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crickl's nest
Tue, Apr 26 2005
Be careful little feet where you go...
Topic: Humor/memes
Be careful where you are going, because you never know who is following you. =)

by crickl at 6:08 PM PDT
Updated: Tue, Nov 29 2005 8:10 PM PST
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Sun, Apr 24 2005
Bad timing
Topic: People/Family stories
I skipped church this morning *bad pastor's wife!* and here I sit watching home design shows while our church honors my husband for 8 years of being their pastor. *I think I deserve a good pout* I was up til 3:30am with 2 barfing children, one of whom did not reach a proper recepticle in time! So at 2am I was cleaning a bedspread, a sleeping bag and my couch, while Bethany cleaned the wood floor. She was using BLEACH water on my new wood floor until I came out and saw it and was jumping up and down yelling "NOOOOOO!" The sleeping bag was out by the couch because Bethany was having a slumber party. *oiy* Pizza, ice cream, cookies, brownies, chips, soda, barf! This morning I have 2 daughters, each with old margarine tub buckets attached under their chins, sipping water, munching toast and watching Disney channel with doopy eyes. My head is pounding and dizzy, but hopefully it's just from the stress and lack of sleep and not from getting sick.....?

Tonight we have small group Bible study at our house. I am afraid to make the clam dip I have planned...wonder if the small group people would like chicken and stars with dry toast and gingerale? =)

by crickl at 11:37 AM PDT
Updated: Tue, Nov 29 2005 8:12 PM PST
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Fri, Apr 22 2005
Perfect refreshment
Topic: People/Family stories

To sit in the shade on a fine day, and look upon verdure is the most perfect refreshment.
~Jane Austen~

Today, after a long day helping at school and plodding about after school, I took a half hour to sit on our lawn swing with our dog, Winnie and look upon verdure. The grass is green now, growing in tufts and all disheveled looking. Spring bulbs are out and lovely..tulips will come hyacinths I think. This picture is from last Fall but it has the feeling that today brought. I love how a half hour in nature, in quiet, with a nice dog beside you does wonders for your weariness.

It really was refreshing....I recommend it!

by crickl at 12:07 AM PDT
Updated: Tue, Nov 29 2005 8:14 PM PST
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Wed, Apr 20 2005
Books 'R Us
Topic: Humor/memes
I posted this questionnaire in a chat room/message board I go to. Here is the question, and some responses beginning with mine.

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
5. Don't search around and look for the coolest book you can find. Do what's actually next to you.

?Hang on- the computer is still trying to restore holographic reality.? From Adventure Bible Handbook (a wild and spectacular high-tech trip through the Bible) on the story of Elijah?.my 7 year old?s book.

"It's your child's bedtime and all you want is for him to go to sleep so you can lie down and stare at the TV -- and it starts up."
from Plan B, Further Thoughts on Faith by Anne Lamott

"Then one Pole spoke up"
from What's So Amazing About Grace? by Philip Yancey

"He offered her eggs and bacon and kielbasa with what he called "Jewish Rye Bread" -- the star of David bakery was under the twentieth street viaduct. From "The World's Last Night" By William Jovanovich

"There's no reason for this to be a shock." FLUKE by Christopher Moore

"Moreover there is no position so high but that it is subject to a spiritual superior in what concerns the conscience and the soul."~ A PERRENIAL PHILOSOPHY by Aldous Huxley, in which the next line is a quote from St. Paul: "Though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all."

And if YOU have any to add, just click the comments button?it?s kinda fun to see what people have lying around.

by crickl at 7:52 PM PDT
Updated: Tue, Nov 29 2005 8:15 PM PST
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Fri, Apr 15 2005
Divine humor
Topic: Humor/memes
A friend of mine recently showed me an internet video clip. We were talking about that creepy Burger King commercial with the guy in a king mask who looks into someone?s window, just staring at him, then the man he?s staring at starts getting this goofy smile on his face?.weird! So he said there was a commercial that was taken off the air in Germany because people complained that they saw ghosts in it and heard backward talking. He said to listen carefully to hear it and lean close to see what he couldn?t make out but might be the ?ghosts?. (this should have been my first clue?lean close, turn up the sound) lol Here is the clip: Well not to spoil the surprise for you, but at the end of the car commercial, a goblin jumps in front of the screen and does this crazy, scary scream and scares the bajeebers out of you! So naturally, I played the trick on my kids. I told them the story and showed them the clip, telling them I thought the supposed ghosts were just sun rays or fog or something, but to look closely at the trees. Well, they about hit the roof, my daughter Emma actually screamed and jumped off the couch. Ha! Gotcha! This was a few days ago.

Last night I was loading the video clip just to bother Emma again, who was sitting beside me on the couch. It takes about 5-10 minutes to fully load and get ready to play on my computer, so I turned the laptop toward Emma and got up to go to my room?while I was in my room, my husband was talking to me about some things, then I went to the kitchen, then came back to sit on the couch. Do you think God has a sense of humor? I know He does. At the precise time that I was in mid-sit, that goblin jumped out and screamed. My head was at the same level as the speakers, I had totally forgotten that I had left it loading. I screamed and my feet slipped out from under me and I fell the rest of the way to the couch, half laughing, half choking on my Oreo, part peeing my pants! Then, after that lovely display, I couldn?t stop laughing and choking?.the girls were laughing and telling me how it served me right. And I guess it did. I am a practical joker at heart, but I don?t like it when I am the subject of a joke. And how did that happen just perfectly unless God set it up? Hmmmmmm?

Other proofs of God?s sense of humor: giraffes, monkeys, weird bugs and fish, pictures composed of precisely set stars in the sky, sneezes, and west Texas. Besides, we are made in His image and even little toddlers have a sense of humor. Doesn?t it just make you smile to think of a baby laughing, of clouds in goofy shapes, of how dogs are so goofy and seem to understand you and communicate back with you? And what does smiling and laughter do for us? It lowers blood-pressure, relaxes us, puts us at ease with each other and makes the emotional and social ground level between people. It?s a good thing that God gave us humor?.and I enjoy it to the fullest. I love to find it every day in the world or in other people, even when they don?t realize they are cracking me up! Human nature, mixing up words while talking, being a clutz, facial expressions?.these can all be FUNNY. I love it?.and I?m starting to appreciate the little practical joke played on me last night. That was a good one?.heh heh heh. My only problem is this: When someone plays a trick on you, you want to get them back! That is not an option in this case. *Drat*

by crickl at 10:25 AM PDT
Updated: Tue, Nov 29 2005 8:18 PM PST
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Thu, Apr 14 2005
Reading into things
Topic: Humor/memes
I really admire people who read?people who read whole books and know how to discuss great literary ideas and interpretations. Two of my daughters are like that. (they take after their dad) They love to read, they can remember details from what they?ve read and they can see the themes and interpretations of the book. I read a book (sometimes the whole thing) and think, ?Ah, well that was a nice story.? I don?t have a clue?until someone brings out the interpretations for me. Then I think it?s wonderful and start to see all the nuances of it?.but as far as being very intuitive?I?m not. I found this survey on books and by my answers you can tell how pragmatic and sensible I am?intuition and great thought I can only admire from a distance.

1. What book do you want to be? I imagine I would like to be an old favorite kind of book?.the kind that is like a fond friendship, that you read often, quote from with bookish friends and read to escape from it all. This would have to be a Jane Austen book??intricate relationships and plot, witty sarcasm, and vivid written scope for the imagination.

2. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? I did?.strangely, when I was in middle school I had a ?crush? on Oliver Twist and Huckleberry Finn?.they were so pitiful and needed love. What this says about my personality and tendencies is a little too scary to think of?so I won?t. =)

3. The last book you bought is: I bought three old hardcover copies of Louisa May Alcott books?Little Men, Jo?s Boys and Eight Cousins?..from a used bookstore. They look really cool on my shelf. I also bought a bunch of classics for my oldest daughter for Christmas this past December. That?s what she wanted for Christmas?books. (makes me go hmmmm)

4. The last book you read is: I have read others since, but the last one I read and actually finished was the Lord of the Rings trilogy. We had just seen the first movie and I had to know how the story turned out, so I got the books and tore through them all in about 3 weeks. The weird and funny thing about this was that I had a major case of the flu at the time and a high fever? it made the story come alive in my brain like no other. It became a sort of out of body experience?..and was very emotional. The flu makes you hyper-emotional I have found. I laid on the couch during the day, wrapped like a cocoon in a blanket reading it?I stayed up late, way into the wee hours reading it until my eyes wouldn?t stay open?and I obsessed about the parts I couldn?t figure out until I found resolution.

5. What are you currently reading? The Giver. This is the book that my seventh grade daughter is reading for Language Arts and it sounded really interesting and disturbing, so I?m reading it. Again, makes me nervous to think about this for long.

6. Five books you would take to a deserted island:
(trying to imagine someone actually packing for a trip to a deserted island)

~The Bible ?my favorite book, written by my favorite Author. (excitement, wisdom, direction and comfort?.and a great, personal love story)

~Surviving Deserted Islands for Dummies (this is a joke?it?s pretty funny if you think about it)

~Sense and Sensibility --because sense is a rare thing on a deserted island?so I?ve heard?.just look at Tom Hanks?started a relationship with a volley ball! If only he had remembered to pack his top 5 books! And besides, I?ll be feeling very sarcastic and in need of humor and biting wit if stranded for more than a day or so?..I wonder what the average stranding time is? It would also help me polish up on my British accents by reading aloud to the monkeys and tropical birds that would visit me regularly.

~Our family photo album --my family might think this is silly?to bring a blank photo album--since all our pictures are online or stuck in a basket on a shelf in the dining room?.but I am imagining it all filled in?this is just a make believe quiz.

~Home Remedies for all Occasions --I am hoping it includes all kinds of poisonous insect bite remedies as well as some ideas for keeping up hygiene and skin-care-while-stranded-on-a-deserted-island-without-cosmetics section?and a section on what to do if you have a severe allergic reaction to coconuts or raw fish. *Thinking* I may have to throw in some monkey and tropical bird recipes.

What I?m really thinking as I make fun of this survey: Why do people ask these types of questions? How many people actually get stranded on deserted islands? I think it just causes undo stress and anxiety to make people think of such dreadful possibilities.

Please understand, I harbor no hard bitterness toward hardcore readers?..many of my close friends and family are readers. =) I just have issues with following through (finishing the dreadfully long ones) and understanding the unstated. In high school I knew where the Cliff Notes section was in several bookstores?.in college I learned to skim. These days I usually stick to magazine and internet reports and articles. I love knowledge?it?s just the time and dreadful concentration it takes to find it. And I appreciate the quietness and commitment it takes to sit down just to read?.I like the idea and find it compelling?..maybe I will have more time for that as my kids leave the nest, but for now I find my life is an endless string of multi-tasking. I will try to remember to answer these questions again in 10 years, when my last fledgling has been shoved out of the nest.

by crickl at 5:57 PM PDT
Updated: Tue, Nov 29 2005 8:18 PM PST
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Mon, Apr 11 2005
Ancient words....ever true....
Topic: God things
"The Bible is the best of all books, for it is the word of God and teaches us the way to be happy in this world and in the next. Continue therefore to read it and to regulate your life by its precepts." --John Jay, the man whom George Washington appointed as the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

Ancient Words

Holy words long preserved
for our walk in this world,
They resound with God's own heart
Oh, let the Ancient words impart.

Words of Life, words of Hope
Give us strength, help us cope
In this world, where e'er we roam
Ancient words will guide us Home.

Ancient words ever true
Changing me, and changing you.
We have come with open hearts
Oh let the ancient words impart.

Holy words of our Faith
Handed down to this age.
Came to us through sacrifice
Oh heed the faithful words of Christ.

Holy words long preserved
For our walk in this world.
They resound with God's own heart
Oh let the ancient words impart

--Michael W. Smith

by crickl at 9:30 PM PDT
Updated: Tue, Nov 29 2005 8:21 PM PST
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Sun, Apr 10 2005
Close encounters
Topic: God things
This past weekend I found myself surrounded by over a thousand women?..singing, eating, laughing so hard we were crying and sitting for hours on end (literally?hours?on our rear ends). It was the Arizona state Christian women?s conference put on by our denomination. We had group sessions, sitting in a huge sanctuary, listening to one of the most hilarious speakers ever?.Liz Curtis Higgs. Our cheeks were sore from laughing and wet from tears after every session! It was no use trying to keep makeup in check. We had break out sessions, ranging from decorating and hospitality ideas to sessions dealing with depression and pornography addiction. There were booths and displays to see, bookstores to peruse, old friends to catch up with, coffee to drink, meals to eat at nice restaurants and one midnight run to Walmart. Several of us were complaining of joint or muscle soreness, so we ran to Walmart to get some Thera-gesic cream. It?s just like Bengay, but supposedly much more sophisticated and effective?..just as smelly though, so we were quite distinctive at the conference and in restaurants?heh.

By the second day, I was so tired of sitting on stiff chairs, being talked at by lunch time, that I went with friends to skip a session, enjoy the beautiful weather and take a turn doing the talking for a while. The conference was in Phoenix, which is beautiful in the Spring, a perfect mix of warm sun, light breeze and fragrance of flowers in the air. We returned to northern Arizona with snow falling and a biting wind blowing. It is such a weird contrast, the differing climates at such a small distance. In only two hours, you can escape the heat of the desert into the cool, high elevation of Flagstaff in summer?.or in winter, you can enjoy a break in the warmth of the desert while enduring a snowy winter in the mountains. So in winter, we have conferences in Phoenix and in summer, we have camps and retreats in the mountains. You gotta love that?

Our conference leader has written several books on Bad Girls of the Bible. She does extensive research on these Bible women, women ?with a past?, and she writes about how God found them, just as they were, showed them His love and used them in amazing ways to bring about His plan and to restore them in the process?..and how their lives can teach us so much about ours. Her story is amazing and she is a HOOT! I was totally engaged mentally in the teaching times, which is a trick for a borderline A. D. D. woman. I rarely get through an entire sermon or study time without taking a trip far away in my mind?.or several small journeys at least. ;)

One of these bad women she taught about was ?the woman at the well? who met Jesus one day, going about her daily routine, unaware that her life was about to be changed. Throughout the study, she led us through the encounter, showing by the small, seemingly insignificant details of the story how Jesus showed her such kindness, such understanding and such deep insight. They had such a personal, intimate encounter, just the two of them, discussing water, politics, religion, sin and freedom. It is one of the rare times that a one on one encounter between someone and Jesus is recorded. (in fact the only other one I can think of is when Nicodemus came to Him by night) It makes me wonder what kind of encounter I would have if I ran into the Lord during my normal, daily routine. But we do run into Him each day?in the small lessons He shows us through the world or relationships or through His Word. He?s got stuff to talk to us about each day?.as trivial and temporary as politics and religion or as deep and eternal as sin and freedom. I know I need to go to the ?well? more regularly each day and have a one on one with Him?.to hear what He?s waiting there to discuss with me and to see what it might set me free from??

by crickl at 10:00 PM PDT
Updated: Tue, Nov 29 2005 8:23 PM PST
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Mon, Apr 4 2005
Things I saw today....
Topic: Humor/memes
Have you ever thought about all the sights our eyes take in every day? (And the fleeting thoughts that accompany them and are quickly dismissed.)

Things I saw today:

1. An orange house with black trim. These are our school colors here but I can?t imagine someone wanting to live in this hideous monstrosity.

2. My teary reflection over a bad whack job on my hair. (self-inflicted, it looks like a mushroom)

3. My co-workers husband come swiftly through the office wearing eye-shocking tie dye pants. No comment. *hi Katie*

4. My dog trying to look non-chalant because she had taken my warm place on the couch while I got up and she didn?t want to give it back. I think this is really funny?it?s totally obvious that she is glancing at me trying to see if I?ll move her or sit somewhere else. When I do move her, she sighs at me?ha!

5. My seven year old?s feverish little face and droopy eyes. She has since had her meds and fallen sound asleep in her bed. *tonsilitis*

6. A policeman watching me almostbutnotquitestop at a stop sign. Thankfully I don?t think he saw me until I was in full motion again?whew!

7. A grocery bag flying high in the air in the strong Spring wind. The wind is so bad today that there are weather advisories on the highway and every time I open the back door, it almost takes 2 people to close it again.

8. Dwindling after Easter candy sale display at the grocery store. I passed on by?.

9. Children chasing each other during recess?.not a care in the world.

10. My refrigerator full of leftovers. Remember that episode of the Cosby?s where they clean out the freezer and all eat up leftovers and old food as a meal? Guess what?s for dinner tonight?

11. A boy picking his nose in the window of a passing school bus. He totally thought no one was watching him?I wish there hadn?t been.

12. My husband laughing and watching Jimmy Neutron. Episode about Jimmy building a robo-mom while his mom?s on a spa vacation.

13. My 13 year old walking away from the kitchen table with the tablecloth tucked into her pants, spilling 2 glasses of water. I found this quite humorous.

14. A crackling fire going in the woodstove?.it?s calling to me?.

?.have a good day.

by crickl at 5:07 PM PDT
Updated: Tue, Nov 29 2005 8:23 PM PST
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Tue, Mar 29 2005
Preparing for changes....
Topic: People/Family stories
Well as the weather here continues to have trouble making up it's mind about what season it is, so life is doing the same. Funny how nature mimics our it poking fun or simply mirroring us? (imitation being the sincerest form of flattery) Change is in the air everywhere I look and somehow I never get used to it or expect it. It's always surprising...that's what makes it an adventure though....these changes. As my oldest daughter is starting early adulthood and getting ready to head to college next Fall, some of my good friends have just discovered they are expecting babies!!! These friends are about 10 years younger than I am, but subconsciously I consider us the same age: YOUNG adults. Ha. What a difference in parenting seasons when there is a 10 year difference in ages.

As our church grows, new people are taking over old positions and doing a great job. I have been gradually giving over a lot of my positions of ministry at our church this year due to working at our school and trying to allot my time. Now I won't be working at the school this coming year, so I am wondering where God wants me in the church. I have an opportunity now to do some new things in ministry....that is yet to be discovered...although I'm kind of excited about it.

My parents are needing more help as they age and this is a hard change as I see them get more dependent. There will be times I will have to become like a parent to them as this process continues. My siblings and I have been trying to decide how to handle things and share the load. It's hard to feel like you're sharing the load when you live 2 1/2 hours away.

My kids are growing up, my parents are aging, my friends are having new babies and it keeps snowing, then warming up, then snowing again. I'm sure I don't know what is going on, but through the ages millions of women have survived I will too. Like nature, God directs our days, sometimes confusing us beyond all reason, and helps us in preparing our lives for the things that are before us. I'll just have to remember to look out the window and check the sky before getting myself ready for the day.....and always expect changes....and pray that I can avoid all deadly projectiles!

by crickl at 4:11 PM PST
Updated: Tue, Nov 29 2005 8:28 PM PST
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Fri, Mar 25 2005
The Wonderful Cross
Topic: Holidays/Vacations
The Good Friday service was really inspiring and convicting..... just as it should have been. It was all planned and carried out by our youth pastor and our youth group. They showed scenes from The Passion of Christ interwoven with songs about the cross and readings from the story of the cross in the Bible. That movie is amazing. It is horrible to watch, but when you face what He went through for you, it draws you into repentence.....I don't know if people expect that. I know I didn't anticipate that instantaneous conviction of sin. But as I saw it tonight and as I saw it a year ago in a movie theater, I can tell is an automatic response. And it is not just me. I remember talking to people after seeing it a year ago and everyone I talked to felt that way. It brings across so well the fact that you are not just sad and horrified that He had to's that He had to die because of your sin. It inspires true repentence....repentence that causes changes in your life out of gratitude and a feeling of deep obligation. So here are two of my favorite hymns about the cross for Good Friday. We didn't sing these tonight, but I love what they say.

When I Survey the Wondrous Cross

When I survey the wondrous cross
On which the Prince of Glory died
My Richest gain I count but loss
And pour contempt on all my pride

See from His head His hands His feet
Sorrow and love mingled down
Did e'er such love and sorrow meet
Or thorns compose so rich a crown

Were the whole realm of nature mine
That were and an off'ring far too small
Love so amazing so divine
Demands my soul my life my all

Life so amazing, so divine
Demands my soul. my life, my all
and the beauty and the shame
in the glory of His name
Oh the wonderful cross

Oh the wonderful cross (2x)
Bids me come and die and find
that I may truly live

Oh the wonderful cross (2x)
All who gather here by grace
draw here and bless your name

O Sacred Head, Now Wounded

O sacred Head, now wounded, with grief and shame weighed down,
Now scornfully surrounded with thorns, Thine only crown;
How pale Thou art with anguish, with sore abuse and scorn!
How does that visage languish, which once was bright as morn!

What Thou, my Lord, hast suffered, was all for sinners? gain;
Mine, mine was the transgression, but Thine the deadly pain.
Lo, here I fall, my Savior! ?Tis I deserve Thy place;
Look on me with Thy favor, vouchsafe to me Thy grace.

What language shall I borrow to thank Thee, dearest friend,
For this Thy dying sorrow, Thy pity without end?
O make me Thine forever, and should I fainting be,
Lord, let me never, never outlive my love to Thee.

---Bernard of Clairvau

by crickl at 1:04 PM PST
Updated: Tue, Nov 29 2005 8:28 PM PST
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Thu, Mar 24 2005
Spring break?
Topic: People/Family stories

Our Spring-like weather has suddenly turned back into ol' man winter....just in time for Spring amusing. Today it was so cold, we couldn't even go out and do vigorous yard work, like clearing out the gardens as it stayed in the 30's all day. So we did housework and after lunch popped in Ben Hur. I have never seen Ben Hur all the way through and I didn't realize it was a 4 hour we sat here all afternoon, hunkered down on our couches and baked chocolate chip cookies. Fun, yet not quite Spring breakish! Tomorrow we're going shopping....there is a Good Friday sale at Kohl's....50% off everything in stock. If that isn't a weird thought....a Good Friday sale...does that seem a little irreverent? Later we will go to a Good Friday service....which I will try to tell you about tomorrow night. Last year it was one of the most thoughtful, moving and contemplative services I've ever been to.

The first part of the week I spent in Phoenix with my 2 younger daughters. We visited my family, wore capris and short sleeves, and helped my sister water her vegetable/herb garden that was already in full swing. The most memorable thing we did though, was going to a drive in movie! I read recently that there are only a few drive in's left in America. What a shame! We had a lot of fun....popped a big bag of corn *microwave one had home popped kind!* and we packed blankets, lawn chairs,pillows, red hots and water bottles. One of only 3 surviving drive in movie theaters in Arizona is a mile from my parents home. We settled in for a double feature....Robots and Winn Dixie.....both very cute, but I enjoyed Winn Dixie sooo much more. Very good movie with a lot of underlying meaningful themes running through it....I love that. Besides I love a good dog movie! We had my 2 girls with us as well as my 7 year old niece and her mom, my sister. It was great....sitting in the outdoors, watching a movie (They have the sound come through a station on your car stereo too, so it's better than the old fashioned hook-on speaker that have the sound of a transistor radio.) We looked at the constellations, laughed as loud as we wanted to *which was quite loud* and the two 7 year olds danced around the outside of the car with joy at the end of each movie as the credits music played.

So Spring break was not all cold and snowy....but I was looking forward to clearing out my garden. And speaking of winter weather, check out this site. Some guy in Alaska is making a man made mountain of ice on his land. He has a long pipe with nozzles spraying instantly freezing water into the air! Amazing! Some people are so good at self entertainment...they are my heroes. ;) Make sure you scroll down to the bottom part of the page to see some mountain climbers climbing the ice!

In the meantime.....I'm going to make some hot tea.....

by crickl at 6:37 PM PST
Updated: Tue, Nov 29 2005 8:30 PM PST
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Sat, Mar 19 2005
The blessings of the Irish...
Topic: Holidays/Vacations
*Two days late!* Though I only have a wee bit of Irish blood in me, I looked up some Irish blessings and sayings for ye this day in remembrance of a man named Patrick.....*I can't speak with an Irish brogue, but I can pretend pretty well*

As an aside: we went camping with my friend, Anna's family once for a week and we spoke with different Celtic accents the whole time. Anna can do each accent, including Scottish, Irish, British and even Cockney very convincingly...I got an A for effort. It was one of those very sloshy, soggy, downpouringish camping trips we've made to Colorado....just to give you the big picture of why we found this so entertaining. =) The whole camping trip is memories of trying to stay dry *impossible when camping in tents*, trying to start fires with wet logs, and chipmunks invading everything! We took a lot of drives that trip too. It is a good thing we found something entertaining to do, because all the cold and wet was coupled with having a 2 year old I was trying to entertain and keep dry and warm. For some reason, the celtic accents kept our spirits up and our husbands in less hot water. ;) So here's to the Irish! *cheers*

The story of St Patrick who was a pioneer of the University and education.

~May the road rise to meet you;
May the wind be at your back;
The sun shine warm upon your face,
The rain fall soft upon your field.
And until we meet some day, 'til we meet some day,
May God hold you in the palm of God's hand.~

~May those that love us, love us.
And they that don't love us, may God turn their hearts.
And they that won't turn their hearts,
May God turn their ankles, so we'll know them by their limping.~

~May you live as long as you want,
And never want as long as you live.~

~May you have warm words on a cold evening,
A full moon on a dark night,
And the road downhill all the way to your door.~

~May the Lord keep you in His hand
And never close His fist too tight!~

~~And some Irish proverbs~~

The work praises the man.

The world would not make a racehorse of a donkey.

There is hope from the sea, but none from the grave.

There is no fireside like your own fireside

There is no luck except where there is discipline.

There is no need like the lack of a friend.

Three diseases without shame: Love, itch and thirst. *?* lol

You've got to do your own growing, no matter how tall your grandfather was. *for my Irish grandad who was only a smidge taller than me*

by crickl at 10:03 AM PST
Updated: Tue, Nov 29 2005 8:33 PM PST
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Wed, Mar 16 2005
Soulful windows.....
Topic: Other
They say your eyes are the windows of your are the windows in your house the soul of your home?'s a little soul searching for you....

It started with wanting to take a picture of my cool kitchen windows have my most satisfying sills...

The window over the sink is my favorite of friend Tracy made a lot of the cobalt blue pottery and has very nice window sills herself.

Herbs growing on sill......

The window I look out of each morning, hoping for a snow day....heh

Gotta love ivy...

The front windows have the best oldest daughter's sill...

Another daughter's sill.....great view of the creek...

One of my favorite things about this house is that all the windows have sills. I enjoyed recording them and thinking about how they show the soul of our home...

by crickl at 3:35 PM PST
Updated: Tue, Nov 29 2005 8:33 PM PST
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Mon, Mar 14 2005
Spring lost it's spring
Topic: Other
I took these pictures a couple of days ago. Spring was peeping it's wee head up out of the warm ground, it's sleepy eyes, winking and blinking, shaking off an unwanted yawn.....heehee. Everyone in town was in a good mood, sporting the slight hint of sunburned cheeks and wearing things like capris and cotton t's.

This morning we woke up to 6 inches of snow! (and I have no desire to go tromping around in it to take a picture.) Spring is so crazy! I'm not complaining though, because I needed a snow day off of school. Company is coming today and I hadn't cooked or cleaned a thing.

So here's a look back at a very short Spring. ;)

by crickl at 3:45 PM PST
Updated: Tue, Nov 29 2005 8:37 PM PST
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