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crickl's nest
Tue, Jun 13 2006
Thoughts on Friendship
Topic: Friendship
I can't help but love those Sonic commercials. They are so silly and the one with the husband and wife sitting in their car at Sonic and she is eating a sandwich. She suddenly declares, "Y'know, I don't think there is anything in the world that I love more than a Sonic toasted BLT." The husband looks at her and hesitantly suggests maybe she is exaggerating (can't remember the dialog here) and he says, "After all, what's the Sonic toasted BLT got that I don't have?" Without skipping a beat she says, "Bacon." then takes another bite of her sandwich. LOL Very sassy.

They have a new commercial with 2 girlfriends sitting in their car, eating little banana splits, talking about how cute they are. They hold them together and declare that if you put them together they make a whole. And while looking straight ahead, the one woman starts talking about when they were teenagers and girls wore those little broken heart necklaces to remember their special friends, saying how goofy they were and why did we ever do something so rediculous. All the time she is talking, the other woman is desperately trying to hide the broken heart pendant that she is wearing!

Girlfriends are great...we don't agree on everything or have the same taste in necklaces or humor sometimes, but we need each other.

Yesterday I met with 3 different girlfriends of mine. One was Cheryl, my walking buddy. We did our 45 minute walk around the mall, chattering along.

Love ya Cheryl!

Then a new friend, Mary Ann, had asked me to come out for coffee with her while our husbands had a meeting at her house. So we jaunted off to Starbucks (sorry Hannah) and had muffins and blended iced mochas. We had so much getting to know each other to do that time flew by and suddenly I shivered, it was so cold in that place. We moved outside to the patio area and the warm Phoenix morning sun felt so good, we chatted even longer. We know each other from church, but had never had any exclusive visiting time, so we chatted about family, church, vacations, decorating, Jesus, and what a beautiful morning it was.

Thank you Mary Ann!

Having 3 appointments for girlfriend visits in one day is a little tiring, yet energizing, if you know what I mean, ladies. From Mary Ann's I went across town on the Squaw Peak Freeway, through beautiful desert mountain views to Scottsdale to have lunch with Nancy. If you want to see Phoenix in from a brand new view, just drive the 51 (Squaw Peak Fwy) from north to south....beautiful! Now I know where the picture at the right was taken. I love this picture.

Nancy and I have been friends for years. I met her when we both lived in Williams and now we both live in Phoenix. We hadn't had any visiting time since moving here though, so we had a lot to catch up on! We have been through a lot together...some very hard, rough patches in life and in friendship. But those are the kinds of friends you can bare your soul with and not feel so vulnerable....there is a trust and accountability there. And we did....and it was good.

Hang in there, Nancy!

Each appointment was unique....3 friends, one new, but comfortably familiar and encouraging, one new and fun to get to know, one rekindled and on a much deeper level...caused by walking through hard times together. So it was an interesting day!

I needed a totally different kind of day...a day to spend with friends. It is very refreshing, in a way that being with my husband or family can't produce. (sorry honey, you've great, but it's that bacon thing...please refer to the first paragraph) =) I love you though...and you know I love you more than any bacon sammich!

I think I"ll survive now.....

by crickl at 10:59 AM PDT
Updated: Tue, Jun 13 2006 11:00 AM PDT
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Wed, Jun 14 2006 - 7:57 AM PDT

Name: Leann
Home Page:

What a great post and a great tribute to your girlfriends!!! My best girlfriends accept me warts and all and that is what keeps us close. We can overlook some of the junk... LOl I enjoyed this post very much!!! :)

Wed, Jun 14 2006 - 10:49 AM PDT

Name: crickl
Home Page:

Leann, I kinda wish you lived closer. I think we'd get along well and be able to share a lot of pastor's wife stories and feelings. =)

Thanks for you encouragement!

Thu, Jun 15 2006 - 10:29 AM PDT

Name: Cathee
Home Page:

Where would we be without girlfriends? I have to count my sister among my girlfriends, because once we both became adults, we became the best of friends. Although all my friends live far from me(they moved first!), we keep in touch by email and phone on a very regular basis. I try to visit them at least once a year as they do me. When I arrive at a friend's house, it's the most wonderful feeling to see and hug them, to look into their eyes and see the same unconditional love from them as I give to them. Praise the Lord for Christian girlfriends!

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