
The title is self explanatory, ne?^_^ List of updates to this dinky looking site....


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. On my list of Things To Do is to fix up this site...if you'll notice, some of the old art (especially the inked and colored stuff) has been cleared out in the misc. gallery under the Slayers heading. I hope to get the pencils out too, once the sketchs gallery is up on Ainself. Then I'll be clearing out other double-posted art and posting writage (hopefully Inversed) on here for archiving purposes...


This site has been dead, huh...? Anyway, Ainself continues to need work, but I'm relocating the fan-stuff (at least the Slayers fanart) to my brinkster site at Majo's (Temp) Archive Page. So far the colored fanart for Slayers are ALL up ^_^ and properly linked and thumbnailed and whatnot. The page for inked art is next on the agenda.
So now it looks like Ainself will be for original art and writings, and the fanstuff will go on brinkster, and if that runs out of room, angelfire. As usual, blog or Deviant Art has the most up-to-date news...
I wonder if there's even anyone reading this anymore^_^;


I had a long rant but angelfire ate it..*sigh* basically the gist of it was: Majo's Cauldron is up and functional, albeit still not very pretty. I've started to post picture links on my blog again, for those interested. And that's all, folks.....


Andddd.....here I am again.@_@ Figures, once I decide this site is going to take a break, ainself spazzes on me^_^;
So ainself.net is spazzing, and we're moving to a new place anyway (more space!), so the other site will have to be re-uploaded...@_@ The pain...So this site will still be active, I suppose, if nothing else then as a temporary archive site for my new stuff. I'll keep everyone posted, tho I'm seriously not sure how many people even come here anymore^_^;;;;;;


And the year passed without fanfare or fireworks...all the better, mayhaps.^_^
This is an announcement that the page of Misc. things is officially going on hiatus...My original works are now outnumbering my fanworks, and the volume of both are decreasing due to school and other activities...Majo's Cauldron is the even MORE under construction archive site, where people can find my old stuff (A LOT of old stuff...o_0;) and the new stuff, some fan and original works.
Plans for this site? Hm...I'm thinking about rooting out the redundent pictures (most are uploaded to the ainself site already), and once the space is made, use it for experimental stuff. Who knows...maybe once I get inspired enough I can try to see if I can get an oekaki board working, or maybe forums.^_^ They seem to be the rage these days, tho I'm not on any...Or maybe another blog/journal thing, or a showcase site like Jen-sama has.^_^ Once I have time, we'll see.


I had a very eventful day yesterday, which ended all of one minute ago. But anyways^_^...

Link to Blossoming Affections added, I recalled sometime a few days ago that I had my Xelloss and Filia works archived there by the lovely webmistress Xellia. A few pictures that are not quite new, but not quite old either. A sketch of Nemesis and Thanatos for Yayoi KH and an old gift pic of Iko for Imbrii-san in the Original art for other ppl. The tango picture is up in Miscellaneous pics, under Slayers.
And please visit Jen-sama's Elfwood Fanart Gallery!^_^ Our collaboration pic is up! Please comment^_^
And no, I guess I didn't update every 7-10 days like I thought. Oh, well....


I seem to update in about every 7-10 days...weird.
Anyway, "Art done for other people (original and fanworks)" up under Original Art. New additions to the Random section also, Hank and Olaf make their debut...on my IDS130 notes???o_0;


All the Hellsing piccies properly linked, as well as the piccies that have been floating around on my blog. 2 new PG pics, one for Kenken, and assorted piccies for Slayers and Inuyasha.

And also other housekeeping updates: The site is now more or less color-coordinated^_^; Modified the About Me page and the Counter Hits page, 2075th hit went without an email so I'm giving it to Yayoi KH for being such a great buddy^_^.


Where has Majo been? Majo has been indulging herself in the Hellsing fandom, yes. I seem to be going through animes like crazy lately-_-; Anyhow here are some of the results of my dabbling. View at your own risk, etc.
A picture of Sir Integral Wingates Hellsing Yes, she's smoking a cigar (not a cigarette^^)
Integral again, with Alucard this time...He hogged the background, prima donna! *snort*
Integral again, with a gun ...Muse thought this pic was fun to draw...-_-;
And lastly, an order from Jen-sama...Integral and the hellhound.^_^
Will link those properly later. Ah, one more..
Kenken saw something he didn't wanna see...
And that's all for now, folks!


Linked all the pictures I uploaded to their proper pages, which means more stuff in Original:PG, Random (bish), and Misc: Slayers, Inuyasha, I My Me Strawberry Eggs!, and a new section for my FFVIII art. Most of those are already linked either here or in my blog, this is mostly catch-up. Two new pics in the form of Sesshomaru, under the Inuyasha section. Go Fluffy!
Housekeeping stuff, for the most part. Slight updates to links and to the About me page. Eventually will give the site a facelift, etc. Devoid of Thought is supposedly going down soon, so I might set up an archiving site for Slayers Inversed and other really old stuff.


One more (artistic) tribute to FF8 (Chibi Squall)...
A colored pic of Kenken...
And last but not least, Random Bish #3...no, I don't know if it's a bishonen or bishojo.^^;


In tribute to my FF8 kick:
Selphie and Squall
And one Ashura
I'll get around to adding the links in the actual pages eventually, just not now...@_@















    And yes, this update notice IS late...I forgot to update the updates page. So sue me^_^; I usually update the main page though, and it's not like I update enough times for it to matter...@_@



12/15-12/16/01 (current time 4:46 AM)


12/12/01 (9:44 pm pacific time)

