| TAMA U DOMU SVETOVIDA proza, ćirilicom 421 stranica, cijena $20.
"Bojićeva proza je svaki put dugačka, rasplinjena i koji put se ne zna da li je pripovjetka ili roman, jer sve njegove pripovjetke su, zaista, duge, i ako bi mjerili duzinom, onda su mu, praktično, i većina pripovjedaka romani. Ovdje je to svakako proza pod naslovom Moračka medija, koja je ima 250 stranica. Ostale pripovjetke: ana, Naomi, Slovo o grijehu i Ljubavnici, su znatno kraće. Ova Bojićeva proza je puna zapitanosti o smislu ivota i orginalnim odgovorima, kao to se vidi iz ovog pasusa uzetog iz Moračke medije:
Ovaj svijet je postojao prije mog rodjenja i objektivno, nita mi ne duguje. Naprotiv, ja dugujem njemu objanjenje svoje ličnosti, svoj dolazak ovdje i odgovor otkuda sam doao i kuda namjeravam da se vratim i poslije koliko vremena, poto sam se usudio ili poto sam uzurpirao pravo da se sluim vazduhom, vodom i obilnim plodovima, iveći tako neodgovorno i bahato, na račun objektivnog svijeta, a zar to nije privilegija nae moći, a ne nikakva zasluga… "
(D. M.) |
| ODAKOVIĆI roman u tri toma, ćirilicom, oko 1.500 stranica, cijena $105.
Početak knjige govori o kolainskoj nahiji iz polovine devetnaestog vijeka, koja grca pod turskim zulumom, od kojeg se narod brani junatvom i moralom, kao najubojitijim orujem kojim je jedino i mogao da se odbrani i preivi. Bilo je to doba kada su ljudi bili puni vrlina, a oni o kojima se pjevalo u narodnim pjesmama i prepričavalo u tmini odaklija, bili su za koju stepenicu junačniji i moralniji, kojih je bilo sramota sa glavom na ramenu vratiti se svom domu bez ratne medalje, ili za ivot pogaziti riječ, ili u svom siromatvu priznati da je gladan. To bijahu ljudi jaki kao odvaljeni od planine, mudraci, gortaci otrih profila kao da su isklesani za spomenike grčkih trgova. Takvi su odakovići.
Bojićeva priča o est generacija odakovićima, iz sela Brezov Do, kolainskog okruga, koji su četiri puta mijenjali prezimena, započinje rodonačelnikom Bećirom a zavrava posve drugačijim Crnogorcima razasutim po nedođijama.
Veoma obiman roman sa mnogo likova, prelijepih opisa: ljudi, prostora, vremena zbilje i mita, sa vrhunskim znanjima srpske leksike, grčke filozofije, psihoanalize... svijeta.
(D.M.) |
Izgnanik presents an incessant monologue resembling a stem-of-consciousness
narrative. Bojic's poetry is unlike any other written in the Diaspora, where
it occupies one of the highest positions. V.M.
17-57 poem: "O how disconsolate to listen to the groans/into which our life
has turned". This verse can be used as a motto for the entire book. Bojic
is a rather unique phenomenon in the Serbian literature in the Diaspora.
Eagle Nests is the most ambitious work and mature effort to date. Compared
with other works of fiction which have been published outside Yugoslavia, it
stands alone at the top. The lion's share in this achievement stems from
Bojic's skillful re-creation of events and characters and from numerous
artistic merits found in this remarkable new novel. V.M.
A Lady in White Gloves is a epic novel consisting of 838 pages. By
counterposing the two worlds, Bojic makes a statement about different
nationalities, people and moralities, that alone makes for fascinating
reading .V.M.
Crveni klobuk makes for delightful reading. V.M.
Mat u Raju is a tragic-comedy. In fact, this book is an allegory on the
happenings in life. It is a comedy because of the ironic and sarcastic
treatment with which the author has chosen to present the characters and
events. It would be fascinating to see this play performed on the stage.
In the play Ne gasi mi svjetiljku, the author cleverly uses the famous act
of Diogenes, where he carries the light with him everywhere, looking
symbolically, for man.
Ripple of Moon's Water, has a very strong artistic acumen. Above all, there
is the wealth of metaphors, expressed in a plethora of colors, scents and
sounds. "The Twilight's Kiss ", demonstrates the full flavor of Bojic's
poetry, which is truly an artistic testimonial. This book shows what occurs
when poems reach their true mark. V.M.
In his book Sudbine, Bojic publishes several short stories for the very
first time. In some ways they reflect the style of stark realism with
pronounced poetic overtones, in others, the refreshing language of common
people, high dramatic elements and unwavering opposition to communist rule
and any kind of totalitarianism .V.M.
Neoteta is named after the mythological goddess of love. This monumental
work contains the same unique artistic quality and style that Bojic
showcases in his other works. It is here that the universality of Bojic's
novels comes to the forefront. This novel is truly a significant
contribution to the literature of the Diaspora .V.M.
Izlazak is Sumraka shows Bojic's down to earth style. This work features a
colorful setting, and in it, triumphs, by finding decency among all people.
In all of Bojic's plays there is an undertow of honesty and valor, and with
it, everything is possible. Kolasinovici could, and should, be made into
classic. V.M.
V. Bojic, a prolific Serbian diasporic writer. Epic in its proportions,
extensive in its virtue, Alphabet of Love is reminiscent of Pound's famous
work Canton. However, Bojic's Alphabet of Love is a true original. "I am
waiting for my poetry under the old snows." B.D.O.
Kosorici is a play of four acts. Yes, it reminds us of great historical
events in Montenegro. With an emphasis on its rich history, customs,
costumes and the physical beauty of the region's men and women, this play
shows the quest of these people to uphold honor and integrity. Bojic takes
us into the Montenegrin past with his profound, rich and vivid presentation
of heroes and events. B.M. Secret Wedding of the Goddess Selena is a modern
allegorical novel dedicated to the perennial subject of philosophy and art.
The very meaning of our existence, the search for truth and beauty, is all
in the forefront of this truly magnificent novel. Secret Wedding is a draws
on a wide panorama of modern society, with all of its pictures and
complexities .M.M.
Orpheus in Hell. A true epic trilogy. This work is divided into sections
and bears the distinctive marks of Bojic's unique style. Orpheus, the poet's
speaker, tries to create a new haven in song, only to find himself again in
hell. Bojic's trilogy successfully documents the emigre artist's heroic
search for immortality .B.D.O.
(This are extractions taken from books which were review and published in