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crickl's nest
Fri, Apr 27 2007
Warm afternoons
Topic: People/Family stories
This afternoon's temperature: 97?. Time spent standing out on the playground watching children play: 1 1/2 hours. It was a good day though (didn't have to blow my whistle once), after a rough one yesterday. My temporary crown fell off yesterday while I was at work, then I had a run in with one of the kids, who I had to do a 'write up' on and then talk with a parent....not fun, very stressful. I was bummed.

Because of the heat lately (which is here to stay now and will only get worse in Phoenix), we walk around the playground misting kids with garden spray bottles. Well, I should say, we mist some of the children. For others, we set the bottle on the long, streaming setting and pummel them. It's fun because they do not have spray bottles and we do. >=) If they had spray bottles too, it would not be fun. (and I hope they never get a hold of one while I'm out there)

We have the same kind of bottles for cleaning in the room....but they have different labels. The bottles for cleaning say: BLEACH in huge letters. The bottles for spraying kids say: CHILDREN. When we broke out the spray bottles on Wednesday, the kids kept asking, "Are those the bleach bottles?" It was so tempting to look at the bottle after spraying them in the face and gasp, "OH's BLEACH!!" heehee

But I didn't! A few of the older ones tried to scare us though, by yelling, as if they were in pain, after we squirted them in the face. =) I am humbled (quite well) by the fact that the middle school kids have the same sense of humor as I do.....*ahem*

by crickl at 6:12 PM PDT
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Tue, Apr 24 2007
Heard on the playground today....
Topic: Humor/memes
I've been working, doing after school care at a local school here for about a month. Today I was out on the playground helping some kindergarten boys with their paper airplanes. I didn't know how to fold them and they were waiting for one of the other teachers to come out. So we were shootin' the breeze, chatting, when one of them looks up at me suddenly, as if a thought had just occurred to him,

"Are you a grown up?" he said.

"Yes, I am" I smirked....

"You're not a teenager?" said the other one.

"Nope, but I'm the mom of 3 teenagers."

They about fell off of their bench with amazement.

No problem,'s a common mistake. =)

by crickl at 10:09 PM PDT
Updated: Wed, Apr 25 2007 12:30 PM PDT
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It's time
Topic: God things
On Sunday, my husband was preaching and said the church's goal should be utterly at the disposal of God, consumed, taken over by God's Spirit, so that all men may know Him.

"The time has come," he said. "The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!" Mark 1:15

The time has come you believe it?

Or are you weighed down by every day things, like I have been?

I have seen some who are consumed and utterly at the disposal of God. It is a powerful thing to be consumed by freedom like that. We tend to think we are free if we can do what WE want to do. True freedom is in being able to give your life die to be totally at the disposal of the God who is waiting to make you who He created you to be. Doing what we want to do is bondage to selfishness and vain striving.

We get to see people like that at least once a month in our church. The ministry we sponsor called Set Free was in our services Sunday and it is always amazing, uplifting and inspiring to see these men. They once were consumed with addictions or hatred and now are utterly consumed by God's Spirit. They have such a love for each other as I've not seen in a long, long time. It makes the hearts of our church more tender the more they are around these men. Maybe some day we will actually get it....

This life is not about's about God. His kingdom is near....
as my friend Joann says,

"Man up!" (have some integrity, follow through) let's do this thing....

by crickl at 8:39 AM PDT
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Sat, Apr 21 2007
On conferences and company
Topic: Crickl's Recipes
It's been a fly by week for me. Things to blog about go through my head during the day but when I sit down here to write, nuttin....

We had our denomination's state women's conference today and last night, so it was a good couple of days. Mary Kassian was the main speaker and is a really great Bible teacher. I was a little comfuddled this year about the schedule of the conference. It was changed all around, so I only go to go to 3 break out sessions, instead of 5. This morning I went to a lovely breakfast for the state pastor's wives, then to one on party ideas, and finally to one on writing. I don't know what I wanted or will use from that class on writing, but I am tucking it away for future reference and gathered some good ideas.

I wish I could have stayed for the last main session, but I had things at home to catch up on. We have company coming tomorrow, so I stopped by the store. When I walked in the door, the smell of floor cleaner in the air put a smile on my face and as I looked around at my clean house, I felt a heavy load release from my shoulders. My husband and kids had the house all ready for company. All I have to do is cook.

I got a brisket from Smart and Final which I will put in the electric roaster in the morning with some Claude's Texas Brisket Marinade over it. (it makes it taste like it was cooked in a wood smoker) And I'm making a salad, oven roasted zucchini, mashed potato casserole, rolls and a pomegrante/cranberry coffee cake (from Smart and Final) with fruit salad for dessert.

Oven roasted Zucchini Here is my 'how-to', but it is not a precise recipe. Wash zucchini squash and cut off the ends. Slice in diagonal chunks or slice lengthwise. Cut an onion (your choice, I use a sweet onion) into wedges. In large bowl, toss squash and onions with enough olive oil to coat, but not enough to leave a puddle in the bowl. Dump it all onto a baking sheet (or baking stone if you have one) and sprinkle with kosher salt or sea salt, grated parmessan cheese and coarse ground black pepper. Bake at 450 for 20 minutes, then stir and bake another 5 minutes.

Mashed Potato Casserole Cook enough potatoes for your family or company, then mash, using half a stick of butter and a little bit of milk. (go easy on the milk) Add salt and pepper to taste. Then add a half a block (4 oz) of cream cheese, about 1/4 cup of pureed onion (slice fresh onion and put in food processor or blender for a few may need to add a few drops of water to get a good puree), and enough sour cream to make it the right consistency....good and creamy. You can make this ahead of time and put it in the refrigerator or freeze an extra casserole of it for another day. You can also top it with Durkee French Fried Onions. Bake for about 30 minutes at 350.

Oh and ps to MJ....please send me your new email address!

by crickl at 6:40 PM PDT
Updated: Sat, Apr 21 2007 6:50 PM PDT
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Tue, Apr 17 2007
Wordless Wednesday: First time drivers
Topic: Photo entries
Emma and Hannah


**For more WW photo entries go to Wordless Wednesday or Five Minutes for Mom.**

by crickl at 11:35 PM PDT
Updated: Tue, Apr 17 2007 11:37 PM PDT
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Sun, Apr 15 2007
New fangled things
Topic: Humor/memes
I got this video clip over at Amy's blog, With Purpose. It is hilarious and it makes me dread teaching my mom how to use a new laptop. She is threatening planning on getting one in the Fall, but has never used a computer....ever...before. *oiy with the poodles already!*

This poor monk is learning to use a new invention, the 'book', after only using scrolls. Watch it:

by crickl at 11:30 PM PDT
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The A-list
Topic: Blogging
A-List BloggerTo the 20 people who read my blog each day.....5 of whom come here as the result of googling topics that I have on my may or may not be surprised to know the I am an A-lister bloglebrity. (Bloglebrity=blog+celebrity)

Heehee...the criteria for being a celebrity blogger is based solely on how many blogs link to yours. And since I joined several blog rolls, my blog is linked on a lot of different womens' and Christian blogs who are on those same blog rolls. Oh well....a little "pink bling" as Iris, at Sing My Heart called it is good for a girl's soul. =) So I went to Kneda's blog to find out how my blog was rated. Here is my rating:

***The Very High Authority Group [A-List Bloggers]
(500 or more blogs linking in the last 6 months)
In the final group we see what might be considered the blogging elite. This group, which represents more than 4,000 blogs, exhibits a radical shift in post frequency as well as blog age. Bloggers of this type have been at it longer – a year and a half on average – and post nearly twice a day, an increase in posting volume of over 100% from the previous group. Many of the blogs in this category, in fact, are about as old as Technorati and we’ve grown up together. Some of these are full-fledge professional enterprises that post many, many times per day and behave increasingly like our friends in the mainstream media. As has been widely reported, the impact of these bloggers on our cultures and democracies is increasingly dramatic.***

I might begin to get a big head if it weren't for my actual sitemeter counts that show my faithful 15. ;)

by crickl at 2:45 PM PDT
Updated: Sun, Apr 15 2007 2:48 PM PDT
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Thu, Apr 12 2007
Friday's Feast #139
Topic: Humor/memes
When you were a child, which crayon color was your favorite?

We didn't have very interesting color names in the, generation I grew up in....but Sky blue was pretty cool. Burnt orange was thought provoking, but not a very useful color.

On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being highest), how likely would you be to change jobs if it required you to move?

I like changes, but we just made a huge one, so I'm not quite ready for that again! Besides, interstate negotiating of playground monitor jobs is a little silly to think about.

Yep, I began a job at a local school here helping with an after school program...your basic playground monitor really.

Take all the numbers in your birthday and your phone number and add them up, one by one. What’s the total?

67, unless you're calling long distance, then add one. Is this how you find your 'sleep number'?

Main Course
Have you ever “re-gifted” anything? If so, what was it and who did you pass it on to?

Almost every knick knack I've ever received has been regifted and passed on. And if you know me, you may have received one. heehee

Name something you need from the store.

Are you going? Please....if you're going by Sam's Club, pick me up some Naked Juice=Blue Machine, a bag of gala apples and a big barrel of sourdough pretzels....oh, and Emma's pictures from the film processing department and her new contacts from optical. Thanks!

by crickl at 10:10 PM PDT
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Tue, Apr 10 2007
Wordless Wednesday: View from South Mountain
Topic: Photo entries

**For more WW photo entries go to Wordless Wednesday or Five Minutes for Mom.**

by crickl at 10:35 PM PDT
Updated: Sat, Apr 21 2007 6:46 PM PDT
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Mon, Apr 9 2007
Topic: People/Family stories
One of my favorite cartoonists passed away Saturday. Johnny Hart, creator of B.C.comic strip was a thought provoking and honest cartoonist. Sometimes political and always true to his faith in Christ, his comics were sometimes controversial in the mainstream. I remember having talks with my dad about some of the comics he wrote.

I chose one of his latest comics, from last Palm Sunday to share here. It is so timely for me because our Bible study group just finished our in depth study of the book of Daniel, a dvd equipped study from Beth Moore


by crickl at 10:22 AM PDT
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Fri, Apr 6 2007
Wonderful Friday
Topic: Holidays/Vacations

by crickl at 12:01 AM PDT
Updated: Mon, Mar 26 2007 7:04 PM PDT
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Thu, Apr 5 2007
Letting God use your life
Topic: God things
There is a little, tiny village at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. After an 8 mile hike down and through the Canyon, you come upon some wooden rail fencing, you begin to see animals like dogs, a cow, a horse, then a very humble home or two. As you pass, you notice somber Native American faces watching you. These are the Supai people and they have always lived in the bottom of the Grand Canyon, west of where most of the tourists go. I have been on this hike once and it is etched in my memory. It is beautiful there. They live where springs come gushing out of the walls of the canyon, pouring into streams and rivers, then off a sheer cliff, forming a waterfall.

The waterfalls (there are 3 of them I think....maybe 4) carve a pool at their base, which is the destination most hikers are seeking who come to Havasupai Canyon. The pools are a beautiful greenish blue color as they are carved from limestone. From the pool, the limestone forms terraced mini pools and then into a stream again, until it jets off of another cliff, into another pool. This finally concludes at the Colorado River and makes a spectacular place to visit. The Supai Indians run the campgrounds, a store and sell things to hikers. (Hiking is the only way there) They depend on the tourism, but they distance themselves from the toursists as well. They are used to and love their simple way of life there. This was the destination of a group of college kids on a spring break mission trip. My daughter Hannah knew a lot of the people who went on it from a Christian organization on campus.

She called from college last week, a week after spring break was over and seemed out of sorts. She told me that a friend of hers from school had died over the break while on the mission trip. She couldn't wrap her head around that and frankly, neither could I. Looking at this young man's myspace page, it was obvious that he loved the Lord and wanted with all his being to make a difference in the world. Why would God allow this seemingly senseless thing to happen? A young man jumps into a pool by a waterfall and never resurfaces alive. It's tragic and confusing. It's been on my mind and in my prayers all week.

Then she called again and I asked about how her friends were doing. The sudden death of a young person can cause such confusion and pain. She told me that some of the people who were with him on the trip were feeling so overwelmed with guilt about the incident. Please pray for these young adults.

When I read Hannah's blog today, my heart swelled and in a moment, all the details made sense. The Supai people have seen many drownings in their years of letting tourists come onto their land. It is a wild and rugged place. There are no emergency resources to call upon there. If you have an emergency, you have to wait for a helicopter to come. They have seen many groups handle the death of a loved one who drown in the rivers. But they had never seen a group handle a death with such hope and peace and unity as this college group did. As a result, the people listened more closely to what the mission group was teaching them.....and 15 of them gave their lives to Jesus. One of the women even made the journey out of the canyon to attend the young man's funeral.

Don't you know that young man who wanted to make a difference probably prayed with a sincere heart. "God use me in that village to bring people to know You."

And God did....

....and I have to ask myself, am I willing to let God make a difference with my life?

by crickl at 10:14 PM PDT
Updated: Thu, Apr 5 2007 10:17 PM PDT
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Wed, Apr 4 2007
I don't know what to think!
Topic: Blogging
I have been seeing a little award going around the blogosphere lately in which bloggers honor other bloggers who make them think. Who woulda thunk I would get one! Thank you to e-mom. She is the owner of Chrysalis, one of my favorite blogs.....which is really more of an e-zine, with interesting articles and ideas on a huge variety of topics, all centered around the Christian world view. I appreciate e-mom and her work there so much. In fact she will surely be one of the five bloggers that I nominate.

As a cyber prize, e-mom sent me a white phaelenopsis orchid. Here it is:

Chrysalis has a wonderful article on Jerusalem in Jesus' time. I've been remembering and thinking about Israel a lot lately, this being Passover week and all. We're doing a seder meal at church on Thursday. (I'm making matzo ball soup.)

Here are the 5 blogs I would like to honor for making me think on a regular basis:

1. Chrysalis, a fine e-zine spot on the net. e-mom regularly posts articles by herself and others on really interesting and relevent topics in regards to Christianity. She asked me to choose someone else since she has already been honored with this by several others. But she deserves it and I want to honor her.

2. Here are 3 blogs from women who are currently serving on the foreign mission field. I learn so much about the culture they are living in, life as a missionary family and ways I can support them in prayer!

.....Following an Unkown Path is written by Amanda, who is a single American woman teaching at a college in Taiwan, China. She talks about her students, living in China, and working in a church there. She seems to have great joy in serving the Lord there.

.....Joy in the Journey is a beautiful blog about a young mother and her husband who are missionaries in Indonesia. She just had twins and they are in the U.S. until later this year for the babies' sake (they were premature). But I hope she reappears to blog more regularly some day. I love to read about their life and work there.

.....Blackpurl's Knitpickings is my friend, Alida's, blog. She and her husband work with the substance abuse epidemic in Russia. They are currently home on leave, getting their son settled in to live in the U. S. and go to college here. I got to meet her and one of her sons as they came through Phoenix. It was wonderful to meet her and I know they will appreciate your prayers as they continue their travels here, then go back 'home' to Russia to continue the work.

(heehee, I cheated by putting 3 in one catagory so I could show you more than 5 blogs....don't tell!)

3. Veritas is a blog my husband writes. Veritas means 'truth' and he loves to teach/preach and live for truth as he serves God as a pastor here.

4. Seek Joy and Live Love is currently the name of my daughter, Hannah's, blog. She likes to shake things up and ponder deep thoughts and social trends and change that needs to take place. It is fascinating to read what goes on inside the mind of a fervent Christian college student as she makes her way and is deciding how to respond to today's culture and church.

5. Adventures in Mercy is a blog written by Molly, a truly thinking woman I met on a stay at home mom's forum. She is making her way out of some very legalistic and extreme fundamentalism. It is amazing to see her thoughts and transformation as she worked through this change in her life. She is currently beginning college courses to further her education, so she is (sadly for us) closing down her blog soon. But I encourage you to take a look at her sight and glean what you can while it is still there.

Wow, I did it! I hope you enjoy these blogs as much as I do.

You do not have to be nominated to nominate others for the Thinking Blogger awards. Go here to see the rules.

by crickl at 10:34 AM PDT
Updated: Thu, Apr 5 2007 10:35 AM PDT
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Tue, Apr 3 2007
Wordless Wednesday: Resurrection Day
Topic: Photo entries

The tomb is empty and He's alive....Celebrate!

**For more WW photo entries go to Wordless Wednesday or Five Minutes for Mom.**

by crickl at 10:03 PM PDT
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A very good thing
Topic: Humor/memes
For Palm Sunday we were to dress in black, so I needed some black panty hose. At Walmart the night before, I was reading all the boxes of the different brands and not very speedily either. Buying new panty hose is confusing because they all have different 'purposes'. All I really thought I needed was black ones, but then I got sucked into reading all the packages. I finally settle on a new kind by L'eggs brand that claims it is 'anti-cellulite'. At first I wondered if they were for me. (was my wearing anti-cellulite panty hose like making an anti-war person shoot a machine gun?) but then I realized it meant that it makes your legs anti-cellulite-looking! As an anti gravity machine makes gravity 'disappear'....yes, that was the hook. The light bulb went on! I snatched it up and gave them a good home.

And they work! I felt very smooth and secure all morning. And they didn't gradually roll down at the waist as time wore on, like control top hose. They are sturdy too! No runs, whereas, I usually can wear hose only once before they are ruined. (I usually buy the cheap ones) It got me thinking on what else they could make out of this wonder material! (I still don't know what it's called and the box is gone) I wish they could just go ahead and make all clothing out of it .....shorts, swimsuits, capris, sweat pants. Why waste a good thing? =)

Then at practice early on Sunday morning this was the conversation between me and a very thin teenage girl sitting next to me : (I so need to learn to just keep my mouth shut)

Me: I got new panty hose
Me: ....they’re anti-cellulite!
Jeana: What does that mean?
Me: (suddenly realizing that she may not even know what cellulite IS and not wanting to explain it) It means they're TIGHT.
Jeana: (chuckling) Ooooh.


by crickl at 10:49 AM PDT
Updated: Tue, Apr 3 2007 10:09 PM PDT
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