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Updated 10/27/2003

Full Name: Heather Lynn Stillings 


 Screen Name: Moondancekisser (aim), Prettypetalgirl (all others)
Ellicott City Maryland
 Birth date:
AHH don't' say that word, I ish out of school
5'9 (good thing it didn't' ask weight)
 Eye Color:
 Hair Color:
 In Your Free Time:
Hanging with my Bf, car stuff and making dolls, learning the craft
 How long have you been making dolls:
A Year 

Favorite Book: 
I don't have one
 Favorite Gum:
Extra Polar Ice (lasts for hours)
 Favorite Candy:
Anything Chocolate
 Favorite Car:
Well there is my car, and then the 95 chevy caprice! 
 Favorite TV Show:
TV, who has time for TV, I'm busy all day!
 Favorite Clothing to Wear to School:
If I ever have to go to school again, I'm going NAKIE
 Favorite Color:
Purple, (light purple better, then darker purple)
Favorite Computer Font:
Amazone Bt
 Favorite Conversation Topic:
Sex or Cars
Favorite Flavor of Ice Cream:
Cookie Dough, no wait, Edy's Samona (girl scouts)
 Favorite Food:
Anything Taco Bell
 Favorite Guy's Name:
Favorite Girl's Name:
Was Victoria but I think I like Alexis more now
 Favorite Holiday:
X-mas I get PRESENTS (hey is my b-day a holiday)
 Favorite Inside Joke:
Killing 35 ppl in one night and not getting caught, 
Favorite Magazine:
Porn Magz 
Favorite Movies:
Ever After, Moulin Rouge, Lord of the Rings
Favorite Music Group:
Ummmmm I don't have one
Favorite Piece of Clothing:
NOT MY BRA! Nothing I guess, I like NAKIE!
Favorite Piece of Jewelry:
Class Ring
Favorite Place to Eat:
Ummmmm Taco Bell?
Favorite Quote #1:
Hey Lady, Your shit broke!!
Favorite Quote #2:
Ummmm... Where are my warm nuts?
Favorite Season:
Favorite Shampoo/Conditioner:
Suave or VO5 .87 cents each at Wal-Mart!
 Favorite Smiley:
Favorite Soda:
Minute Maid Pineapple (it's really great, try it)
Favorite Song:
mum… All the things She Said by Tatu
Favorite Sport:
Fishing, Street Racing (is that a sport?)
Favorite Store:
Ummmmmm Wal-mart!!
Favorite Summer Activity:
Making out… or swimming, NAKIE
Favorite Toothpaste:
Favorite Winter Activity:
Snowball fights and DUKING!!
Favorite Word:
FUCK, Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck, lol
Favorite Vacation Spot: CAMPING, Me and Wendell went on our first camping trip on Oct 14. Check my journal for info.
Absolute Best Friend of Same Sex:
umm ummmm I don't have one. 
Absolute Best Friend of Opposite Sex:
Absolute Best Qualitys in a Friend:
Humor and Maturity and Trustworthy
Absolute Crush: 
HENRY LOL lol (that's my dog)
Absolute Person Who Knows Almost Everything About You:

Best Advice Ever Given to You:
Don't' throw things, of course that was given to be 3 days AFTER I was arrested for assault when I threw keys at my mom. 
Biggest Fear:
Loosing my bf
Dumbest Thing You've Done:
I never do anything dumb! well maybe dating Adam
Funniest or Most Desperate Thing You've Done to Get the Attention of Someone of the Opposite Sex:
I flashed a guy on my bus cause my friends said he liked me.
Fondest Memory of You and Your Friends:
Silly Conversations, see my journal 
Nastiest Person You Know:
 Silliest Thing You've Said:
probably anything I said while I was in Tennessee for a week about 4 years ago, Southern talk is SOOOO funny
Scariest Thing That's Ever Happened While With Friends:
when I was 10ish there was a guy outside looking into our house, and pointing a gun at us in the middle of the night, and then he disappeared. 
Weirdest Food You Like:
meatloaf with sliced cheese and sour cream

Things You Like in the Opposite Sex:
BIG COCKS and Big Wallets (expectally when they give me the money)
Things You Hate About the Opposite Sex:
little brains and no money
Thing You Want to Be Doing Right Now:
Making love to Wendell 
Thing You Get Picked On Most About:
 Thing You Most Regret:
ever having sex, ok so it's fun but it's really not worth it.
 Thing You Say Way Too Much:
Like or Yah know
Thing You Want to Be Remembered For:
being a genius (my IQ is 148)
 One Thing You Wish You Could Tell the Whole World:
THINK, think about what you do, before you do it, YOU drive me crazy. 
 One Thing You Hope You Do Before You Die:
Have my own family
 Most Romantic Thing Someone Has Ever Done For You:
dang, ummm, Nothing I guess.

 Do You Have a Boyfriend or a Girlfriend? :
Yeah I am seeing Wendell, looking for a girlfriend btw!!
Color of Your Bedroom:
White BLAH
 Here's the Scenario --> You Curled Up With Someone Watching a Movie. Who is That Person? :
If a Movie Were Made About Your Life, What Would It Be Named? :
You wouldn't Believe this.
Link to Your Favorite Website:
Here Duh!!
Number of Pairs of Shoes You Own:
3 that I know of, 1 sneakers, 1 water proof boots for junk yards and camping, 1 flip flops for quick trips
One Place You Want to Go Before You Die:
My Own house
Person You Admire the Most:
 Size of Your Bed:
Full! (but empty without Wendell)
 What Did You Do or What Are Your Plans for Today? :
I was at Wendell's house most of the day. We talked about and I think he's making progress.
What Do You Wanna Be When You Grow Up? :
Where is the Computer?
What Kind of Chewing Gum is You Most Likely to be chewing:
Extra Polar Ice
Your Theme Songs:
Live to tell -Madonna
 Song that makes you cries:
That Green Day Song, from the Seinfeld finally, and Graduation Song (both were played at my Graduation)
Song that makes you smiles:
X is coming for you (you dont want to know why) 
Song that makes you feel like everything's ok:
Jesus loves me
Song that reminds you of childhood:
Child Chaser - lush
Song that reminds you of high school:
That Green Day Song, from the seinfeld finally, and Graduation Song (both were played at my Graduation)
Song you never get sick of:
Ummmm X is coming for you?
Song you always get sick of:
anything by aliahya 
Song that reminds you of someone's amazing smiles:
ummm None
Favorite cover song:
Ummmmm Nothing Compares by Shanad Oconner
Song for the shower:
anything on the shower radio or singing in the rain
Song to make love to:
I'll make love to you - Boys to men
Favorite live song:
I wish we'd all been ready - dc talk
Favorite Song that could be a Poem:
Twinkle Twinkle little star
Song that you can fall asleep to:
Anything on the Pure Moods CD
Song That Makes Your Adrenaline Rush Whenever You Hear It:
How about something from Audio Adrenaline? Ok um…. BLUE!! By I don't' know who
Song That Reminds You Of Someone You Love:
X gonna give it to you