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crickl's nest
Wed, Jan 11 2006
Beauty of Winter Carnival
Topic: Carnival entries
This week’s carnival of Beauty is the beauty of winter. I was way too spread out this week, so I didn’t enter the carnival, but go and check out all the wonderful entries!

And enjoy this beautiful picture my husband took a few years ago outside my sister’s cabin. He loves wood….the woods as well as just wood…stacked neatly in the corner of the yard. To him I think it represents preparation for winter’s chill, hard work from summer paying off, and a tangible reward of hard work. Since he is a pastor, his hard work he is paid to do doesn’t always show in tangible ways. =)

Our wood pile is dwindling down this winter as we stay toasty inside. But there has been NO snow this year so far. This drought is hitting the ski areas hard now, but come summer, our water supplies will be hurting badly. We can do without skiing but we kinda need water. Carol of She Lives asks for prayer for rain, as she lives in the drought stricken grasslands of Texas. I echo her request for prayer….please pray for rain, snow and relief for the parched land and dwindling water supplies of these areas, including Arizona. Thanks!

by crickl at 7:10 PM PST
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Sat, Jan 14 2006 - 10:49 AM PST

Name: Bethany
Home Page:

That is a beautiful picture! Wow! I love snowy pictures. I've only had one opportunity in my entire life to take snowy pictures and that was when I spent Spring Break in Wyoming one year. (Not your typical Spring Break destination!) I had such a good time...but I was a bit in culture shock! All that snow in April! Up to my thigh! I actually had to wear every article of clothing I had brought on some days! :D

Thanks for sharing the picture!

Mon, Jan 16 2006 - 8:12 PM PST

Name: crickl
Home Page:

Bethany...I grew up in the west and we usually have our best/most snow falls in the spring months! February, March and even April! I love the west. You don't have to live in the high elevations, but there are always mountain ranges close by you can drive to in a day to see snow or go skiing! Also the snow fall I took this picture of happened over night, then melted off by late afternoon (this happens often), so it was ok to drive home from the cabin.

Come visit the west! =)

Thu, Jan 19 2006 - 7:01 PM PST

Name: Bethany
Home Page:

I'll have to do that. The hubby is from the West and he's rather fond of it. (For some reason he can't get used to the humidity here...I don't know what his problem is!) :P

We are hoping to go to Arizona this summer. He grew up in Tuscon and then L.A. of all places. How he ended up with a country-bumpkin like myself is a mystery! I'm just sure glad he did!

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