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crickl's nest
Sun, Nov 5 2006
Topic: People/Family stories
God's blessing...... It often comes through His people.

Did I mention that I haven't cooked a meal in a month?


Yet my family and I have eaten home-cooked meals almost every night. October 3rd I had surgery, coinciding with pastor appreciation month in October. Our church family provided meals four times a week for the entire month! Besides the blessing of meals, we also got to know several people a lot better, making a real connection with them as they entered our home, bringing their offerings.

Oh, they weren't offerings to US....they were offerings to God. They brought Him lasagne, chicken and rice, chicken pot pies, tatter-tot casserole, chicken enchiladas extraordinare, steak, chicken, burgers, pizza, soup, along with all kinds of cakes, pies and desserts. Each of them blessed God with their offering of help and physical sustinence to another believer. A cup of water, so to speak....

Cool, isn't it?

Now go out and present your offerings before Him....

The angel answered, "Your prayers and gifts to the poor
have come up as a memorial offering before God."
Acts 10:4

by crickl at 8:37 PM PST
Updated: Sun, Nov 5 2006 8:45 PM PST
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Somebody saaaaaaaave meeee
Topic: People/Family stories


I never gave it a thought until this past week and a half.

A friend of my 16 yr old mailed us the full first season on dvd to borrow, then send back. Bethany begged us to watch the first episode with her.

That was basically where it all went wrong fast. Now we can't stop watching it. Every time we hear the theme song wailing, "Somebody saaaaaave meeeee," we come like obedient slaves and watch disk after disk of Smallville weirdness. lol It's soooo predictable and has such wacked out characters (people affected by the meteor shower that brought little Clark to Earth) but we love it. My question is, does anyone have season 2????? *Pfft*

Silly, isn't it?

Yes, it is! Somebody saaaaaaaave meeeeee....

by crickl at 7:28 PM PST
Updated: Sun, Nov 5 2006 7:30 PM PST
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Fri, Nov 3 2006
Topic: Humor/memes
The thing that surprised me most about this news item??

Ebay is a real place??

I got an email this morning that said if I would forward it something good would happen to me at 7:05. I hit delete, now I'm a bit worried. ;')

I'm sorry, now that I'm feeling a lot better, my silliness is kicking in.

Have a nice day....

And just for your snarky side (and I know you have one!):

by crickl at 7:25 AM PST
Updated: Fri, Nov 3 2006 7:42 AM PST
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Thu, Nov 2 2006
Rockin the Block
Topic: God things
On overload and overwelmed by all the recent activity at home and church, I took a little unplanned break from blogging. All is well though, no worries.

One of the activities we were all involved in was our annual block party on halloween night at church. A few years ago, the church had a block party that hosted around 400 people. Last year they had 800 people and this year it may have been that many again. (I haven't heard the official count yet) Hats OFF to Ann, our block party coordinator! She does a fabulous job and works on it all year long. She was working this year with major pain (literally) and thankfully, she was training an lady!

My only job I was able to contribute was to man the popcorn machine for a few hours that morning, making a small dent in the 800+ bags of popcorn needed for the night! As I went to sleep that night, I kept smelling the strong scent of popcorn on my hair. Along with the popcorn, we had people cooking and serving up hot dogs, canned soda, bowls of scooped frozen yogurt (it takes serious arm muscles to scoop frozen yogurt for 800 people!) and brewing up gourmet coffee and hot cocoa. There were also multitudes of cupcakes!! All for free to our block partiers. In the worship center, where the food court was, we had a video of our past year's children and youth events and also of the pastor, children's pastor, and youth pastor all speaking about the church. It was very exciting! People were listening.....their eyes looked hungry for more than hot dogs.

We had regular fun game booths and inflatable jumping games (3 huge ones) and this year they rented a 'rock wall' that you could climb with harnesses and everything! IT was very cool! Very comical was the little 5 year old Spiderman who could not get a good grip and climb the rock wall. The thought of it still makes me giggle! There were all manner of princesses, fairies, and ballerinas found airborn most of the evening in the inflatable bouncing booths. There were superheroes with orange frosting stained cheeks, ladybugs with hot cocoa mustaches, and even a few doggies becostumed for the evening.

Sooooooo many people from all around our neighborhood. They were dressed in all kinds of costumes, including one very scary looking guy in a satan costume, wearing a mask with a long realistic looking tongue hanging down and split at the end. He never took it off either....weird! A pastor friend of mine said Satan often shows up at his church too, but he is usually disguised as a gossipy, bitter woman or controlling committee member, etc. Makes ya think, doesn't it?

We got lots of thanks and people confused as to why we'd put this wonderful event on for free! So it gave us an opportunity to tell them we care about the families in the community and want people to feel welcome at our church. Most of these people likely do not have a church or much faith or hope in life. Our wonderful church members used a holiday that a lot of Christians shun these days (understandably) and used it to bring a neighborhood of searching people to our church to be loved on by our Jesus.

Pray with me that God will draw these people back to our church for services and children and youth activities, where they can hear more about this Jesus (and this Church), who loves them.

We call the event Rock the Block....and I hope it shook up some things!

by crickl at 10:16 PM PST
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Wed, Nov 1 2006
Wordless Wednesday: Canyon in March
Topic: Photo entries

My husband and daughter went with friends on a hike into the Grand Canyon in March of 2002. He took a very cool shot of them coming around a switchback. A lot of the trail was snow packed, and in parts icey, so they had to wear clamp-on cleats on their shoes!

**For more WW photo entries go to Wordless Wednesday or Five Minutes for Mom.**

by crickl at 9:11 AM PST
Updated: Wed, Nov 1 2006 12:42 PM PST
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Fri, Oct 27 2006
Friday's demotivation
Topic: Humor/memes

For more demotivators, go to

by crickl at 2:07 PM PDT
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Tue, Oct 24 2006
Wordless Wednesday: hmmmm
Topic: Photo entries

I have no word to describe this small mountain near the Big Lake area in the White Mountains of Arizona. UPDATE: I just figured out what this landscape reminded me of....Teletubbies! It just needs a few rabbits grazing and a sun with a baby's face up in the sky!

Click here: To see other WW participants' photos.

Click here: To get the code to join WW.

by crickl at 10:22 PM PDT
Updated: Wed, Oct 25 2006 11:09 AM PDT
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Mon, Oct 23 2006
Toffee making
Topic: Crickl's Recipes
I did a bad thing one Christmas. Not thinking it was a bad thing at all when I began, it turned into a holiday obsession that I will never be rid of....

While reading a ladies’ magazine with cute decoration ideas and recipes for the holidays, I came across a recipe for English Toffee. I was newly married and on a strict budget….we were both seminary students and as poor as dirt. As a teen and college student, I had my own tradition of getting a can of Almond Roca for my family for Christmas. The candy is not expensive, but I knew making it from scratch from very simple ingredients would be cheaper, I could make some for each family member and it would be more special.

Little did I know that 22 years later, my family and friends await that toffee every year, like crazed addicts! Some of them even keep the jar or tin I gave it to them in and hand it back to me the following year.

“So you won’t have to buy so many this year WHEN you make the toffee.”
Uh huh…..

So I am going to share the recipe with you, but I will include this warning: you may not ever be able to stop making it once you’ve dabbled in it. So beware!!

I am including all the tips and tricks I have learned from making toffee every Christmas for 22 years. It is not complicated, but trust me, the tips are tried and true! One tip is that you cannot make a decent batch of toffee if you live in a high elevation area! Don’t even try it. When we lived in the mountains of Arizona, I had to make the toffee on trips to Phoenix or when we went to visit my husband’s family in Oklahoma for Thanksgiving. They don’t take elevation as a valid excuse. I must make the toffee.

First is a very detailed explanation of candy making. Please do read it all if you are going to attempt it. It is not hard, but it does need to be done correctly and in a very timely way. At the end are very concise instructions so it’s easier to read them as you are making the candy. I put the basic recipe, including ingredients all in bold in case you want to copy just those into a recipe card.

Enjoy! (but beware!)

Materials needed:
-Heavy bottomed saucepan of medium size
-A wooden spoon or spoon made for cooking candy and stirring constantly at very high heat. The type of spoon that works best is one with a flat end, so you can scrap the bottom of the pan constantly. After several batches of toffee, the wooden one with crack but it still works best.
-A candy thermometer. I brake candy thermometers that are made of glass, so I tend to use my plain old meat thermometer most. It works fine, but make sure you don’t hold it to the bottom of the pan. Try to suspend it in the candy so you get an accurate reading. The trick is holding it there while constantly stirring, so clip it on the side of the pan and kind of tip it so it’s not hitting the bottom of the pan while taking the temperature.
-Metal cookie sheet. Metal cools much more quickly than a stone or glass one. Spray the sheet with cooking spray very lightly. The toffee will not run over the sides of the sheet if it is a regular sized one, so it’s ok to used one without edges.

****Children should not be under foot while making candy. Should it spill or bubble and splatter, it will cause very severe burns!****

English Toffee
Makes 1 pound

1 cup butter (do not use margarine)
1 cup sugar
3 Tablespoons water
1 teaspoon vanilla (splurge and get the really good kind from Trader Joes)
1 Hershey bar
3/4 cup chopped nuts (if desired) pecans or almonds taste best

To prepare for quick steps when toffee is cooked, have these things ready before cooking ingredients:

-Spray cookie sheet with cooking spray and set it on a dish towel on the counter. (the dish towel protects your counter from being scorched)
-Open the wrapper of the Hershey bar and break each square apart, ready to top your toffee. You can also use ? to a full cup of chocolate chips.
-Prepare your nuts for topping if you use them. Chop finely or bash them to bits in a ziplok bag with a coffee mug or rolling pin… finely chopped as you can.


Put butter, sugar and water in a heavy bottomed saucepan. Cook on medium heat (or just a little higher, but be careful not to used too high of heat or you can scorch it and ruin the batch) until mixture reaches 300?, stirring constantly. (this is where it gets tedious as you stir….it usually takes about half an hour to get it to hard crack stage…300?).

As toffee cooks, it will turn from yellow and bubbly to thick caramel color, which is when you want to put the thermometer in. Move the thermometer periodically to prevent scorching in that spot. Never (EVER) stop stirring….it WILL scorch very easily. Let the answering machine get the phone, let the baby cry, let the dog piddle on the carpet, just don’t let the toffee burn! =)

When it reaches 300?, turn heat off and remove pan from burner, then quickly stir in vanilla. It will splatter a little, so take care. I hold the pan over the sink while adding vanilla.

Pour immediately into sprayed cookie sheet. It will at once begin to harden, so do not try to spread it out. Let it flow where it will.

Putting the hot pan in the sink or back on the stove is all the time it needs to harden enough to begin laying the chocolate squares onto the hot toffee. It will begin to melt immediately, so begin spreading it to cover the top with a spatula.

Lick spatula as to not be wasteful of any chocolate. I may point out here that you should NOT, EVER, under any circumstances (!!!!) lick the spoon you just stirred toffee with. You will not have skin on the roof of your mouth for a week. Please don’t ask me how I know that.

While chocolate is still soft, sprinkle surface with finely bashed nuts and enjoy how pretty it all is! After it cools completely, lift edges of toffee and randomly break it into appropriately sized pieces. Any inappropriate sized pieces may be eaten by the cook at his/her discretion.

Place into air-tight containers which you can decorate if you wish and enjoy a job well done and accolades as plentiful as the sand of the sea!

Okay, now that you have read the way too detailed instructions, here they are in simple form that is easier to read.

Basic instructions (with no snarky details):
Put butter, sugar and water into saucepan on medium heat and stir constantly until mixture reaches 300?.

Turn off heat, stir in vanilla, and pour onto greased cookie sheet.

Lay broken chocolate bar on top, spread as they melt, sprinkle with nuts, cool thoroughly.

Break into pieces and store in air-tight containers.

Makes 1 pound of delicious candy!

by crickl at 2:46 PM PDT
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Sat, Oct 21 2006
Order and Contentment
Topic: God things
There is a new devotional sight called Laced with Grace begun by my friend Iris. She has five very good writers on her crew and they are very relevant as well as well written. Take a look. Today's devotion is written on Contentment.

I am pondering order and contentment this morning. I don't have much self made order in my life. My personality type is not the order loving/needing kind, (it's more like the fly by the seat of my pants while shouting "wheeeeeee!" kind) But, I know it is a good thing, this 'order' and really does make me feel more content when I have it.

It's the living in it that is hard for me.

John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill
and destroy; I have come that they may have life,
and have it to the full.

by crickl at 11:13 AM PDT
Updated: Sun, Oct 22 2006 10:13 PM PDT
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Fri, Oct 20 2006
True Beauty campaign
Topic: Friendship
It's funny, I thought having all this recuperating time after surgery would give me lots of time to write and post thoughtful blog entries.....but I haven't. My brain is a little dull and's not super-bad, but bad enough to feel a blank stare come on when I even think of writing a blog entry. So I will refer you to something interesting that I found today.

My friend Crystal from over at the Choosing Home forum, posted this entry today about Real Beauty. It's a very good post, I hope you'll go read it.....especially if you have daughters! Our culture distorts the idea of beauty so much, we should really talk to them more and provide more resource and time to the subject of true beauty!

Meanwhile I will sit here and try to get a little oomph in my get-along!!

Click here to see more inner beauty of flowers photographs by Judith K. McMillan.

by crickl at 12:36 PM PDT
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Tue, Oct 17 2006
Wordless Wednesday: Puppy Love
Topic: Photo entries

For more WW participants' entries, go to Wordless Wednesday.

by crickl at 11:21 PM PDT
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Mon, Oct 16 2006
Family stuff
Topic: God things
Quick update on me: I'm feeling so much better! I even drove to 2 stores today. Emma and I went to Payless Shoes to pick up something for me with some gift money I had. Then we went to Sprouts to get some produce, flour and snack stuff.

It was fun but I'm tired out now!!

I was over at Chrysalis today. E-mom has 2 posts up that I wanted to pass along. First is some helpful information on communication in marriage and another one about figuring out your child's spiritual gifts......very helpful info!

Have fun surfing....I need a nap.

by crickl at 2:18 PM PDT
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Sat, Oct 14 2006
Fall in Phoenix
Topic: People/Family stories
It's been cool enough to sleep with a fan in the window the past week and we are enjoying the Phoenix Fall weather. I have to clarify Phoenix Fall because it's not like the usual crisp wind, fire smoke smell in the air or sweater-wearing-ish Fall we're used to. Still, there is a change for the cooler in the air and it is refreshing! Today we woke up to rain pouring onto the street and roof, tumbling down the street on both sides. So we opened up the doors and let the refreshing, clean air come wisping through the house. The air conditioner is still set at 78 and has not come on yet. And Charles has been doing yard chores most of the afternoon. We have no leaves to rake. Mesquite and ficus trees don't loose their leaves all at once and you barely notice they are changing. But bushes need trimming, windows need calking, and it's nice to just be out there today in the 77 degree, windy weather.

Here are some pictures from a few days ago. Maggie and her cousin made salt dough leaf shapes to make refrigerator magnets and my mom and sister made my gingersnap recipe.

by crickl at 3:21 PM PDT
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Fri, Oct 13 2006
Organ Recital
Topic: People/Family stories
My sister and I started a marathon craft with our two 9 year olds on Wednesday. We made salt dough and let them cut out leaf patterns with Autumn cookie cutters. I baked them til they were hard, then today they were to paint them with acrylic paints, spray them with shiny finishing coat and glue magnets on the backs of them for refrigerator magnets. We only got to the painting part, so this is to be continued....

Cheryl took pity on me this morning and took me to the craft store to pick up the magnets and finishing spray. I can't drive yet after my surgery, so I have to beg people. We got what we needed and got in her car, but as we were leaving the parking lot to drop Maggie off at homeschoolers' PE class at the park, I realized I needed to GO. (can't put it off in my current condition)


I offered to buy cokes if we stopped at a fast food place to 'go', but she said her mom lived right on the way to the park. So we stopped by her mom's house for a pit stop. Her mom and longtime housemate were glad to see us. I 'went'.

We talked for a few minutes, focusing on my recent surgery and how quickly I am bouncing back. J jokingly said she had no pity for me after hearing I didn't have to have major abdominal surgery for the hysterectomy and she told me about hers. Then we compared gall bladder surgeries, mine laproscopic, hers major abdominal surgery. Then N chimed in discussing bladder lifts and the wonders thereof.

All this time Maggie was sitting wondering how to add her two cents worth to the conversation, as always, looking anxious to say something. J noticed her and asked her if she liked music. Maggie agreed, she liked music and J said,

"Well then you must have loved this organ recital we just had."

Maggie didn't get it, but the rest of us were laughing and groaning!

by crickl at 5:48 PM PDT
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Wed, Oct 11 2006
Rivers of blessing
Topic: People/Family stories
You know how when you stub your toe or have a hangnail, it's all you can think about? Every move you make, you're thinking about the pain, the frustration soars when you bang the toe again in the same spot, salt gets under your hangnail and it sends you reeling. I hate that.

The past week my mind has been consumed with a pain of my own. I would have looked at the pictures in this post as torture 2 days ago! I have been consumed over a small part of the body that has plagued my every waking moment!

Today, I barely thought about it. That is why there was no update this morning, no call to prayer this afternoon, no whining this evening. I know people have been praying and talking me through this, yet when I get some relief from the obsession, I forget to thank people, to even give them a report on the success!

So here is a belated thank you. Things are so much better today.It is still there, still not completely 'right', but it's much better than constant discomfort and frustration that I've dealt with the past 3 days especially.

It is amazing how our minds can do a total 180 when there is even a little change that makes life more bearable. It was like crossing the threshold from tolerable nuisance to miserable obsession.

May God keep you from that threshold and bless your life for hanging in there with me as I was suffering.

Thank you so much.

by crickl at 10:23 PM PDT
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