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crickl's nest
Wed, Feb 21 2007
Let's give it up.......for Lent!
Topic: Holidays/Vacations
This is a reprint from 2 years ago...I can't believe I can measure my blog in years now! I love this holiday season.....I hope you make the most of it this year! Our church is doing a prayer emphasis, complete with booklets!...this year. We're praying for the entire world in 40 days. We're going through a daily prayer guide called Seek God for the City 2007, put out by WayMakers organization. Day one is today and we are seeking God on behalf of the Americas and the Caribbean.

So I guess this year, instead of giving up something, we are doing something extra....making time each day to pray for our world. However you remember the Lenten season, just make sure it's about Him and not about you giving something up.....I know that is always a struggle for balance for me when I do it!

Here were my thoughts from Ash Wednesday 2005:

Lent....something which a lifetime Baptist is a little ignorant about. I remember growing up in suburbia with Catholic friends coming home on Ash Wednesday with smudges on their foreheads....curious. Then the thought that they had to eat fish on Fridays.....horrid! None of them could reasonably explain these mysteries and so I didn't think much about it until the past few years. Now when I see the ashes smudged on foreheads, I think of sackcloth and ashes...of grief over one's sin in preparation of the Easter season.....remembering a Savior's suffering for my guilt. It is a good thing, the Lenten season. It's good to set aside 40 days of reflection, prayer, fasting to prepare for Easter.

As a mom and teacher, I've been searching for years on how to make Easter a truly spiritual celebration instead of just a fluffy Springtime holiday. The past few years I have been studying Passover and the rich theological comparisons and prophecies about the perfect Lamb of God. If you've never done that, I recommend it. =) Although the Passover studies have been really enriching and meaningful, Lent causes great personal reflection and's a time of growth and sacrifice....and things that cause change.

So at the school we are observing Lent and preparing ourselves for a celebration of the most amazing event in history....the Ressurection of Christ. I would absolutely love it and be really really, if not eternally, grateful for any suggestions you may have on observing the Lenten season....especially if they are for kids' activities or devotions for kids.

So repent and be baptized,
prepare ye the way of the Lord,
behold the Lamb of God
and let's all give it up for Lent! =)

by crickl at 10:11 PM PST
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Thu, Feb 22 2007 - 5:43 AM PST

Name: eph2810
Home Page:

I love that you are not giving something up, but doing something for Lent. I think I will pray for my co-workers this year-for 40 days. I appreciate that you have posted about Lent today...


Thu, Feb 22 2007 - 10:52 AM PST

Name: joannmski
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Yay Lent!

I kind of think of it like cleaning out the closet. You can't put the good stuff in until you take the bad stuff out. So we give up something so we can get the good stuff - more Jesus. It doesn't do any good to take out the bad without putting in the good!

Thu, Feb 22 2007 - 1:33 PM PST

Name: crickl
Home Page:'s not that I disagree with giving something up. I didn't mean to say that in case anyone is thinking that....I did NOT think you were saying that, but realized when I read yours that it may come across that way to some. I just thought it was a paradox because of doing the opposite of what Lent is usually for. =)

Joann, I love the concept of Lent and givng something up that means a lot to us in order to draw closer to Jesus and the meaning of the season. Sacrifice is definitely good for the soul! I do struggle with the right motives in fasting from things though.....very hard for me, so I don't do it very often. The last Lent I participated in, I gave up sugar and ended up cheating a few times, but it was a meaningful time because I did focus more on Jesus and how much HE sacrificed in his life.

Sat, Feb 24 2007 - 12:04 AM PST

Name: e-Mom
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I'm glad you brought this up. I was thinking about Lent myself, and how little I know about it. I didn't have any Catholic friends growing up, but I do have a few now that I'm an adult. They seem pretty silent on the subject. Note to self: Do a little research on Lent!

Like you, we know more about Passover, and how it's connected to Easter (or "Resurrection Sunday.") I usually modify/shorten the Seder meal for our Easter dinner. Kind of fun!

Sun, Feb 25 2007 - 3:39 PM PST

Name: Julie
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I totally agree with you on the importance of this time. As a lifelong Baptist also, I have loved learning more about the liturgical traditions of our lutheran, episcopal, and presbyterian friends.

Noel Piper wrote a wonderful book called Treasuring God in Our Traditions and it has a whole chapter on Easter.

Our family has some cool traditions we do, too, because while we like candy and Easter egg hunts, we wanted the kids to remember more than that about the holiday.

The first thing we make is an easter tree, made from branches, put in a glass jar filled with rocks and 30 nickels (each thing represents something from the easter story: rocks, the stone that rolled away; nickels, 30 pieces of silver for which Jesus was betrayed; branches, "tree of Jesse"; etc.) We tie colored swatches of cloth, like purple for Jesus' royalty, red for his blood, black for his death, white for his sinlessness. We tie things like nails, a small cross, pictures of bread and and wine, a rooster. Just things from the whole story.

We also have a homemade set of Resurrection eggs that I actually like better than the ones you can buy. I can post how we make ours on my blog.

We make Resurrection cookies, too, in which we make the night before and when we open our oven the next day, they are hollow inside like Jesus' tomb on Easter morning. I can post that recipe on my blog as it gets closer to Easter.

Our most unique tradition involves having fish and bread for breakfast on Easter morning, just like Jesus did with his disciples on the beach after he was glorified.

We still do Easter baskets and an egg hunt in our yard after church. Those things are certainly not wrong in and of themselves, we just want to make sure we focus on the right things.

Mon, Feb 26 2007 - 2:31 PM PST

Name: crickl
Home Page:

e-mom, cool, maybe you can study it up and do a special column on it next year! And I'd love to hear more about the shortened Seder to go with Easter dinner!

Julie....thanks for all the ideas! I used to do some of those, but 3 of my 4 kids are too old for some of that now. (2 teens and one in college!) I should do it with my 9 year old though...thanks for reminding me! I love love love the idea of having fish adn bread for breakfast....VERY cool idea. I hope you do post all this on your blog so I can reference it toward Easter....*poke* yes? =)

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