Colleen Hardy
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I do not like fried chicken,
I do like sushi.
I do not like mean people,
I do like nice people.
I do not like to wash dishes,
I do like to cook.
I do not like the devil,
I do like Jesus.
I do not like vollyball,
I do like to play the piano.
I do not like to talk when I have nothing to say,
I do like an occasional silence.
I do not like to shut up when I have a lot to say,
I do like an occasional debate.
I do not like (and have NEVER danced) the "YMCA",
I do like to keep my second grade vow not to.
Words of Wisdom
- Dirty socks are no prize.
- Play in the rain but beware of strong winds, hail, lightning, funnel clouds and flying barns or air born livestock.
- Do not play golf in the rain too much.
- It is better to hide in an elevator than behind a tree.
- In nice hotels treat the sinks kindly.
- Do not go up the down escalator.
- It is not wise to get in fights with doors (revolving or otherwise).
- Miniature golf is the most fun when played as a competative, fast paced team sport
- DO NOT THINK BAD THINGS ABOUT MR. MOTT, or he may send you to the corn.
- Never suggest to anyone
- Don't leave your friends alone with your siblings.
- Do brush your teeth; there are more ways to die from not brushing your teeth than you may think.
- Visit http://www.homestarrunner.com .
- Don't stalk people it isn't nice.
- Don't eat more than two bannanas a day too much potassium is not extremely good for you.
- Towels are objects of imense value; always know where yours is.
- Shop for others, and encourage others to do the same.
- It doesn't matter how old you get, strangers are still scary people.
- No candy is ever free, not even on Halloween.
Email: noodlegeek@lycos.com