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crickl's nest
Tue, Mar 20 2007
Spring Break
Topic: Blogging
Sorry I haven't posted much lately. This is spring break week for all my kids, even one home from college, so I will probably be scarce for a few more days!

by crickl at 2:01 PM PDT
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Thu, Mar 15 2007
Friday's Feast #135
Topic: Humor/memes
**Get your own Friday Feast menu here.**

Name two things that made you smile this week.

1. We saw a guy dressed up like Uncle Sam, waving a little flag, advertising an income tax service on the sidewalk of a busy intersection. He was leaning out, almost into oncoming traffic, staring with a silly smile on his face, making eye contact with oncoming drivers and just frozen with that silly smile. (I couldn't help it) I'm glad he likes his job so much.

2. A commercial came on a few nights ago advertising the television show Malcolm in the Middle. The boys' frog had died and they were all gathered for a backyard funeral, when all of a sudden one of them lights a fire cracker rocket and off it went, ''shooooosh'', into the sky.

Then one of the boys quips, "May he rest in pieces." (they shot the dead frog into the sky on a fire cracker!) I half choked, it caught me so much by surprise. I *instantly* found myself in pieces, snarfing and choking and laughing so hard I think I had an asthma attack.

My daughter, who was sitting there watching it too, just looked at me like I was nutso. I guess some people just don't have a very well developed sense of humor.

Fill in the blank: Don't you hate it when ________?

Don't you hate it when people don't find something the slightest bit humorous when you are having an asthma attack from laughing so hard? *sheesh*

When you can't go to sleep, what is your personal remedy to help yourself drift into Lullabyland?

Web Sudoku

Main Course
What is something about which you've always wondered but have not yet found a good answer?

March Madness =(

What is your favorite pasta dish?

1. Seafood Alfredo
2. Jumbo ravioli (stuffed with Ricotta cheese, covered in red sauce and lots of cheese)
3. Chicken Linguini (cooked pasta...sometimes linguini....tossed with leftover chicken, crumbled bacon, shredded cheddar cheese and any kinds of cooked veggies....the sprinkle with parmessan cheese...yum!)

by crickl at 8:27 PM PDT
Updated: Thu, Mar 15 2007 10:18 PM PDT
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Tue, Mar 13 2007
Wordless Wednesday: Jerusalem streets
Topic: Photo entries
**For more WW photo entries go to Wordless Wednesday or Five Minutes for Mom.**

by crickl at 11:24 PM PDT
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Topic: God things
I was over at Life in a Fishbowl World today and found this wonderful teaching video. It's 10 minutes long, but it is powerful and I hope you will watch it. The pastor speaking is Rob Bell. I have heard a lot of second hand information about him as a teacher, but this is the first teaching of his that I have seen or heard and I love it.....

All of us go through trials in life and this is a totally cool word picture of how God comforts us through it all.

by crickl at 12:52 PM PDT
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Wed, Mar 7 2007
I am From
Topic: People/Family stories
Some friends I know are doing the I am From poetry on a forum I go to. This is mine....I kinda got into it! lol Here is the template if you want to do one too. Let me know if you do and I'll come read yours!

Where do crickls come from?

I am from orange popsicles, dripping down my chin and elbow,
from hula hoops, roller skates with keys and a purple Huffy ten speed
From the influence of hippies and the 60’s and 70’s,
The Beattles, Monkees, James Taylor, Simon and Garfunkel.
From air raid drills and the Viet Nam War.
Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan.

I am from the suburbs of a growing desert city,
loving homes and big families, neighbors talking and borrowing,
playing hide and seek, football and kickball under the streetlight.
From a friend dying in the night in her bed.
From go-go boots, peasant tops and bell bottom jeans.

I am from the dust storms and cactus and grit in hair and teeth,
from toasting in the sun, floating on the Salt River,
neighborhood swimming pools, Dr. Pepper and fresh blue skies.
From Bonanza, the Beaver, the Brady Bunch and Charlie’s Angels.

I am from camping in the mountains and brown hair, from Bob and Jackie,
From far off grandparents and relations,
And the reputations of 4 older siblings.
A wayward sister, a far off brother in the navy.

I am from spoons balanced on noses at holiday dinners and loud laughter.
Inside jokes and practical jokes. What are nose pants?

From don’t talk to strangers, do unto others and stand up straight.

I am from a small Baptist church full of love and mercy. From a large
Baptist church that drew people in with love and mercy.
From FSBC, big G, youth group, choir tours and busses full of kids.
The tunnels, the pink sidewalk and Slide Rock.

I'm from Scots and Kilts and bagpipes in my imagination,
from the South and the Northwest and the Southwest.
Beef stew and chimichangas, biscuits and tortillas.

From the death of a brother in an airplane crash,
the silence of grieving parents.
Looking at old photos and slides, trying to remember.
From the disillusions of older siblings’ divorces.
And the 60 year marriage of my parents.

I am from looking through the cedar chest at memories,
sitting in a dark, cool closet and imagining.
I could never have imagined all that God has brought me through
And all that life has put me through
…..but I am thankful for it all.

by crickl at 11:01 PM PST
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Crime doesn't pay....unless you do car repairs for a living.....
Topic: People/Family stories
Victim: an aggrieved or disadvantaged party in a crime or disaster.

Living in a big city after life in Small town, USA is a learning put it mildly. To put it honestly: I want my mommy!!!!

Two weeks ago, I was pulling out of the driveway to take the girls to school when I noticed our other vehicle, a Ford F150 pickup, no longer had a tailgate. We finally reasoned that it was either stolen in our driveway during the night, or it was taken while my daughter was working at the mall the night before until 10pm. We filed a police report and priced the replacement......EEEgads! Even with our car insurance, the deductible would be $500. A used one is several hundred too. So we are currently tailgate-less. I don't know what we'll do during football season...beg off of someone else's tailgate I guess. It was infuriating that someone would just take a part off our car for their own benefit. It's's selfish and criminal. I wanted to hurt someone. *blush*

Crime tip number one: If you have a pickup truck, please lock the tailgate. It makes it much harder to we have since been told.

Last night I was picking up our daughter from the mall, about 10pm. We no longer let her take the truck and park it there if she is working evenings. She was waiting there, two of the other employees waiting with her until she was safely picked up. (I really appreciate that!) She plopped into the car and I circled around between rows of empty parking spaces. *CRUNCH pop pop pop pop* (It seems that even if you don't let the teenager take the car to work, you can still be a victim of vandals.) She got out of the car and looked at the tire, thinking we'd run over glass. But there were domino-looking plastic things stuck into the tire. They were security tags off of stolen clothing! Four of them, poked into my back tire.

She pulled them off and exclaimed, "OH, I'm I bleeding? that blood?....What IS that? ewwwww, it's all over me!"

It was then that we realized, while listening to that hissing sound of air escaping a tire, that the were ink tags. Yeah, my daughter is now at school with ink stained fingers, probably causing lots of suspicion among peers and teachers. And I reeeeeally want to hurt someone. I'm getting extremely vivid mental pictures of ways to punish vandals. =( I guess the shoplifters were angry about the ink, which ruins the stolen merchandise, so they left the tags sharp side up, in the parking lot among some paper trash from a fast food place.

Crime tip number two: never, EVER run over trash in a parking lot. More often than you may think (or not be thinking much at all) it is disguising all sorts of tire popping devices.

So the car repair place is getting some business today, patching holes in our tire. At least someone benefits from this.

I'm disgusted with humanity today. (including my own)

by crickl at 11:01 AM PST
Updated: Wed, Mar 7 2007 11:00 AM PST
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Tue, Mar 6 2007
Wordless Wednesday: Canyon Trail
Topic: Photo entries

Grand Canyon, that if those are the stairs, where is the elevator??

**For more WW photo entries go to Wordless Wednesday or Five Minutes for Mom.**

by crickl at 10:09 PM PST
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Mon, Mar 5 2007
Ultimate Blog Party
Topic: Blogging
Ultimate Blog Party
Click the button to go over to 5 Minutes from Mom, where twin sisters, Susan and Janice, are hosting a week long party. The purpose of the 'party' is to build more of a community feeling among Christian bloggers. Playing along will get your blog more traffic, help you to get to know other bloggers and explore blogs that you may not have noticed before! I have been exploring already from the links on the party sight and will continue as I have time this week. ***Remember to leave comments on the blogs you visit to encourage the owner of the blog. Just say hello or write some comment about something on their blog.*** Mine is a 2 step comment process, so make sure you confirm your comment!

If you are new to the nest here, WELCOME! (and if you have been before welcome too of course!) I am a 40something pastor's wife, with 4 daughters, a wonderful husband and am learning to live in a big city again, after living in a small mountain town for 9 years. We moved to Phoenix, Arizona, my hometown, a year ago and we are all finding our niche' here in this huge desert city. Our church is in an urban area, filled with apartments, international immigrants and any segment of today's society that you could's all in our church neighborhood. We have often described it as coming to a mission field. We have many opportunities to reach out to our community and become part of it, so pray for and with us that we will continue to follow God's leading in reaching out to the people here.

On the home front, we have one fourth grade home schooled daughter who is 9, 2 teens who are in public high school after years of homeschooled life, and our oldest is 19 and attends a state university in another city, 2 hours away. The past year has been a learning experience also for us in helping to care for my father, who had severe dementia and then passed away in August. Then with major surgery for me in October, it really looked like a stress filled year for us.

On a stress indicator test I took last Fall, my stress level lookedto be very high and in fact, I should have been receiving mental health care by now. ;) But God has given us peace that is beyond comprehension every step of the way and we are doing very well, feeling at home here, loved, supported and needed.

I've been blogging now for a little over 2 years and enjoy practicing a story-telling type of writing. I love to tell stories of people and events that I experience or see experienced along the way. I see humor in everything and I also see God's hand at work, showing me His truths and teaching me a lot through mentally and tangibly processing what is going on in my life or in the world around me. Come to think of it, writing this blog is probably one of the tools God has given me to help me to deal with the stress of this past year. I usually quickly process things in a very simple way in my head, then move on. Writing helps me to look deeper and learn more from this journey I'm on. Kinda cool....

I also love photography, humor and cooking, so you will see a lot of those things here too. I hope you'll be back. =)

And now, let's jam, and turn our hearts toward the main thing:

by crickl at 1:03 PM PST
Updated: Mon, Mar 5 2007 5:59 PM PST
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Tue, Feb 27 2007
Wordless Wednesday: Time Flies
Topic: Photo entries

This is Emma, then 2, reading to Baby and Bear. And now, 15, sweet as can be!

**For more WW photo entries go to Wordless Wednesday or Five Minutes for Mom.**

by crickl at 8:29 PM PST
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Modern abolition
Topic: God things
I ran across this amazing interview on CNN with Zach Hunter, a modern day abolitionist today while visiting Crystal's blog. God gave this young man a mission and it is no small thing.

We also went to see Bridge to Terabithia today. It is not what you expect, but it IS a powerful many good themes running through it to talk about with your kids. I recommend it.

And yes, expect my summary of our women's retreat coming soon. We had a great time....which may be why I am struggling to get my brain in gear. =)

by crickl at 4:01 PM PST
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Thu, Feb 22 2007
Friday's Feast #132
Topic: Humor/memes
Where on your body do you have a scar, and what caused it?

On my face I have a 2 centimeter scar from when I was 5 years old. I was sitting on the edge of my neighbor's driveway, eating popcorn. (no microwaves back was actually popped on the stove top then drizzled with real butter and salt) My neighbor's dachshund, Molly, was sitting next to me watching every kernel from the bowl to my mouth *crunch*, bowl to mouth *crunch*, bowl to mouth *crunch*.

I noticed her intensity in watching me, so I hammed it up.

Bowl, waving it in front of the doggie's face, to my mouth, *crunch*

**BITE** "yeeeeeooooowwwwwwww waaaaah"

I was rushed into neighbor's house and set on the kitchen counter. I remember screaming my head off, the unchewed popcorn still sitting in my mouth. It was very traumatic. No stitches, just a big bandaid and put to bed. From then on, whenever I was at their house and Molly would come prancing in, I would jump on the furniture and scream. I must have been very annoying!

What is something that has happened to you that you would consider a miracle?

When Jesus drew me to Himself and took me as His own. Spiritual rebirth is a huge miracle.

Name a television personality who really gets on your nerves.

Oh I could name a lot! I'll have to say a certain, unnamed news show anchor who talks over the people he is interviewing and doesn't let them finish their thoughts. grrrrrrrr My husband likes to watch his show and if I"m in the room, he drives me crazy going 'blahblahblah' louder than anyone else on the show!

Main Course
What was a funny word you said as a child (such as "pasketti" for "spaghetti")?

Whatever I may have mispronounced was at once humiliated out of me by my older siblings. They were all teens when I was little. You didn't get away with things you could be made fun of around our house! So I have no memory of saying cute things like that....I feel robbed! ;)

Fill in the blank: I have always thought ______ was ______.

I have always thought making people laugh was a great talent to posess. (it's too bad dachshond's don't have a better sense of humor....sheesh)

To join the Feast, click here!

I am off for our annual women's retreat tomorrow.......back on Sunday!

by crickl at 10:38 PM PST
Updated: Thu, Feb 22 2007 10:46 PM PST
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Wed, Feb 21 2007
Let's give it up.......for Lent!
Topic: Holidays/Vacations
This is a reprint from 2 years ago...I can't believe I can measure my blog in years now! I love this holiday season.....I hope you make the most of it this year! Our church is doing a prayer emphasis, complete with booklets!...this year. We're praying for the entire world in 40 days. We're going through a daily prayer guide called Seek God for the City 2007, put out by WayMakers organization. Day one is today and we are seeking God on behalf of the Americas and the Caribbean.

So I guess this year, instead of giving up something, we are doing something extra....making time each day to pray for our world. However you remember the Lenten season, just make sure it's about Him and not about you giving something up.....I know that is always a struggle for balance for me when I do it!

Here were my thoughts from Ash Wednesday 2005:

Lent....something which a lifetime Baptist is a little ignorant about. I remember growing up in suburbia with Catholic friends coming home on Ash Wednesday with smudges on their foreheads....curious. Then the thought that they had to eat fish on Fridays.....horrid! None of them could reasonably explain these mysteries and so I didn't think much about it until the past few years. Now when I see the ashes smudged on foreheads, I think of sackcloth and ashes...of grief over one's sin in preparation of the Easter season.....remembering a Savior's suffering for my guilt. It is a good thing, the Lenten season. It's good to set aside 40 days of reflection, prayer, fasting to prepare for Easter.

As a mom and teacher, I've been searching for years on how to make Easter a truly spiritual celebration instead of just a fluffy Springtime holiday. The past few years I have been studying Passover and the rich theological comparisons and prophecies about the perfect Lamb of God. If you've never done that, I recommend it. =) Although the Passover studies have been really enriching and meaningful, Lent causes great personal reflection and's a time of growth and sacrifice....and things that cause change.

So at the school we are observing Lent and preparing ourselves for a celebration of the most amazing event in history....the Ressurection of Christ. I would absolutely love it and be really really, if not eternally, grateful for any suggestions you may have on observing the Lenten season....especially if they are for kids' activities or devotions for kids.

So repent and be baptized,
prepare ye the way of the Lord,
behold the Lamb of God
and let's all give it up for Lent! =)

by crickl at 10:11 PM PST
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Tue, Feb 20 2007
Wordless Wednesday: Edith's front porch
Topic: Photo entries

**For more WW photo entries go to Wordless Wednesday or Five Minutes for Mom.**

Explanation on first comment.

by crickl at 10:12 PM PST
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Brown rice and black bean salad
Topic: Crickl's Recipes
I am trying to include more whole grains in my diet, as well as my family's (yes, husband, that's you). So here is a really good recipe which uses brown rice. Since I'm not a big fan of brown rice (I grew up on Minute Rice and Rice-a-Roni), I love finding ways to make it more tasty. And this is truly a yummy salad!

This is from my friend Sally. It is a vegetarian main course as well as a good side dish or a filling for tortillas. (cold or warm!)

Brown Rice and Black Bean Salad

2 cups cooked brown rice (I use long grain), room temperature
1 15-oz can of black beans, drained
1 11-oz can of corn, drained
1 medium red onion, diced
1 medium green bell pepper (I prefer yellow)
1/3 cup cilantro (or parsley or even spinach)

Combine all of these ingredients. Then prepare dressing:

1/2 cup tomato salsa
1 tsp olive or canola oil
3/4 tsp ground cumin
1 orange, juiced (about 1/2 cup)
1 lime, juiced (about 1/4 cup)
Salt and pepper to taste

Combine dressing ingredients in small bowl and whisk until blended.

Both Sally and I have found that for the best taste, dress the salad just before serving.

Serve as a salad or in a pita bread, cold or in a tortilla with shredded cheese, warmed up.

Makes 4 servings. Each serving counts as:
1 1/2 vegetable
1 whole grain/bread
1 bean/protein

Each serving has:
325 calories
12 g. protein
3 g. fat
10 g. fiber

Additional information that was included in the recipe from a health magazine...the name of which, I am sorry, I do not have.

Most of the ingredients are rich in fiber, folate, antioxidants, and other phytochemicals that are thought to protect against cancer. The onion is a rich source of allium compounds, which may decrease the production of tumor cells and block the action of cancer causing chemicals, and the citrus juices contain a host of protective phytochemicals. And most importantly, this powerful combination of nutrients delivers a salad that is bursting with flavor.

by crickl at 12:09 PM PST
Updated: Tue, Feb 20 2007 12:11 PM PST
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Mon, Feb 19 2007
Hello east coast!
Topic: Blogging
And the Chris Tomlin concert tour keeps moving along. They are on the eastern leg of the tour right now, as evidenced by the hits on my sitemeter.

It is cracking me up how people go home from that concert and do what I did after the concert: immediately get on the internet to find all that information for themselves. Here's the post they are looking at when they search:

How Great is our God?

***So everyone wave hello to Illinois, Ohio, Virginia, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Indiana!****

by crickl at 2:45 PM PST
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