show you why to draw things a certain way."
Kamida gives everyone a hug, then she pulls out a big, blunt and heavy object and wackwackwacks her players cablemodem.
You say, "I thank you for putting up with me during this experiment of mine, and hope you did learn something out of it."
AlexRaccoon says, "Speaking of violence"
Yasha-Myr wraps Kamida in her huge tail
Piccillo chuckles.
AlexRaccoon says, "Experiment?"
You say, "Yes, this month as I said was more about teaching mood rather than actual drawing...horror specificly, but something that can be used for any drawing if you just follow the principals."
You say, "Well, that is it for this month - and thank you again everyone. Next week we will be getting back to the normal work of drawing. "
You say, "Class is dismissed. :)"