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crickl's nest
Tue, Apr 25 2006
The Art in Me
Topic: Carnival entries
I was searching google, then, then pondering things in my head, but I can't seem to come up with a post about art for the Carnival of Beauty, hosted by Blair....and if I did, it would be too contrived and probably sound goofy. I am not an 'art person'. I don't like to have to think about a painting or picture to 'see' the meaning or to feel the emotion. I just know when a picture moves me and when I like it.....without analyzing.

This is funny, because my Myers-Briggs personality type is in one of the artist catagories....the 'entertainer'. (Scott Joplin's tune wafts through the room) So I guess the art in me comes out in creating something to entertain, not to really make a this blog? hmmm

I was just telling someone this afternoon that I have not put up one picture on my walls yet in this new house. I have 3 stacks of framed pictures on my floor, but somehow they don't seem to fit this house.....or my mood in this house. I feel as if things are changing, and of course they are, because we moved, but I don't think that is it. I am changing....our lifestyle is changing....the kids are in a new stage of life and did I mention peri-menopause? Yeah, that too....big whoop...

I look at this house and I think, "Who do I want to be here? How is this reflecting who I am in this new place, climate, time of life...." My husband is getting impatient with my procrastination of unpacking the last few boxes. But these are the boxes with the 'art' of my life in decorations, pictures, knick knacks, momentoes. It could be a sign that I really haven't accepted settling down in this place....or it could be that I need a fresh something....or it could be that I'm lazy, I dunno.... Do you see why I don't like to analyze? lol

It feels as if my past and this house are clashing.... and there is nothing worse than that clashing feeling to an aesthetics enthusiast. So, husband, be patient.....I"m trying to make this house an expression of who I am now with all these 'things' of the past. It may take a while...

Things are pretty, graceful, rich, elegant, handsome, but, until they speak to the imagination, not yet beautiful.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

by crickl at 10:52 PM PDT
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Wed, Apr 26 2006 - 8:03 AM PDT

Name: Leann
Home Page:

I can relate so much to this!!! We have been in our home for almost four years and I just recently started putting pictures on the walls. LOL Things just do not seem to fit in this house like they did in the last one and so I am having to allow for a new "personality" and change my perspective a bit. Enjoyed this post... thanks for sharing!

Wed, Apr 26 2006 - 10:13 AM PDT

Name: Blair
Home Page:

It took me about two years to hang anything on my walls here. Now of course, we're preparing to take it all down again lol. You are not alone in your procrastination in this area.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this topic and I pray you feel "at home" again soon.

Wed, Apr 26 2006 - 1:07 PM PDT

Name: crickl
Home Page:

LeAnn and Blair

This is unusual for me though. When I move into a place, I like to get it all homey and set up right away. Well, things are set up, but it's got a different feel to it, so it's (weirdly) taking me some time to think about how I want things. I feel very out of sorts about it.

Oh well...I'm thinking it will come....

Thu, Apr 27 2006 - 3:25 PM PDT

Name: Cheryl

Want some help? I would love to come help you if you want the help (I don't know how helpful I will be, but I'm willing to be there at least for encouragement!)

Thu, Apr 27 2006 - 6:37 PM PDT

Name: crickl
Home Page:

Cheryl, I'd love it! I was going to try to see if my sister Becky could come help give me some ideas, but she is very busy and lives across town. So yes, we'll plan on it in a couple weeks...this next week will be busy! ;)

Love ya!

Sat, Apr 29 2006 - 10:29 PM PDT

Name: kq

Crickl, you are such a wise woman. You know that your life is changing SO much right now, soon it may be something so different that you don't even recognize it from here.

That doesn't mean that it won't be wonderful, btw. It is an amazing time of life for you! You are passing from a life of raising babies and small children, into a fertility of a different sort. Your art, which was so right for your old life, may not work for you in this new phase.

Here's a radical thought: Take those boxes and give them to the local shelter or Salvation Army. And then, as you see things that are beautiful and speak to you, gather them into your home and feather your nest in a whole new way!

Mind you, I would probably not follow this advice if it was given to me! However, something like this happened to me when I moved into my apartment 8 years ago. I had put all of my household items into storage years before... but when I finally got into my new home, nothing from that old life fit any more. Gradually, I've acumulated things that are true to my current self... and I am very happy about that!

love, KQ

Sun, Apr 30 2006 - 9:24 PM PDT

Name: crickl
Home Page:

KQ...I have taken your advice and gave my decor to a worthy cause. Please see the "Very Bad DOUF" comments section. teehee

Sun, Apr 30 2006 - 10:57 PM PDT

Name: KQ

oh Christie, this is so cool! HAVE FUN refeathering your nest with pretty, graceful, rich, elegant, IMAGINATIVE beauties!

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