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Fri, Jun 23 2006
Prayer Conference Report 2
Topic: Prayer
The second day of the prayer conference, we got to hear Cheryl Sacks speak. She has written a few books, one of which is called, The Prayer Saturated Church. She spoke about what happened when Jesus visited the church in Matthew 21, otherwise known as the triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Some people in their ignorance saw His coming as a political revolution, church leaders with wrong motives saw His coming as a threat to the way they did things, and some were simply following Him and His leading. She said the pattern that happens when Jesus visits the Church is:

*Cleansing (a return to holiness)
*Prayer (seeking God’s presence)
*Power (God visits and draws people to Himself)
*Praise (true worship and service)

Some questions to ask to identify the barriers to the presence of God in our churches:

1. What are our sins of omission? What has He already asked us to do that we have not done? (these include specific things for your church as well as things all churches are supposed to be doing…..evangelism, prayer, caring for the weak, etc…)

2. What are the sins of church leadership? These could be patterns of weakness or sin in former pastors or in the leadership of the church, because Satan will attack where you’re already weak.

3. What are the sins of our denomination that are affecting our church?

4. What are the historic sins of our church, community, families? (generational sins, deep root issues)

5. What are the top 3 barriers that keep our church from being a praying church? Are the people apathetic, sinful, prideful, have wrong motives in the church?

6. What areas of our church are under attack for what we’re doing right?

Lastly, she talked about incorporating prayer into every area of church, not having it offered only as a separate activity on Wednesday nights. (although Wed. night prayer meetings can be a powerful part of how the church functions) Have your prayer team go into the youth, children, stewardship and music departments or committees and teach them the importance of seeking God for those they serve as well as guidance in how they serve.

*Motivate people to pray. Use prayer testimonies in church, teach on it.
*Teach people how to pray. Have seminars and classes on it…equip them.
*Provide opportunities to pray for every level of believers. (Those who are passionate intercessors, interested seekers, and for those not yet ‘awakened’ but who attend.)

These, I thought, were some really practical ways we can become a more effective organization for the Lord as a church. Very good ideas and evaluations for us to take very seriously and start incorporating into our own lives, as well as the church.

As I was searching for a good image for this post, I came across this website by the Church of England… looks like a useful, practical tool for enriching our prayer life.

by crickl at 9:54 AM PDT
Updated: Fri, Jun 23 2006 10:01 AM PDT
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Thu, Jun 22 2006
Random entertainment
Topic: Humor/memes
I discovered Dave Barry has a blog. He just collects odd or funny stories or websites and lists them. WHAT a job! I could browse for hours, but I'll share a few with you....

*A man who heard it was really hard to quit aol recorded his conversation with an aol rep while trying to get the rep to cancel his subscription. Amazingly enough, my husband had a similar experience when trying to unsubscribe from aol. I kept hearing him politely saying things like, "No, I just want to quit." ..."NO, I'm not interested, just cancel my membership please." ....."Really, I just need to cancel this, I have an account with another server."......*sigh*

*Hilter cats had me giggling.

*I really tried, but could not get past the third level of this Parking Test. Besides, crashing was really more fun.

by crickl at 11:29 PM PDT
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Prayer Conference Report 1
Topic: Prayer
I promised someone that I would give a report on the prayer conference my husband and I went to, but I didn’t realize how hard it would be to do. How do you capture 3 days of studying prayer….of being in God’s presence in worship and under teaching that seemed to be appointed by Him for this very time? The conference was a week ago, and I’ve been mulling it over and wondering how to condense and overview. A lot of what we learned I will just touch on. Here goes:

Last Wednesday night, my friend Joy picked me up to drive together across town for a prayer conference. (My husband couldn’t come on Wednesday because he had a prayer meeting to lead at our church.) We were not quite sure what to expect, but wanted to get the most out of what was touted as a very great conference.

The worship was so well done. The worship leader had a special gift for drawing you into really worshipping and not thinking about him or his band, but about God’s holiness and goodness.

This first night, the speaker was from Uganda, Jackson Senyonga. He spoke of Uganda and how God has gotten a hold on his country. It has become mostly Christian now and people who still live secular lifestyles do not feel at home there. The president quotes from the Bible when addressing the country and AIDS has become contained and dwindling in the past few years there. He said on an average day, walking on the city streets, he regularly hears people discussing the Bible and praying.

And it all started with faithful prayer for their country.

It wasn’t a program or plan, it was due to people practicing God’s presence in their daily lives and when God is present in a person’s life, people take notice and He draws them to Himself. Acts 17:26-28

Then after telling us how wonderful it is in his country during this time of awakening….he told us that he believes God is calling the United States for the next awakening. It begins with His people returning to prayer, to repentance and to holiness. “Changed people change people.” “God wants to fumigate nations with His presence.”

Can you imagine that in the United States? Deuteronomy 4:4-7

His points: (these are from notes taken from Jackson Senyonga’s sermon 6/14/06)

1. It takes God…His presence, not programs or making churches more comfortable or fun….it just takes God.

2. It takes power. No prayer, no power….little prayer, little power…..much prayer, much power. It takes humility to pray much….prayerlessness is a sign of pride.

3. We need to take away the limits and restrictions that we put on God in prayer. He wants to do great things and here we are celebrating the little things.

4. It takes obedience. Obedience requires sacrifice….something must die. And that would be our ‘self’. Surrender your way to what He is telling you to do.

We need to take prayer to a deeper level. People who will be able to experience a deeper level of prayer will do 3 things.

1. They experience private victories before any public victories can happen. Our inner lives must change. We must conquer the sins that hold us back from really experiencing God’s power in our lives.

2. They will arise from slumber. We are lulled into apathy by our own love of comfort. We need to set aside our comforts that distract us and focus on God’s work in our world…in our country, city, neighborhoods and homes. He talked about how in Uganda, the country was oppressed through hunger and lack of daily needs. In America, we are oppressed by our abundance of things….our daily needs are met without thought and our wants multiply. We need to lay down materialism.

3. They will start to pray out of desperation. God wets our spiritual appetites and we think that was the main course. God wants to do wonderful things, change countries, not just serve appetizers.

Psalm 2:8-9 Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession. You will rule them with an iron scepter ;you will dash them to pieces like pottery."

Jeremiah 33:3 'Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.'


This was just one sermon. I have notes scribbled in my notebook and on handouts from the sessions I went to. Maybe I will do more another day. There was so much to take in, it seemed like we weren’t going to retain anything from information overload. But as I go back through these notes, it is coming back to me. So as I review the notes, I will try to type out some reports. Okay, Cathee? =)

by crickl at 12:13 AM PDT
Updated: Fri, Jun 23 2006 9:59 AM PDT
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Mon, Jun 19 2006
Sizzlin' Summertime
Topic: People/Family stories
This is the best summer picture ever to make people who live in Phoenix smile. I borrowed it from Cathee's Just a Sojourner on this Planet blog. She is a fellow desert dweller and a fellow blogging friend.

My dog would hand over all her chewy rawhides she has hidden under my rose bushes, her pig's ears (which I won't touch) that Maggie gives her on weekends and her wonderful tennis ball to have one pile of snow like this fortunate polar bear! She gets so hot in the yard in this summer desert heat that we've taken to 'dipping' her twice a day in the pool. She won't go in by herself (or even into a small child's wading pool...she is afraid of everything!), so we dip her. I could see her lying on this ice, melting to the shape of her dog body. lol I tried to bring her inside today, but she was all nervous and just wanted to go back outside.....silly dog.

Summertime is hard on the kids too. Yesterday Charles went off to Children's Camp, along with Maggie, up in the mountains. Even though the Arizona desert is extremely hot this time of year, the mountains, with 80 degree days is just a 2 hour drive, so we have wonderful camp and retreat facilities all over northern Arizona. Pray for them this week. Our church took about 30 people up there this week!

So I'm at home with my 2 teenagers this week, hanging out. Bethany works every day this week, serving chicken to the hordes at the mall, while Emma has a friend visiting for several days. Today Bethany only works for 4 hours, so I let Emma and her friend hang out at the mall until she gets off work. I hope they are having fun....cuz I am enjoying the nice, quiet afternoon!

by crickl at 1:12 PM PDT
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Wed, Jun 14 2006
To be understood
Topic: Friendship
Thank you blogger friends for your kind words of encouragement yesterday about my dad's situation. How cool to be baraged with understanding and Christian love. It brought tears to my eyes to read all of your thoughts to me.

God brought to mind these 2 verses today also....

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.

Romans 5:3-5 Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.

by crickl at 12:20 PM PDT
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Tue, Jun 13 2006
Thoughts on Friendship
Topic: Friendship
I can't help but love those Sonic commercials. They are so silly and the one with the husband and wife sitting in their car at Sonic and she is eating a sandwich. She suddenly declares, "Y'know, I don't think there is anything in the world that I love more than a Sonic toasted BLT." The husband looks at her and hesitantly suggests maybe she is exaggerating (can't remember the dialog here) and he says, "After all, what's the Sonic toasted BLT got that I don't have?" Without skipping a beat she says, "Bacon." then takes another bite of her sandwich. LOL Very sassy.

They have a new commercial with 2 girlfriends sitting in their car, eating little banana splits, talking about how cute they are. They hold them together and declare that if you put them together they make a whole. And while looking straight ahead, the one woman starts talking about when they were teenagers and girls wore those little broken heart necklaces to remember their special friends, saying how goofy they were and why did we ever do something so rediculous. All the time she is talking, the other woman is desperately trying to hide the broken heart pendant that she is wearing!

Girlfriends are great...we don't agree on everything or have the same taste in necklaces or humor sometimes, but we need each other.

Yesterday I met with 3 different girlfriends of mine. One was Cheryl, my walking buddy. We did our 45 minute walk around the mall, chattering along.

Love ya Cheryl!

Then a new friend, Mary Ann, had asked me to come out for coffee with her while our husbands had a meeting at her house. So we jaunted off to Starbucks (sorry Hannah) and had muffins and blended iced mochas. We had so much getting to know each other to do that time flew by and suddenly I shivered, it was so cold in that place. We moved outside to the patio area and the warm Phoenix morning sun felt so good, we chatted even longer. We know each other from church, but had never had any exclusive visiting time, so we chatted about family, church, vacations, decorating, Jesus, and what a beautiful morning it was.

Thank you Mary Ann!

Having 3 appointments for girlfriend visits in one day is a little tiring, yet energizing, if you know what I mean, ladies. From Mary Ann's I went across town on the Squaw Peak Freeway, through beautiful desert mountain views to Scottsdale to have lunch with Nancy. If you want to see Phoenix in from a brand new view, just drive the 51 (Squaw Peak Fwy) from north to south....beautiful! Now I know where the picture at the right was taken. I love this picture.

Nancy and I have been friends for years. I met her when we both lived in Williams and now we both live in Phoenix. We hadn't had any visiting time since moving here though, so we had a lot to catch up on! We have been through a lot together...some very hard, rough patches in life and in friendship. But those are the kinds of friends you can bare your soul with and not feel so vulnerable....there is a trust and accountability there. And we did....and it was good.

Hang in there, Nancy!

Each appointment was unique....3 friends, one new, but comfortably familiar and encouraging, one new and fun to get to know, one rekindled and on a much deeper level...caused by walking through hard times together. So it was an interesting day!

I needed a totally different kind of day...a day to spend with friends. It is very refreshing, in a way that being with my husband or family can't produce. (sorry honey, you've great, but it's that bacon thing...please refer to the first paragraph) =) I love you though...and you know I love you more than any bacon sammich!

I think I"ll survive now.....

by crickl at 10:59 AM PDT
Updated: Tue, Jun 13 2006 11:00 AM PDT
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Sat, Jun 10 2006
Topic: Photo entries
I've been doing some serious therapy! I uploaded a bunch of our photos from this last year on my Flickr page. I don't scrapbook, but I do like to make online photo albums. I just added a bunch from our vacation to Colorado which I blogged all about last summer. There is a whole section on the Great Sand Dunes in southern Colorado....very nice pics taken by my husband while he climbed them. I will add more to my Israel collection this week I think. I finally found the rest of them!

Flickring is good therapy for me it seems.

by crickl at 10:30 PM PDT
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Thu, Jun 8 2006
7 Days of Blogging--my history
Topic: Other
They're all blogging about blogging this week....and I'm behind! Carol at She Lives got it started and I'm learning a lot of helpful hints and background on all my favorite and newly found bloggers. Check it out here.

I have never been a writer, never (ever) kept a journal, but I do write a Christmas letter every year that is something like I do here on my blog. It's got an update-ish, attempted humorous, slightly devotional feel. Almost 2 years ago, my friend Kim sent me an invitation to her 'blog'. I knew what a blog was...short for weblog....but I thought it was mainly a journaling type of medium. I did not know that it could be a tool to entertain, fellowship, witness, or rant to the general public. Kim no longer blogs, but I started thinking, as I would read her entries....almost craved them like an addiction...that I could maybe do this. So I went to my angelfire account, not knowing about type-pad or blogger and signed up for a free blog space.

And here I am, over 200 posts later, still wondering if I can do this.

Some days I sit here, thinking I should really post today, but *knocks on head with fist* there's simply 'nothin in the noggin'. That is part of the beauty of blogging. You reallly don't have to have anything to say....and many of my posts are like that. And then some days, it flows like I am a blogging machine! (how very artistically temperamental of me...heh)

Some days I think no one is going to read this stuff...why am I wasting my time trying to contrive posts? Then my husband will just mention something that I"ve written about lately and I think, "WOW, he READS this!" My college daughter once told me that she and her roomate read it out loud to each other in the evening. I thought that was very cool....what a complement! Or a blogging friend (one of the greatest blessings of blogging!) or mentor will comment randomly and I'll get that "attaboy" that keeps me going.

It annoys me that I need that.

I am not doing this for my own private release, people. I really do crave for people to read 'get' me. It's like an artistic outlet....a way to be have something that is my own. I have 2 friends in Williams, Arizona who read this daily. They don't leave comments on here but they tell me everytime they see me how much they are enjoying it or that they are telling people about it. My own private following....LOL....thank you Mary Joe and Peggy! You kept me going when I felt like ditching it.

I am totally admitting how selfish I am, I know. But I have to be honest. After years and years of being a stay at home mom of little children, with hardly any outlet to be creative or to express myself, this has been a very rewarding year and a half for me. It's given me so much confidence in how God can teach me and how I can learn to do something totally new.

I do believe it's a gift from God at just the right time in my life. Besides being a creative outlet, it's also given me the courage to be somewhat of the weakest points of my particular personality. And to learn to work at putting something together regularly that will bless people and encourage them in their faith is a really great honor and one that I take seriously.

So this is my history of blogging. Thank you for reading it. =)

And, by the way, why do you blog? And if you don't, why not???

by crickl at 3:13 PM PDT
Updated: Thu, Jun 8 2006 6:44 PM PDT
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Wed, Jun 7 2006
Update on Dad
Topic: People/Family stories
I’m just running on fumes today. The stress of the last few weeks has caught up with me and now my brain is teetering between going comatose into sleep or exploding. Avoiding the subject or just giving brief accounts has been my tactic when people ask about how my dad or family is doing after moving my dad into a nursing home. Well, it’s not working, so I’ll try the more ‘out there, whine away’ approach and just get this over with.

First of all, when I say ‘nursing home’, I don’t mean a place with normally aging, but feeble people. I am talking about the alzheimer’s, dementia ward…..the secure, locked down ward. Most of the people there are in the advanced stages of dementia, so it’s kind of crazy and ‘interesting’. The second day I went to visit though, I got to know some of the other residents better, as well as the aids and nurses. I just have to remember that these people are just like my dad….normal people, who lived wonderful lives, but their minds have betrayed them and become diseased. Slowly they become this other person….a stranger really, who comes to take their place in your loved one. You catch glimpses of the real person in there at times, but usually there is a confused, uncooperative, sometimes agitated and aggressive person who masquerades as your dad….

The obsessive, paranoid, sometimes aggressive side won out and we could no longer care for my dad at home. I mentioned this once at an online message board and a few of the responses were quite condescending and clearly unsympathetic toward putting anyone in a nursing home. So I stopped telling people unless they asked or mentioned that they had gone through this themselves. In a way, it is a very private decision, but you feel the need to be understood, for people to know that you’ve done all you could but that it is a desperate situation that there is no other solution for. I don’t feel like I can share some of the most telling details in order to protect my family’s privacy. Some of the things my mom has told me about my dad’s behavior, I simply cannot share. So maybe if you’re tempted to think less of people because of decisions like this, maybe you could put on compassion and look at the individuals involved and not just at the situation of nursing homes in general.

****I just had to put this out there because I want to be understood. And if you cannot understand without having the private, traumatic details, then I can’t help you. I’m not trying to be ugly about this, but from the response I got that one time I shared, I’m just covering the bases in case it’s out there, ready to strike again.**** =)

My sister went with my mom and I to check my dad in on Monday afternoon. We took him to his hallway to talk to a nurse while my mom filled out paperwork. It is a Christian care center and the staff there is really understanding, gentle and compassionate. In the past 3 weeks, my dad’s condition has gone downhill almost with each passing day….his physical condition as well as mentally. So by the time we were ready to check in, he was not having any good days mentally. We think he is stressed out too, because we’ve been trying to prepare him for moving. In his lucid moments, he understood and though he wasn’t excited about it, he knew it was time….he knew his illness is getting way too advanced for my 80 year old mom to handle. We got his things settled into his room. I also put up a picture of my dad and one of my mom in their younger, stronger days, so that the staff there will see who he once was. We sat visiting with him in the general sitting area. The 3 men who are there tend to congregate by the door to the outside area in an alcove with a few tables, the women sit together in the main room chatting at the tables. I would say about 99 percent of them are sweet, content and seem at home there. One or two of them are a little mouthy and complain.

There are a few of the aids that I got to know a little better the 2 days I was there. One of them loves to get the residents singing. She bends down and in a low, slow voice begins, “Swwwinnnnnng looooooow, sweeeeeet chaaaaariot, “ and the residents all start joining in. It was very sweet! Although they are declining in life, they remember the hymns and enjoy singing. She did this several times and then turned off the jazz music that was playing and put on a CD of hymns. Suddenly the blank stares turned to sentimental looks and their mouths began following along with the words….and tears welled up in my eyes and trickled down my cheek. I think my dad will get to that point where he feels at home there and enjoys the moments like that during the day.

When we left, he didn’t argue or ask to go with us. He did keep asking how long he would be there. I could only answer him honestly, “Dad, you live here now. You are too sick for mom to take care of you at home.” And he nods and momentarily understands…yes, he does feel sick….and weak. He is discouraged but is trying to have a good attitude, I can tell. He seems very disoriented when we come to see him, but he gradually…usually after a meal….gets to feeling better and talks. It doesn’t usually make a lot of sense, but he does talk and talk. One day he thought he was there to sing for these people and kept apologizing to them all because he just didn’t think he could do it. He knows who we are, but not at all moments.

Sometimes he struggles between real and imaginary. Two weeks ago, I was visiting him at their home and he was telling me about traveling. It was kind of jumbled up and confused sounding story, but he went on and on telling me that he had had 2 very nice trips recently to China, Japan, Australia. He told me a few details and I wondered if he was delusional. So I tried to distract him and said, “Do you remember the trips you used to take us on?” And before I could mention some of the places, he interrupted and seemed put off with me. He said, “I know, I know…but those were REAL trips. I’m talking about the trips I take in my mind….imaginary trips.”

Dementia is a wild ride. I don’t claim to understand much of it and it is very humiliating and scary to lose your mind…I have seen that first hand with my dad.

I’m sure I’ll give updates from time to time, but I don’t want to grind this into the ground each day. I want to move on now to somewhat of a normal existence again. Having the quiet time to write this out and express some of how things are going will help me to be able to do that…I hope.

by crickl at 10:13 PM PDT
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Mon, Jun 5 2006
Admitting Day
Topic: People/Family stories
If you drop by today, please pray for my family. We are admitting my father into a full time nursing care facility today. I can't imagine the emotions that will go through us today, not to even mention my dads emotions.

More later, but I wanted to get this up so you could pray....God works through prayer and I appreciate it.

by crickl at 11:52 AM PDT
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Sun, Jun 4 2006
Global Day of Prayer, 2006
Topic: Prayer
Today is the Global Day of Prayer.(Here is their Purpose and statement of faith.) It is Pentecost, the feast of first fruits….and now a celebration of the day that God sent His Holy Spirit to indwell every believer.

Our church had a very special service. We read parts of the following prayer, which was put together by the organizers of this day of prayer. In between the readings and responses, we sang prayers, we celebrated the baptism of several new believers (hearing the testimony of one of our youth who was being baptized), we had a chorus of 8 different languages spoken in our congregation saying the Lord’s Prayer in their language all together (a picture of what happened on the first Christian Pentecost), we shared communion and we prayed for each other.

*Almighty God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit
As a united worldwide body of believers, we are gathered today
To honor and glorify Your Name.
We bow before Your throne of grace
And acknowledge that You are the Creator of heaven and earth.
You have existed through all eternity and in You all things hold together.
There is no one like You, holy and righteous in all Your ways.
We submit to Your authority and sovereignty as the King of the universe
And pray with one voice to enthrone You in our hearts
And to honor You before the world.

Congregation: Lord God, You alone are worthy Of our praise and adoration. We worship You.

*Our Father in heaven,
Thank You for loving the world so greatly
That You gave Your only Son, Jesus Christ,
To die on the cross for our sins,
so that we could be reconciled to You.
Thank You for giving us the right to call You Father,
Because of our faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior.
Nothing, not even principalities and powers,
Is able to separate us from Your love which you demonstrated in Your Son, Jesus Christ.

Congregation:Thank You Father, for adopting us into Your family. We now cry, Abba Father!

*Lord Jesus Christ, You alone are worthy to open the scrolls of history,
For You were slain and have redeemed us to the Father by Your blood.
Thank You for interceding for us as our High Priest.
As we stand before You from many tribes and nations,
we confess that You are Head of the Church
and Lord of every created thing in heaven and on earth.
Come and draw followers to serve Your from every tribe and language.
May these become Your inheritance in all the earth.
Let Your kingdom be established in every nation of the world,
So that governments will rule with righteousness and justice.
May Your gospel be made known to every person on earth.
May Your blessing bring transformation among every people.
And may Your Name be great, from the rising of the sun to its setting.

Congregation: Jesus Christ, You are the Savior of the world and the Lord of all.

*Father of mercy and grace
We acknowledge that we have sinned and that our world is gripped by the power of sin.
Our hearts are grieved by injustice, hatred, anger and violence.
We are shamed by the oppression, racism and bloodshed in our land.
We weep because of the loss of innocent life in war and terrorism, abortion, persecution and senseless murders.
Our hearts are broken by every rejection of Christ as Lord and Savior.
As we stand before You, we know that Your gaze beholds all things.
Our homes are broken by selfishness and immortality.
Our lives are polluted by greed, idolatry and sexual sin.
Our churches are divided by rebellious pride.
All the sins that we may find in our world, You have found among Your people.
We have grieved Your heart and brought shame to Your Name.
We approach Your throne of grace in this hour of need.
We ask for Your mercy and Your help to repent sincerely.

Congregation: God of mercy, pour out Your grace. Forgive our sins. Heal our land.

*Spirit of the living God, we confess that we can do nothing apart from You.
Living God, on this Pentecost, pour out Your Spirit upon all flesh.
Empower the Church to be transformed into the image of Jesus Christ.
Release Your power to bring healing to the sick, freedom to the possessed, comfort to those who mourn and release for those who are oppressed.
Come and melt the hearts of people to love again.
Answer the call of the homeless, the hungry, the helpless and the dying.
Enfold orphans, widows and the elderly in Your arms.
Display Your mercy and provide for our needs.
Give us wisdom and insight in every sphere of life so that we will find solutions to the complex problems of the world.
Help us to use the resources of the earth for the well-being of all.
Pour Your love into our hearts and fill us with compassion and let the power of the Holy Spirit characterize our lives.

Congregation: Holy Spirit, we need Your comfort and guidance. Come and transform our hearts.

*Lord Jesus Christ, because You were dead, but are now risen; and because the Father has given You a Name above all names, You will defeat all powers of evil.
You have declared that the gates of hell will not prevail against Your Church. We pray for deliverance from demonic oppression.
We pray for the tearing down of the strongholds and ideologies that hinder and resist the spreading of the knowledge of God.
We resist the plan of the enemy to keep nations in darkness and pray that Your will remove the veil that covers the peoples.
We ask for open doors so that the gospel can enter every nation.
Restrain the evil that promotes violence and death.
Break the hold of slavery, tyranny and disease.
Fill us with courage to preach Your word fearlessly and faithfully.
Give us a spirit of intercession to cry out on behalf of the lost.

Congregation: Almighty God, deliver us from evil and the evil one.

*King of Glory, come to the nations of the world.
You have promised long ago that You would come to restore all things.
We welcome You to finish Your work in our cities, our peoples and our nations.
We now lift our voices in unison with believers from across the face of the earth – from Africa, from the Middle East, from North and South America, from Asia, from Europe, from Australia, and from the Pacific Islands – together we cry:

Congregation: Lift up your heads, O you gates! Be lifted up ancient doors so that the King of glory may come in!

As Your deeds increase throughout the earth, and as Your blessings abound to all the nations, they will seek You, asking, “Who is this King of Glory?”
Together we will answer:

Congregation: He is the Lord Almighty!
Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!

Come fill the earth with Your glory as the waters cover the sea.
The Spirit and the Bride say:

Congregation: Amen! Come Lord Jesus!

Now is the season of blessing….reaching out and watching God bless our communities and nations through us as we’ve prepared to be His instruments.

Read about how the Dallas area is preparing for The 90 days of blessing. And I encourage you to look for the ways that God wants you to be a blessing to your neighborhood, community, city and nation. Think of one thing….and do it for God’s glory, because He loves your community….and you are His hands and feet…..

by crickl at 6:08 PM PDT
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Fri, Jun 2 2006
Constant prayer, day 10
Topic: Prayer

Today's emphasis for the Ten Days of Constant Prayer is God's blessing.

For the promised blessing of Christ among all people.

For His Church:
*For Christians to live with expectancy for the ancient promise of blessing to be fulfilled, seeing transformation of their communities and countries.
*For churches to work together in unity, co-working with God to change lives, cities and nations.

For our world:
*For the righteousness and justice of God to transform the ways of commerce and politics, cleansing whole societies from the curse of corruption.
*For the peace of Christ's kingdon to change the way cities and nations are governed.
*For the joy of Christ's life to flourish throughout every people group on earth!

***I am particularly interested in this way of praying for God's blessing, as I went to a mini conference on it back in April. In 2 weeks, Charles and I are going to a prayer conference where this same speaker will be teaching again. I will report on it after we go.

Today is the last day of the Ten Days of Constant Prayer. Our church is doing a 24 hour prayer 'marathon' with people praying around the clock from sundown on Friday evening til sundown on Saturday evening. Tomorrow is Pentecost, originally a Jewish holy day designed to give to God the first 'fruits' of the first harvest of produce. Today, as Chrisitans, we can see how God also produced on that first Pentecost after Jesus died and rose again, the first harvest of Christians worldwide. He sent the Holy Spirit to indwell all who give their lives to Him. The Holy Spirit prompted the disciples to preach the good news of Jesus to those who were gathered in Jerusalem for Pentecost, bringing their first fruits. Each of these people groups heard the message in their own language and God reaped a powerful harvest of believers from all over the known world, who then went back to further spread the gospel.

Tomorrow, you can check out all that is happening with the Global Day of Prayer U.S. and all of the world.

by crickl at 11:01 PM PDT
Updated: Sun, Jun 4 2006 6:16 PM PDT
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Constant prayer, day 9
Topic: Prayer

Our church is studying/using the guide for the Ten Days of Constant Prayer in preparation for Pentecost Sunday, which is in 2 days!

Today's prayer emphasis:

For Christ to bring substantial healing.

In His Church:
*That God would move amoung the sick around the world to bring physical healing. Acts 5:14-16
*That Christians would act withpersistet compassion to work for the eradication of diseases.
*For Christians to be engaged in providing basic health care where needs are great.

In the world:
*For the END of HIV/AIDS in OUR generation. (wouldn't that be awesome? Our God IS an awesome God...please pray about this horrific epidemic) At this time 250,000 young people are infected every month.
*For basic health care for the most needy of our world. Over 30,000 children worldwide die daily from preventable diseases!

I am praying specifically today for some people I know in our church and community with serious illnesses...and for my father, who is suffering greatly with dementia. I think the ultimate healing for him would be to go to be with the Lord....and I would never say that lightly.

by crickl at 3:22 PM PDT
Updated: Sun, Jun 4 2006 6:12 PM PDT
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Thu, Jun 1 2006
Constant Prayer, Day 8
Topic: Prayer
Today in the prayer guide for the 10 Days of Constant Prayer before Pentecost Sunday, we are encouraged to pray for the glory of Jesus.

For Christ's glory to be revealed in the courage of His people.

For His Church:
*For those who come up against oppostion because of the name of Jesus....that they would display the gentle, bold character of Jesus. (Acts 4:13)
*For Christians who suffer for Christ's name to be strong in joy and faith.
*That God will be glorified by His great deeds in those places where He has been opposed. (Acts 4:21)

For Our World:
*For our leaders and governments to be blessed.
*That some government leaders who are opposing Christ would be blessed with wisdom and be found "not fighting against God." (Acts 5:39)

by crickl at 3:47 PM PDT
Updated: Sun, Jun 4 2006 6:15 PM PDT
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Wed, May 31 2006
Stow it
Topic: People/Family stories

I am so unorganized, and such a procrastinator, it is really a problem for me. When I can't get motivated to get something done, but it is important enough for me to keep, I stow it.

I started stowing my childrens' keepsakes long ago, when my oldest (who is 18) was in kindergarten. She brought home the cutest, dearest things.....handprints, essays with pictures, polaroid photos on special days, awards, and crafts. My refrigerator door was overloaded with cute stuff. I had a pile of things on my dresser that stayed there for a year or more, not knowing what to do with it. One day, I decided I would just take a paper grocery sack and load all of the cute stuff I couldn't throw away into it and keep it on my closet shelf. Then each time she or one of the other girls (who eventually had their own sacks) would bring home something dear or cute or historical in some way to their small lives, I would slip it into the sack. These sacks are folded, as to not take up so much space. Keeping them folded also protects these cute artifacts from dust...mostly. So at the end of my closet shelf, through 2 moves so far, there sits the sacks.

We take them down once in a while to wander through them. I did this the other day. I actually found the sacks in a box that had not yet been unpacked from our recent move and I took them to my closet. But before I put them up there, I had to go through them. I actually was just going to go through Emma's sack, because I have LOST her immunization records and she needs them to go to high school this Fall. (I did not find them and I am hoping this will not be too much of a problem....????) So I went through Emma's sack. Her little blankie (the 'gee gee') was in there and she saw it and carried it around the rest of the day. I found it once again back in the sack at the end of the day....she said it didn't smell the same anymore. lol

I don't know what I will do with the sacks once they are grown and I don't have cute things to put in there anymore. I have never done anything with these scrapbook, no pretty box or preservation of any kind. But the sacks have become a sort of artifact in themselves and we like them now just the way they are.....brittle as they may be.

I do a similar thing with recipes that I collect from magazines and friends. I have an accordian file folder that I neatly labeled one amazingly organizational day....but I don't always have time to file the recipes. So I slip the recipes that are new into a pocket in the back of the accordian file and keep them there, waiting to be filed...which I do about once a year.

Both of these stow away ideas keep me from having piles of things everywhere. And I know right where to find all the recipes I've cut out over the year, instead of losing them.

Simple, but it Works for me.

by crickl at 12:17 PM PDT
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