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Photo Above is the State Theatre Complex, The Kentucky Center for the Arts

Many Photos from Shows and Movies .... click on below:

The Don Himself in 'Who Done The Don In?' Dinner Murder Mystery
Det. Marlowe ' The Mint Julep Murder Mystery' - Huzzah Productions
JOHN LOMAX in 'Midnight Special' Juneteenth Legacy Festival at Actors Theatre of Louisville - June 2007
Comedic OFFICER WILSON in 'The Moon Sees Somebody' JLT at Actors Theatre of Louisville - June 2007
Barefoot in the Park
ADOLPH HITLER - The Struggling Artist
The Exorcist - National Geographic Channel's - 'Is It Real?'
Comedy Stage Hypnotist Show
Miscellaneous events.
RIGGIT - 'Kitchen Garden' -Juneteenth Legacy Theatre at Actors Theatre of Louisville
George - 'Same Time Next Year'
The D.A. - Movie: 'Plant A Seed'
3 roles from 'History of the Devil' by Clive Barker
King Arthur's Court - more than a decade later
Fr. Brucey - 'No Courage' Muscial Comedy stage show and Video
Civil War Jesuit Priest/Pres. of College -Movie: St. Joseph's College, A Triumph of Faith
Werhner Von Braun - The Biography (and links to other space shows)
King Arthur - 'King Arthur's Court'
Mr. De Pinna - 'You Can't Take It With You!'
Truckdriver 'Buck' - 'Directions to Venus'
Astronaut Commander and Narrator -'Spaceport!'
Comedy Improv ! 2003
More Miscellaneous photos!!!