Fragments and Plot Bunnies Page
Notes for: Slayers

**Slayers Inversed**

History of the Continent
category: Information
Summery: Character profiles of a sort. Title of the fragment comes from the book that Xelloss is forever reading in my fanfics (although he never mentions the name), documenting the history and events of the Inversed world.
Status: Incomplete

An Enemy of My Enemy
Category: Side-story
Summery: Valtierra, Garv, and Zira. A side story of how Garv and Valtierra met in the Inversed timeline, one that was supposed to a: be short and turned out otherwise, and b: be angst but somehow wandered into the realm of semi-comedy.
Status:90% complete. Just need an ending. (completed 7/11/02)

Tell Me a Story
Category: Side-Story
Summery: A series of storytelling done by the characters on their backgrounds and pasts that aren't mentioned in the main storyline. Xelloss is up first. *warning* potential spoilers.
Status: Incomplete

SI Part 4 Chapter 1
Category: Story fragment
Summery: Minor recap of events since the beginning of time. Some summery of current timeline. Filia and her current assistant/second-in-command Dentur have discussions.
Status: Incomplete, woefully so.

SI (untitled)
Category: Story fragment
Summery: The monster fic fragment that ate my life. Filia, Xelloss, and Dynast in the beginning, Xelloss, Filia and the cast for the rest of the time. We meet Xelloss's 'voices', do lots of confusing planes-travel, and have meals. *warning* Potential spoilers. Massive potential spoilers, if you can figure out what I meant in the fic.
Status: Sort of ongoing...

Dream (formerly SI (She walked into a clearing))
Category: Story fragment
Summery: Filia dreams a little dream. Takes place approximately around the first time the group meets Phillip. Supposedly vague enough that no heads or tails could be made out of it, so only minor warnings for this fic.
Status: Sort of completed. (posted 4/13/02)

Until We meet again
Category: Story fragment
Summery: Xelloss and Filia have tea. Later everyone will say their good byes as the demon and dragon return to their respective sides for the war.
Status: Very, very incomplete.

SI (The Morning)
Category: Story Fragment
Summery: Set during Part 4, Filia disappears from the Dragon Army's camp early in the morning and Dentur goes to find her. They have a talk, and one of the topics is about falling in love with the enemy.
Status: Incomplete

SI (The moment that the door opened)
Category: Story fragment
Summery: Takes place during Interludes (between part 3 and 4) Filia acts strangely and Lina goes to find out what's wrong. Much badly written angst.
Status: Incomplete

SI (the footsteps echoed in the large hall)
Category: Story fragment
Summery: Filia faces the Dragon Council about her involvement in the Unsealing of the Demon Lords.
Status: incomplete
