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Discussion and Conclusion

Discussion At first, I thought this project would be easy to keep everything the same, and have only one variable. But no matter how hard I tried, there was always something that kept this experiment from being perfect. One thing that didn’t help the experiment was that the food coloring made the blue cake moister (at least two people told me they thought it was better because it was more moist than the other cake.) Also, I had to bake one cake first, and then bake the other cake right after the first. I don’t know if that actually affected anything in my project, but it could have. Maybe moisture from the first cake stayed in the oven and made the second cake moister, therefore adding another variable. Another thing that could have affected my results is that sometimes I tested more than one person at a time and they would talk out loud. When they talked, they would say something about what their opinion to the questions on the survey were. Those opinions could have affected what the next person who took the survey said, so it probably would have worked better if I had surveyed each person separately. Conclusion After performing my experiment, and analyzing the data, I have formed a conclusion. I have decided not to support my hypothesis that if a person eats a blue colored white cake and a regular white cake, then they will prefer the regular white cake because they believe it tastes better. Most of the people surveyed wrote that they thought the cakes tasted the same, and suspected that the only thing different between the two was that the one cake had food coloring in it. I did, however, notice that the experiment participants were all ready to try the regular cake, but hesitant to try the blue cake, because they did not know what it was.

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