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crickl's nest
Wed, Jan 26 2005
Devilish housework!
Topic: Humor/memes
Update: I got the tazmanian devil thing happening and finally cleaned my house. Now it's getting dirty again and all askew. House cleaning is so never stays clean for very long. It takes a great amount of energy and organization to keep your house looking nice all the least with 6 people living here it does. I have read BOOKS written about how to organize and streamline your house keeping. YAWP! Sounded like a good idea...though putting it into practice was impossible, unless you live by yourself! I had a good laugh through most of the book, then stopped reading it.

And speaking of books....they take so long to finish, I get distracted unless it's a really good story. Most of the non-novelish books I own have bookmarks stuck in them part way through. It's embarrassing. Pamphlets I can handle and magazine articles......I wish people would write pamphlets about self help subjects like keeping your home organized, follow through issues and how to write an interesting blog....ha!

Here is a short video of a real Tasmanian devil?.it loads slowly, but it?s worth it. Cute critter! Taz movie

by crickl at 2:08 PM PST
Updated: Tue, Nov 29 2005 9:08 PM PST
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Thu, Jan 27 2005 - 4:56 PM PST

Name: kq

"The Secret Life of Bees" is a book my sister in law gave to me last Christmas. It's REALLY good, and I think you would probably manage to keep moving your bookmark to the end....

xoxo KQ

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