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crickl's nest
Tue, Jul 10 2007
Topic: People/Family stories

Just an update on us. I wrote this in an email so I just copied and pasted it since my brain needs a rest from thinking about it again.

I just had a little crying fit.....the first/only one since it happened. I think I'm fine, but just tearful today. I had to hold it all in this morning to get through Bible School, trying not to talk about it or think about it. VBS had me distracted all morning so that's good. I realized as I told Maggie she could go to a friend's house for the afternoon and Bethany that she could go to lunch with friends, that I might be going home by myself after VBS and it gave me a panicky feeling. But Emma didn't have plans and I let her bring 3 kids home, so it's all noisy and full in my house, which was a relief to me. I'm just hiding in my room though because my eyes swell huge when I've cried. And I don't need a bunch of teenagers feeling sorry for me. ;)

People from the church have been so good to us. The men have been calling and leaving messages for Charles about coming to help if anything needed fixing or doing. There was no damage though, not even a broken window. I don't think he was even in the house more than 3-5 minutes.

We're talking about security measures now too....and we disagree, so that was making me cry more! Charles wants to get a motion sensor for inside the house that calls police, etc, but I want bars on the windows so no one can get in at all! With the motion sensor they are already IN the house. We'll talk more later about it, he wasn't set on that idea, but he thinks it is the best.

So that is how I'm doing....hiding and crying and busy.... Charles seems to be doing fine, just stressed out from trying to make our banking and credit stuff secure. The girls seem to be okay. One good thing was this: when I told Maggie what the policewoman asked about her room, she cleaned it all up and got it tidy!! The policewoman asked me, (when looking the house over for dna or fingerprints) "Is this room normally like this or was it ransacked?"

She was serious. Maggie was horrified. So was I.

Thank you for your kind comments and friendship. I looked at my mailbox today and several of you PW ladies had left messages on the blog. It just made me weep again!

by crickl at 3:22 PM PDT
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Tue, Jul 10 2007 - 6:44 PM PDT

Name: "michele"
Home Page:

oh my

the ransacked question made me LAUGH!

i predict that will become a family legend, said whenever a mass cleanup is needed.



Wed, Jul 11 2007 - 2:26 AM PDT

Name: "Talie"
Home Page: http://www,

*hugs crickl* I'm so sorry to hear about this - how awful!  How frightening ... 

Wed, Jul 11 2007 - 11:06 AM PDT

Name: "meggan"
Home Page:

ugh, we once had our car radio stolen, and our new van broken into [with a shattered window], and i remember how angry i was at the person who stole the stuff, and how vulnerable and unsafe i felt. 


i'm glad everyone is safe-and good for you for getting the license plate number! 

Wed, Jul 11 2007 - 5:46 PM PDT

Name: "Amy"
Home Page:

I have been praying for you the past couple of days! 

Thu, Jul 12 2007 - 8:36 AM PDT

Name: "kim"

So sorry- I know this drill, unfortunately. Different but similar.

Be who you are for the time being, with tears and such - it's very understandable. Eventually you'll take care of business so that you get your life back.

I studied crime in neighborhoods -A there are things that theives don't like: cul de sacs, dead ends or only one way in and out, corner lots (where people can see more of the house), neighborhood watch programs, noise going on in the house... things like this that are ways to make the hit less easy.

On cars, it's all about making it less convienent for them:A
  • safer in your driveway than on the street, even safer in a locked garage
  • Park on a well-lighted street and in well-traveled placeA
  • Turn car wheels sharply toward or away from the curb and set the brake
  • Park in first gear or in reverse - manual transmission
My personal solution was evenutally having large dogs that did the vigillance thing well.A

And the thing is, once you have fraud alerts on your id, YOU end up getting delays and the social security number security measures can get difficult if you are applying for jobs or loans or things like that. It is better than the theives getting your identity- but sometimes when you don't get a job, you wonder these days (post 9/11) if an initial background checkA was too troublesome for a busy employer and they hire a person with an equally qualified but easier background check.A

Sat, Jul 14 2007 - 1:43 PM PDT

Name: "e-Mom"
Home Page:

Wow, Christie, your experience with the burgular sounds awful.  I trust you're recovering now, albeit slowly. Do take your time.

If you have the energy (or the time and inclination), I've tagged you for the 8 Random Things About Me Meme.  But don't worry if you're not up to it. {{{Big Hugs}}} e-Mom

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