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crickl's nest
Sat, Jul 7 2007
They're heeeeeere...
Topic: People/Family stories

They drove all night and got home at 7:30am from youth camp! I was still asleep (having a vivid dream about rearranging our bedroom furniture...including moving the built in closet off the wall where it and they all came and put their dirty selves on me. So I got up and made them pancakes. Then the girls and I watched Bridge to Terabithia and we all had tears streaming down our faces! Man, that's a good movie! And they were both coming off of a sleepless night riding in a van to add to the emotion of the movie.

I gave the lil pup a bath! She smells like Johnson's lavendar baby shampoo now! Some of her latest antics:

*Climbing the furniture. She can jump her little 5 pound self up on our high couches, then climbs up the back of them to explore. It is entertaining because the couch back cushions are so cushy that sometimes one leg falls through and she slips, or her whole fuzzy self almost disappears sometimes due to gaps between pillows.

*Chasing things. This dog is so jumpy. She runs away at first and then usually attacks it. At night our porch light casts our shadows long and big across the lawn and back block fence. I have to stand perfectly still or she will see the shadow move and go zipping into the house again! Then I put her back out there and she attacks the shadows....especially if I make them move. hehee She likes it when I make my hand a shadow spider and it 'gets' her. The light also makes little flying bugs more noticeable and she pounces around trying to catch them. Pouncing is an adorable trait in puppies!

*She thinks there is a fuzzy white dog in our back room. At night, she sees her own reflection in the sliding glass door and it startles her. She jumps back *backward pounce* and YAPS at it with a sharp, high pitched bark.

*She is sneaky. When she wants something, she will wait until you aren't looking and try to get it. Tonight I had to take away a ball of purple is the shape of an egg...and I put it on the piano. Our love seat backs up to the piano, so Maisy did the back of the couch walking, sniffing everything on the piano until she found the chalk. And just before she grabbed it, I grabbed her. I put her on the floor, where she gazed at the wonderful purple chalk. She wanted it! She was frustrated because I was watching her instead of the tv. So she came back onto the couch and laid her head on the back of the couch near the chalk egg. She was staring at me and I was laughing so hard. She saw her opportunity and pounced up there licketty split to grab the egg, but alas, I swiped her up again and put her on the floor. Don't you love it when a dog just looks at you hopelessly and lets out a big sigh?

by crickl at 11:19 PM PDT
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They're heeeeeere...
Topic: People/Family stories

They drove all night and got home at 7:30am from youth camp! I was still asleep (having a vivid dream about rearranging our bedroom furniture...including moving the built in closet off the wall where it and they all came and put their dirty selves on me. So I got up and made them pancakes. Then the girls and I watched Bridge to Terabithia and we all had tears streaming down our faces! Man, that's a good movie! And they were both coming off of a sleepless night riding in a van to add to the emotion of the movie.

I gave the lil pup a bath! She smells like Johnson's lavendar baby shampoo now! Some of her latest antics:

*Climbing the furniture. She can jump her little 5 pound self up on our high couches, then climbs up the back of them to explore. It is entertaining because the couch back cushions are so cushy that sometimes one leg falls through and she slips, or her whole fuzzy self almost disappears sometimes due to gaps between pillows.

*Chasing things. This dog is so jumpy. She runs away at first and then usually attacks it. At night our porch light casts our shadows long and big across the lawn and back block fence. I have to stand perfectly still or she will see the shadow move and go zipping into the house again! Then I put her back out there and she attacks the shadows....especially if I make them move. hehee She likes it when I make my hand a shadow spider and it 'gets' her. The light also makes little flying bugs more noticeable and she pounces around trying to catch them. Pouncing is an adorable trait in puppies!

*She thinks there is a fuzzy white dog in our back room. At night, she sees her own reflection in the sliding glass door and it startles her. She jumps back *backward pounce* and YAPS at it with a sharp, high pitched bark.

*She is sneaky. When she wants something, she will wait until you aren't looking and try to get it. Tonight I had to take away a ball of purple is the shape of an egg...and I put it on the piano. Our love seat backs up to the piano, so Maisy did the back of the couch walking, sniffing everything on the piano until she found the chalk. And just before she grabbed it, I grabbed her. I put her on the floor, where she gazed at the wonderful purple chalk. She wanted it! She was frustrated because I was watching her instead of the tv. So she came back onto the couch and laid her head on the back of the couch near the chalk egg. She was staring at me and I was laughing so hard. She saw her opportunity and pounced up there licketty split to grab the egg, but alas, I swiped her up again and put her on the floor. Don't you love it when a dog just looks at you hopelessly and lets out a big sigh?

by crickl at 11:19 PM PDT
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Fri, Jul 6 2007
How's it going here for you?
Topic: Blogging
Some of you have said that my blog is loading better for you now. Please let me know if you're having problems here.

Of course, you can't see this message if you are having problems, but someday, you may see this. ;) I appreciate the feedback. And my comments function should be working better now too.

I can't wait til my peeps are home! The husband and 2 teen daughters are on the long drive home from youth camp starting tonight...driving through the night. Please pray for their safety and to stay alert while driving! Thank you!

by crickl at 5:21 PM PDT
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Thu, Jul 5 2007
Movie review: Ratatouille
Topic: Other
I took my daughter and neice, both 9, to see the new Disney movie today. You just need some nice cool place to go on days like this....when the heat hovers around 116F and even lazing around in the swimming pool makes your head pound. So we grabbed our Harkins 'loyal patron' cups and went to the matinee.

First of all, it was a really cute movie....good characters, setting, and writing. It was very charming and I loved that.

I just can't get past it being about rats.

Rats crawling around kitchens, through sewer pipes, slinking about in the dark and stampeeding in a full hoard of swinging tails and weird noses and the slinking......aaaarg! Not to mention preparing food in a restaurant! I hated it I hated it I hated it! Even now my stomach is feeling lurchy just thinking about it.

The girls loved it though.

Maybe it is because I grew up in the Willard generation.....*shudder*

If you've seen the movie, did this bother you? Or am I just over sensitive? I just know I don't think I"ll watch it....ever....again.


ps....notice, no use of graphics or html links on this word from angelfire 'help' yet. *grumbling*

by crickl at 11:07 PM PDT
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Tue, Jul 3 2007
Pictureless Wednesday
Topic: Blogging
Well I am setting up shop over at Blogger just in case this one does not get fixed. I still have not heard back from the tech folks at angelfire.


I just want to post some pictures!

Meanwhile, the husband and our 2 teens are in northern California at youth camp. It is a wilderness-ish camp: sleeping on the ground with no tents, white water rafting, rock climbing, mountain hiking, so I would appreciate prayers for the safety of the group and for their health, being out in the weather like that. Thanks!

The puppy goes to the sliding glass door when she needs to go potty now. (do I hear an amen!) She doesn't bark or scratch at it, but just sits there aimed at the door and looking over her shoulder, staring at us. She is a smart little thing!

by crickl at 11:34 PM PDT
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Sun, Jul 1 2007
Topic: Photo entries
I finally got around to uploading the pictures of our new puppy, but now I can't get my blog to post pictures! (at all!) They are changing everything around on my server and although there is a button to insert a picture and it looks like you've uploaded does not appear on the page. *sigh*

So, I'm going to give you the links to see them. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience. Apparently html code is not working either, so here are just the urls of the pics! aaarrrrrggg!

This is Maisy (rhymes with Daisy):

Looking coy:

The size of her scull is just smaller than this Easter egg:

Meanwhile I am going to go look into Blogger blog templates.....

by crickl at 7:41 PM PDT
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Wed, Jun 27 2007
Oh for the love of puppies!
Topic: People/Family stories
We got a puppy.

She looks like this picture, except with off white (champagne) fur, buff ears and longer legs.

She is a ball of fuzz. A bichon/poo with gangly long legs and button eyes and nose! If she sees her brush, she will pick it up and bring it to you, singing 'Heaven....Heaven....I'm in Heaven when you brush my tummyyyyy'.

She is hilarious. She thinks there is another puppy in the backroom at night because of her reflection in the sliding glass door. It makes her do a quick double take when she passes the door and barks in surprise to see a fuzzy face peering back at her. She does a little puppy growl and leaps toward it, only to dart away down the hall in case she's made 'it' mad. She also tries to sneak up and steal her puppy training pad and carry it away from the puppy in the window. I don't know why, I guess it makes her nervous to be 'watched'. Right now she is sitting at my side staring at the door, her ears going up and down with each little noise she hears.

She is a control freak. She loves her toys we bought her. If they are spread out, she nabs them and brings them to her towel on the floor, where she puts them in a pile. Then she lies down on top of them and attacks any little parts sticking out.

She also has a need to pee on newsprint. At first we put down a 'puppy training pad' but she went over to our sunday paper and peed on the edge of it. So now we have to lay it ON the puppy training pad. It is a very good thing that Charles bought a Sunday newspaper because I think we will use every piece of it!

She has a crate. I think whoever invented crate training should get an award.....a great big shiny award. I love them. Whenever we have to leave the house or want to go swimming or go to bed, we put the long leggedy fuzz ball in her crate (cage). She whimpers and howls for a few minutes, then settles down to puppy dream land.

The only bad thing about having a new puppy is the 24/7 care it requires. All day I think about puppy things.

Is the puppy in the room with me?
Is she on the carpet?
Is she pooping?
Is she peeing?
Is it time to feed her the 2 tablespoons of canned puppy food? (warmed up in the microwave for 11 second)
Time to go out
Time to come in
Time to play so she'll be tired
Time to be tired because she loves to play
Is she nibbling the guests children?
Why is she looking at me that way?
Pick her up
Put her down
Carry her to the bathroom with me.....every time.
Throw the ball
Toss the plastic egg (oh this she loves)
Make her toy friends talk to her (it makes her very angry and growly)
Play tug of war with her sock
Make the children run so puppy will chase and use energy
Where is the puppy?

Gee, it's a good thing she's so cute! (pics soon, I promise)

by crickl at 10:49 PM PDT
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Tue, Jun 26 2007
Wordless Wednesday: The Lake
Topic: Photo entries
Three more weeks and we will be here:

**For more WW photo entries go to Wordless Wednesday or Five Minutes for Mom.**

by crickl at 10:48 PM PDT
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Mon, Jun 25 2007
Accidents happen
Topic: People/Family stories
Is it a bad sign when police are cleaning up a car accident at the entrance turn to driver's education class?

Uh huh....

It didn't look like anyone was seriously hurt, thankfully....just people sitting on the corner looking dazed, while their vehicles were being loaded onto a tow truck. It kinda makes a driver's ed student nervous though.

And it kinda gives a mom the shakes. =(

by crickl at 9:38 AM PDT
Updated: Mon, Jun 25 2007 9:42 AM PDT
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Sat, Jun 23 2007
Please refer to my husband's blog
Topic: People/Family stories
My husband, Charles, has put up some posts about his mission trip to Ukraine on his blog, Veritas. He met some amazng people and learned some valuable lessons there.

by crickl at 10:25 PM PDT
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Thu, Jun 21 2007
Friday's Feast #149
Topic: Humor/memes
To join up and create your own feast, go to Friday's Feast, get the questions and browse the comments section for more to feast upon.

Name a funny habit you have.

I make stuffed animals come to life. I've tried desperately tostop, but I just can't help myself! I just start channeling them.

We used to wonder WHY in the world our 2 year old (who is now 15)had a New York accent. Yes, we lived in New Jersey at the time, but none of us had accents. It was the strangest thing. Then one night while I was putting her to bed, I realized her BEAR was talking to her with a New York accent! (Long Island to be specific) It was very funny....and kinda scary. I didn't even realize! Bears kind of take on a life and personality of their own around me....and I obey. (complete with swirling spirals in my eyes)

My oldest daughter, who is now 19, starts talking back to the animal I'm animating and then she gets all embarrassed and hits me! The last time it happened was on vacation 2 years ago. We bought a little stuffed zebra for Maggie. (and by the way, it looks exactly like the picture above!) He kept trying to convince Hannah that he was a donkey and she was arguing with him. Then when we laughed at her, she wouldn't even look at the zebra the rest of the trip....even though he tried desperately to get her attention! I still had trouble even tonight typing z e b r a instead of donkey. (see, I believed him too!) He's a persuasive little runt!

If you could instantly know how to play a musical instrument, which one would you pick?

I have always wanted to play the guitar. However the only instrument I can actually play is the kazoo.

How long is your hair?

About 2 inches past my shoulders.

Main Course
When was the last time you forgave someone, and who was it?

Last of my kids.

What is your favorite kitchen appliance?

Well that would have to be my cobalt blue Kitchenaid mixer! I had been wanting one for years. Every Christmas I would look at them longingly in the stores, drop hints, make the suggestion. Every year it seemed we couldn't afford it. Then one year when we lived in Williams, AZ, the men of the church were planning a night to go to the mall and do Christmas shopping for their wives....all together. So I made my list....there was only one item on it! And that Christmas....I got a diamond necklace.


It seems a friend of Charles convinced him that kitchen appliances were NOT an appropriate gift for wives at Christmas. AAACK! Well, I loved the necklace, but I wanted to kick that man in the shins! (the friend, not the husband) So the next year I told my husband I was getting a Kitchenaid mixer and he let me pick one out on Amazon dot com. ;)

by crickl at 11:02 PM PDT
Updated: Thu, Jun 21 2007 11:52 PM PDT
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Mon, Jun 18 2007
He's baaaaaaack...
Topic: People/Family stories
Charles is home! We fetched him from the airport at almost midnight and were in bed by 1am. He got up at 9am and is trying to get back on American time. He is silent about his trip, but I"m sure it's because of the weariness! I peeked in his mission trip journal and he wrote on lots of pages, so I hope he will write about it on his blog. When he does I will link to it. Pray for him and Pete. They both need to get that off kilter feeling settled down.....jet lag I guess.

I can't even express how wonderful it is to have my husband home again. It was a long week and I did not enough sleep, so last night I slept the whole night through without waking. He has 2 weeks home, and then he is off to youth camp with our 2 teenagers.

Maggie is off to camp....this is her first time without one of us parents there. But her sister Bethany is a camp staff person, so she can get some good hugs from her. (and Beth needs hugs too) I took Maggie up there yesterday and hugged Beth (I had just seen her 3 days ago) and she pushed me away and said, "Stop hugging me now or I'll......I"m gonna cry!" And there it came.

She is a little homesick

I told all our friends who were staying to hug her each day....she requires it. She'll be okay and we'll see her again on Friday before her next week of kids' camp.

Emma began driver's education this morning. 8am to 12:30....Monday through Thursday.....for 2 weeks. She is not one to complain a lot but she did have a hard time sitting for that long!!! This part of it is all the classroom work. She will not schedule actual driving time until she gets her permit in which time my prayer life will just take off, as usual! This learning/teaching to drive thing never gets easier with experience.....NEVERRRRRRRRR.

......hope you have a great week where ere you may be....

by crickl at 3:00 PM PDT
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Fri, Jun 15 2007
Ukraine tele-report
Topic: People/Family stories
We got to talk to Charles last night! We actually called Tuesday night too, but I wouldn't say we actually got to talk. The telephone connection kept breaking off after one minute and 40something seconds, and there was a delay in hearing each other. It was like those satellite interviews you hear on news programs, where it takes a few seconds to hear and then respond to the questions. The kids did NOT understand and they just kept saying "hi....hello...hello? you hear me?....oh hi." LOL Then we'd get disconnected. It would have been comical if it wasn't getting so expensive to keep reconnecting! arrgg So last night they called us with purchased international minutes on their cell phones and we talked for 15 or 20 minutes with no 'satellite delay'. (I think it has something to do with going through the international or Russian operators)

He and his mission team partner, Pete (also from our church) are doing great. That was a concern! Last time Pete went on this mission trip to Ukraine, he got sick with allergies *I think* and the lady of the house he was staying at kept making him 'home remedies' which upset his whole insides! This year, no troubles....but we packed plenty of allergy and stomach meds just in case!

They love the people there. Charles commented that the connection you feel around fellow Christians is strong with these people and they feel very at home with them. His voice was full of the joy of the Lord when he talked about them. The communication is going very well. That is one thing Charles wanted people to pray about...that through the translation process, things wouldn't be too confusing or misunderstood. The weather is great...warm, but not hot. And the food is good. But they are mostly really enjoying the people there.

They thought they would be staying in a home, but are actually staying at a Christian 'reform' facility. (MUCH like the Set Free ministry that we support here in Phoenix, so there was a thread of familiarity.) It is for men who are alcoholics or drug addicts, to get clean and healthy and join a support group, but also to hear about Christ and how God really loves them and has a plan for them. So there are a lot of the men who are new Christians and a lot that are not Christians. They help anyone who needs it. But they are all in a safe place, getting the help they need and hearing about a God who loves them. Pete said the men there even asked Charles and Pete to move there and become their pastors. I think it was all in jest, but you can see how much they responded to kindness and genuine love.

When we talked to them last night, they were just about to have breakfast and then leave to go to the city, where they will spend *I think* two nights and have a day to sightsee before making the 30 hour trip back home. That includes all travel time, on the road, in the air and between flights. Charles told me they rode on a prop plane to their current location, but that he would tell me that story when he got home.....which mean he probably almost died and doesn't want to worry me while he's traveling home!

I hope he writes about all of his stories from this trip on his blog when he gets back. At least I will pester him to do it.

by crickl at 9:48 AM PDT
Updated: Fri, Jun 15 2007 9:54 AM PDT
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Wed, Jun 13 2007
Wordless Wednesday: Red poppies
Topic: Photo entries

**For more WW photo entries go to Wordless Wednesday or Five Minutes for Mom.**

by crickl at 12:31 PM PDT
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Tue, Jun 12 2007
Simplify, surround and focus
Topic: God things
Here is a quote I found today, from my friend KQ, that I thought was appropriate as a response to the last part of my last post about Miss Hilton:

"What else will do except faith in such a cynical corrupt time? When the country goes temporarily to the dogs, cats must learn to be circumspect, walk on fences, sleep in trees, and have faith that all this woofing is not the last word. What is the last word then? Gentleness is everywhere in daily life, a sign that faith rules through ordinary things:through cooking and small talk, through storytelling, making love, fishing, tending animals and sweetcorn and flowers, through sports, music and books, raising kids - all the places where the gravy soaks in and grace shines through"
~ Garrison Keillor

Can you imagine how difficult it must be to find those placed in Hollywood where there is the 'gravy' of life?

Romans 1:11 I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong— 12 that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith.

Faith is a gift...from God to us and through us, to each other. I hope Miss Hilton finds people who will gather around her and encourage her faith and point her to Christ.

1 Corinthians 16: 13 Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.

In cynical times like those in which we live, we do not need to worry. We just need to refocus our eyes. Are we looking at the evil we can see, or are we fixing our eyes on Christ, who gives hope and strength?

by crickl at 12:54 PM PDT
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