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Tuesday, 29 August 2006
Japanese Homestay
Welcome to Mt Tamborine,
Japanese English Students

I have been hosting Japanese students since 2002. Here’s what some of them have to say:

`I really enjoyed staying here and bushwalking. Everyone who I met are very kind and nice. You have good friends, daugher and grandson. “Try harder”, is a good message from nature, I will do that. Thank you for your wonderful food and kindness.’….Kazue

`I had a nice time in Australia. Christine very,very,very very, thank you. Good Luck”….Shiho, NAGOYA CITY AICHI-KEN JAPAN

` I live a nice time in Australia!! You make foods is very very delicious. This house is my second house. I miss you. I want to stay at here all the time. But I want to say “See you again” with a smile Thank you for everything I will never forget.’…. Maiko, 17 from IBARAKI, JAPAN

`I had a good time in Australia. I was very happy to stay with you at your house. This trip was my most unforgettable trip. I like Tamborine very much. I felt the beauty of innumerable stars. It was very beautiful. Christine took me for a drive to many places and it was very interesting. I have a lot of memories of Australia. I will never forget. Thank you for everything, I can’t possibly put my thanks in words. Please come to Japan.’ …Reiko 16 from KYOTO, JAPAN

`I’m lucky to come here and meet you and everyone.. Tamborine is very nice place, Fresh air, little cold wind, beautiful starry sky, beautiful sunset, sweet ice chocolate, your delicious cooking, friendly people and so on. I had many nice memories, I like here very much. I had good time. I want to v isit here again in future. Thank you and see you again… Mutsumi, KYOTO, JAPAN

`I had good time in Australia. Mrs Christine, very thank you. I had good memory. I like Dreamworld, I like Movieworld, I like Australia. I go to sea is happy I like Paradise Country. Thank you Christine’ …..Shota and his brother Daikai were 9 and 11 years old from HAMAMATU IN JAPAN

`I’m a lucky girl because I met you and I had a good time in your house. You are very kind, and your friends are too. My new friends who I met in Australia are my greatest treasures. Not only friends but also memories with you. My life in Australia was very comfortable for me. I will never forget and please make a sushi with Ruby one day. Thank you very much. See you again. PS You ‘re a good singer `Donna, Donna, Donna, Love Yuki’…Yuki is from HYOGOKEN, JAPAN

FROM A PARENT ` Dear Christine
My daughter Reiko came back on August 17th with a big smile on her face.
Though it's a short period, she had a great experience with you.

Thank you so much for taking care of her !

Take care.
Sincerely yours,

Sanae Kumokawa. From KYOTO, JAPAN
I’d like to take this opportunity to say Thank You to all the students who have stayed with me. You have taught me as much as I’ve taught you.

There are a couple of things I’d like to say to prospective students. Remember Australia is in a different season to Japan. Our summer is your winter and our winter is your summer. Mt Tamborine can be quite cold about 5 degrees colder than the Gold Coast.

So please bring appropriate clothing and a jumper.

Australian food, while different to what you are used to, can be quite delicious. Be prepared to eat Australian food. As you can see from the student comments, they find it delicious

Posted by art2/christinedeacon at 5:56 PM NZT
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