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Internet Links:

ENATURE.COM - destination for nature lovers, outdoor enthusiasts, and environmentalists. Offers field guides, habitat guides, lifelists, news, and community.
CANADIAN WILDLIFE SERVICE: HINTERLAND WHO'S WHO- a large website featureing species lists for Canada, lists of birds, mammals and related topics.
BIRDING.COM- a dedicationg website on birding around the country and the world, includes answers to your birding questions, birding store and tons more links....

INTERNET DICTIONARY TO BIRD LINKS- includes pages of links of bird relation for all over the internet, bird info, photo galleries, jokes and more...
BIRD LINKS HOME- features internet dictionary to birdlinks, bird photo galleries, bird websites and webpages, bird jokes and more...

ANIMALPICTURESARCHIVE.COM- a search engine for animal pictures.
YAHOO GALLERY- a search engine which includes thousands of photos of all things including wildlife.