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crickl's nest
Tue, Nov 14 2006
Topic: Holidays/Vacations
How's the Christmas shopping going? *errrg* That is not a good question to ask me this time of year. It's not that I have many gifts to buy, but it reminds me of all the things I need to do in the next 5 weeks. (5 weeks!!!) I do like doing said 'things''s just that the pressure of having a list of things to DO intimidates me greatly! *whimper*

See, I told you that as the holidays wind up into gear I'd probably blog more in order to avoid the DO's.

So I'm thinking today as I sat in the park with my sister and our kids, "Gee, I need to think about Christmas, no, I have to think about Thanksgiving! But Christmas DO's need to get rolling! However, first we need to make it through the Thanksgiving cooking and shopping." mmmmmhmmm If someone wants to know my opinion, I think we need to space these 2 very meaningful holidays further least by 2 months. That way we could enjoy each one for it's own meaning and busyness.

Thanksgiving could be such a wonderful celebration if it were not for the after Thanksgiving sales the next morning ....or football for that matter! It just so happens however, that this is exactly what I think about when I think of Thanksgiving. Here is why:

For many years of our 22 year marriage, my husband and I had a Thanksgiving ritual. We would go to Oklahoma every year for Thanksgiving, quite a drive. But I would have my Christmas lists in hand, because I would go through the stack of 'the day after Thanksgiving sale' fliers Thanksgiving night. We stayed at Charles' parents' home, so with them to watch the girls, we would sneak off at 4:00am and go by ourselves to stand in line for very, very reduced prices on gifts for the girls.

We would pick the store that had the most list items and attack, Charles going to the toys or sporting goods department while I went to the music or clothing departments. We would meet at the front, waving like crazy at each other over the pressing masses of people and come together all happy and slightly giddy from the good buys we had found. Then more stores and more good buys. Finally, we would go out to breakfast, and back to his parents house to wrap the loot before the kids could see it!

We would get all of our Christmas shopping done, plus buy gifts from his parents to our kids for them, so that they didn't have to get out in the Christmas crowds.

And yes, doing this year after year did get tiring. I would try to wimp out of doing it each year, but Charles would talk me into it again. He really enjoyed it way more than me..... that was annoying! Our kids are older now and we don't do that tradition anymore. It just isn't necessary and Charles does most of our Christmas gift buying online. Now the day after Thanksgiving sales have gone the way of memories for us.....or the dinosaurs....left to future generations to follow in our steps.

It was quite an adventure, very very COLD, but a memory we'll always giggle silly we are to enjoy such madness!!

We're not having a huge crowd this year for Thanksgiving and my sister is helping me a lot with the I think there may even be time in the day for a little reflecting.....some actual giving thanks for making it through this stress-filled year.

Happy, Christgiving....ummm, we really do need to do a petition or something to get more time in there and seperate these 2 great holidays....

by crickl at 7:00 PM PST
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Wed, Nov 15 2006 - 12:27 PM PST

Name: Leann
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I could NOT concur more!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

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