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crickl's nest
Mon, Oct 2 2006
Prayer request
Topic: Prayer
Tomorrow, October 3, I will be going in at 5:30am to have a hysterectomy and some bladder repair work done.

As you can see in the last post, I"m a little stressed out by the thought of it. Once it is overwith and I am recovering, I will not be in this state of mental stress, but just to add to the post below, the hospital just called me. It seems when they called my insurance to make sure everything was covered, the woman at the insurance company told them my coverage ran out on 9/30/06. (!!!!!!!!!!!) Charles called the insurance company and they said, no everything is set and covered, so the hospital is calling them again.

I'm telling you, the 'madness' is just trying to wedge it's way in and destroy any sense of peace I gained over the past 24 hours.

I'll try to update ASAP on how it all went. (well, maybe not all...I'm not into gory details)

Thank you for praying for me!

UPDATE: Insurance problems have been resolved, so no worries there. Although, it did serve to distract me from worrying about the surgery all day!

by crickl at 11:47 AM PDT
Updated: Mon, Oct 2 2006 5:16 PM PDT
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Mon, Oct 2 2006 - 12:56 PM PDT

Name: Joann
Home Page:

Ugh! I can't believe it. I hope they get it straightened out ASAP and no one gives you any more grief. Finances are the last thing you need to worry about.

Praying for you!

Mon, Oct 2 2006 - 1:17 PM PDT

Name: crickl
Home Page:

OK, I hate my comments function here.

As I said, then lost it in comment oblivion, there was a mix up on the insurance because we added dental starting this month! So the account shows up wrong to some of the techs....which is making me crazy.

It is *I hope...pray....* getting resolved.

Mon, Oct 2 2006 - 5:10 PM PDT

Name: Lanell

I love you. It will all be fine. It's in His hands. Please post as soon as you can so I know you are okay.

Love you bunches,

Mon, Oct 2 2006 - 7:59 PM PDT

Name: Randi

Thinking of you Crickl! ((hug)) You'll be recovering before you know it! Take care of yourself!!


Mon, Oct 2 2006 - 8:23 PM PDT

Name: crickl
Home Page:

Thank you Lanell and Randi! I am feeling better about things already...more peaceful and calm about it. =)

Tue, Oct 3 2006 - 1:14 AM PDT

Name: Erin

Praying for you... (hugging you in my mind)

Tue, Oct 3 2006 - 8:29 AM PDT

Name: Kim

Tried to comment and it did not take, so I am trying again...

Prayer for Healing

Sing me a song
That will ease my pain,
Mend broken bones,
Bring wholeness again.

Show me the spirit
Of the healing verve,
The value of spirit,
The way I can serve.

Heal my heart
So that I can see
The gifts of yours
That can live through me.

Tue, Oct 3 2006 - 9:08 AM PDT

Name: Cathee
Home Page:

I am praying for you today. I know just what you are going through, having had this surgery myself. I went through some emotional upheaval afterward due to the aftereffects of the anesthesia. I had a slight case of menopause which was alleviated with HRT. I hope your doctor is sensitive to listening to you. It really helps if you can talk to your doctor and they can relieve the effects of the surgery before they get bad.

On the other sister went through the same surgery and didn't have any bad side effects at all! She never had to take estrogen and just sailed right through. I'll be praying that this is the way it will work out for you. Sending a big hug!

Thu, Oct 5 2006 - 8:31 PM PDT

Name: crickl
Home Page:

Erin, thank you...I tried to imagine you doing that kinda's so icky sometimes!!! But God bless my sweet nurses! They were wonderful to me.

Kim...thanks for the prayer. =) I'm still waiting for you to let me know if you start blogging again! Hope all is well there. {{hug}}}

Cathee, they kept my ovaries in, so I don't have to worry about hormones...yet. =)

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