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More Paintings by Carlos Cedillo

"Nightfall in the Zone of Silence" 2004

"Kwan Yin heals the Earth" 2003

"cosmicunion" 2002 sold

"Zero-point Mothership" 2003

"Dreaming of Death and Rebirth" 2003

"Seven Sacraments of Space and Time" 2002 (sold)

"Birthing the Light" 2003

"Mixing_the_Light" 2003

"Bird-Jaguar-Man" 2001

"Solar Shaman Kitty" 2003

"Red Flower Explosion" 2003

"Sunflower Earth" 2003

"Mothership Bends Space to her Desire" 2003

"Soulful Self-portrait" 2003

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