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crickl's nest
Sat, Jul 15 2006
VBS 2006 pictures!
Topic: Photo entries
Today is the day after Vacation Bible School is finished for 2006. I slept in until 9:30, I was so tired. It was a fun week though and around 10 children's lives were changed for all eternity.....that is cool! It also changes the people who put together and work at a VBS. It softens your heart to teach children about God's Word and see them take it in, in full faith and trust.

Patrice, Patrick and I were the missions crew. This is our 'Glacier Pass' missions room. Here is our Northern Lights. The photos were stubborn and would not be resized. The week's theme was Arctic Edge...Where Adventure meets Courage, set in Alaska and the Arctic Circle. So all the classrooms were decorated as lodges, Snack and Recreation were a canteen, Music was a cove, Crafts a train depot and missions was a glacier pass. VBS is so much more creative and adventurous than it was when I was a child, but just as meaningful and life changing!

Here are some pictures from the week:

We sang fun songs.

We brought joyful offerings to help start a soup kitchen at a church we sponsor in Mexico.

I don't have pictures of the other classrooms at VBS, but we had Missions class every day. On the last day, we had volunteers try some whale blubber on crackers, (apple jelly) because being a missionary means having courage to try new things. *snicker* The looks on their faces as they bit into 'whale blubber' was worth the little 'trick' we played on them!

by crickl at 1:11 PM PDT
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Thu, Jul 13 2006
I'm a Blogging Chick
Topic: Friendship

I've joined another web ring (linking to lots of other blogs) called Blogging Chicks! Check it out....lots of women bloggers of all types. And they have carnivals too!


by crickl at 8:46 AM PDT
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Wed, Jul 12 2006
Serious Fun
Topic: God things
Today was the 'hump' of Vacation Bible School week....meaning it's alllllll downhill from here! =) It's been a fun week, but with all that's been going on at home as well as at church, it's been hectic and exhausting!! We've had a birthday party, we're babysitting a first-grader after VBS all week, there were doctor's appointments at 2 different doctors for 2 daughters with ear infections. Can you say sleep interruptions???? *middle of the night*..."My ear hurts....waaaaah" I ended up cancelling my yearly check up that was scheduled today. It was just too much! And our 16 year old daughter (one of the ear sufferers) is preparing to go on a mission trip to Mississippi on Friday. This always happens to me the week of VBS!!


So today, after cancelling my afternoon appointment, I am home, feets up, HGTV on, computer on lap......aaaaaaaaaaaah.... Someone peel me a grape, baby!

Oh yeah, back to my Bible School report! Patrice and I are in charge of the Missions station at Bible School. We show a video clip of some of our SBC missionaries in action on the field, then play a game or talk about what being a missionary is like. The missions station is 'Glacier Pass', so we decorated it like a glacier and it's so cool! (I am trying to remember to bring my camera to take some pictures to post here.)

VBS is always fun....I mean huge fun! It is wacky, entertaining, full of upbeat music and being creative. But like the graphic I found, it's serious fun. The children, the theme, the songs, activities, crafts, snacks and games are different every year, but the message of Bible School has stayed the same, even from the time I was in VBS in the 60's and 70's.

God knows you and loves you....
The Bible is truth and is our guide....
The salvation Jesus offers is for everyone and is free to all who believe.

Tomorrow the kids get a chance to respond to Jesus' offer.....please pray that new hearts are born and the ripple effect (oh, that's the Holy Spirit) will change families....

by crickl at 2:31 PM PDT
Updated: Wed, Jul 12 2006 2:45 PM PDT
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Sun, Jul 9 2006
Arctic Edge! Where adventure meets courage!
Topic: People/Family stories
Tomorrow morning begins a week of Vacation Bible School! It's always a fun, but an exhausting week! I may come by and post pictures or stories from the week, but I'm not promising.

This afternoon, Patrice and I, along with our middle school daughters and grade school daughters, decorated our VBS room as a glacier for the missions class. It looks sooooooooo cute!!! I hope to post pics soon! (I just wish it was actually as cool as it looks in's a far reach to pretend you're in the Arctic in Phoenix in July)

by crickl at 9:55 PM PDT
Updated: Sun, Jul 9 2006 9:55 PM PDT
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Thu, Jul 6 2006
Getting geeky
Topic: Humor/memes
I won a battle with my computer recently. It can't win all the time, after all...

To put anything besides links in your side bars on this server, you have to open the ADVANCED editing process.


But, I wanted to put the CWO graphic and webring buttons on my sidebar badly enough that I figured it out. Now I'm going sidebar crazy....I don't think that is an actual mental condition, but there's always a first. When I was changing the look of this page, I even went for 2 sidebars.

Ambitious I am, Luke Skywalker!!!

Now I have learned how to center things in the sidebar, change the color of a prewritten font, and added my little brown family shadow picture there. (Yes, I changed the background to go with my picture...I can be obsessive that way.) As you can see, I added a Bible verse of the day to the left *taps pointer stick on left sidebar* and a Bible Gateway search engine to the right. *whacks the right sidebar*

If you will look, there is also a graphic and webring buttons for Christian Women Online *making circles with pointer stick*....(they let me join!)...and a Bloginality button below that. *taptap* And now that the left sidebar is so freakishly short, I will probably be adding more fun stuff over there....gotta have balance! Ooooh, maybe a Flickr graphic that has my pics all in a Hollywood Squares type box and each one takes a turn floating out at you. I've always wanted one of those!

If anyone has/knows of an easy EASY tutorial on doing pings and trackbacks, please leave me a note! That is my next goal as an up and coming webpage geek.

***My deepest apologies to anyone offended by the silliness of this post....

by crickl at 1:52 PM PDT
Updated: Thu, Jul 6 2006 10:12 PM PDT
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Tue, Jul 4 2006
The rest of the story....
Topic: People/Family stories
Well, the light is fading from the sky and it's almost time to go out and look at fireworks. We are hoping we can see them from our backyard....or roof...or there is a show going on about 2 miles from here.

It was a lazy day, yet productive. We cleaned the house, did some yard work, and Charles put new light fixtures in the bathroom. I should have done a before and after picture of it.....because it's quite dramatic! The old fixtures were pendant light globes, hanging from metal chains that had seen their day back in the '80's. The metal was all corroded and the globes had embossed goldish designs on them. Yeah...ummmm, ewwww.... The new fixtures are brushed aluminum bars with 3 frosted sconces. The sconces are supposed to aim downward, but we realized after hooking them up that you can't open our bathroom medicine cabinet if the sconces aim down. So he twisted it up and it looks pretty good. I got them from Costco for $25, so he was going to MAKE them work. lol The fixtures at Home Depot were not so cheap.

After the fixture fiasco, we floated around in the pool. I brought the dog in and made her float too. She looked so hot, it was really nice of me.....heehee. She actually doesn't like it at ALL, but I'm thinking one day she will decide it's nice and jump in all by herself. I put her 2 front paws on a pool 'noodle' and put one arm under her tummy and floated her around. The only time she panicked was when her back legs would float too far under her and she felt as if she was tipping backward.

**Update** This has been sitting half done all evening. And now: The REST of the story...

Page THREE! We had some friends drop by. They just moved to town....they needed to use our internet to contact their realtor, so we invited them to swim and eat homemade ice cream with us. We watched for fireworks, but they were a little too far away and some trees and rooves were blocking what we might have seen. But it was a nice visit and the kids all had fun swimming together. (I think our water level went down a couple inches from all the splashing! lol)

I hope your 4th was fun and that you ate a burger or at least some corn on the cob. =) That reminds me, we forgot to cut the watermelon!!!! *dagnabit*

by crickl at 10:54 PM PDT
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Wandering around the blogosphere
Topic: Other
Nothing to really add today, but here are some gems from my blog wanderings this morning.....

Shirley sent me this link for cyber fireworks.

Carol, at She Lives is going to a Fourth of July baptism celebration. How cool to celebrate real freedom on the day we celebrate our country's political freedom....and to remember that analogy every year!

Shannon, from Wind Scraps wrote a wonderful post on Casting our Crowns before Christ. She tells wonderful, meaningful stories!!

I found a link to this awesome post about prayer on the Choosing Home blog.

Amy, at Amy's Humble Musings has a very funny Fourth of July memory for you to read. She is a hilarious story teller.

Dave Barry is quirky, weird, but has hilarious gifts from the internet on his sight daily. Today's post even has a Gilmore Girls shout out. (a weird film clip made by the character Kirk)

Christian Women Online blog has a tribute to our military link.

Molly, from Choosing Home the has gone solo with a new blog called, Adventures in Mercy. She always has very interesting and though provoking reading!

Sallie, at A Gracious Home (which used to be called Two Talent Living) has a wonderful, historical post on the Fourth of July.

Okay, hope you have fun wandering around the blogs as I have this morning. Now it's time to prepare a quick lunch and go swim with my family on this hot day, looking forward to our little family cookout tonight. Homemade burgers, homemade ice cream, packaged chips with preservatives and watermelloooooooon.

by crickl at 12:24 PM PDT
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Mon, Jul 3 2006
Growing in another direction...
Topic: God things
We were in Flagstaff over the weekend. Charles performed a wedding for a young couple who we've know since they were in Jr. High. Beautiful wedding, happy time and we saw lots of people we haven't seen in a few months.

It is a very strange experience to go back to a place you've known and were intimately involved in after you've been away for a period of time. Things were different....a little bit forced, a little bit uncomfortable, a little bit weird. I guess we have incorporated into this new church pretty well, because now, to be around the former church people, it doesn't feel right. We felt a little like outsiders....not intentional on anyone's's just the way it happens in the ministry. God grows you away from the people you had known, lived with, ministered to...and grows you into the new congregation.

Not that I felt uncomfortable around my old friends, I still felt loved and we enjoyed seeing everyone. But I can't get away from that feeling of strangeness.....that we didn't belong anymore. It hurt and will continue to hurt for a while. I"m sure some of them felt the sting too...of old friendships and ministry being pulled away....the familiar and comfortable become survival mode until things settled in again.

There was just not enough time to visit, to hug or to understand again. It was not a long wedding and we had to leave just before the reception began. We had to get home to rest before our Sunday services the next morning.

It was sad to leave and to realize...that is not our home anymore. God has been working to grow our hearts and connections here. That is a good thing. But I miss the old thing too.....

....maybe I always will.

by crickl at 5:23 PM PDT
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Thu, Jun 29 2006
A Good Day to Float
Topic: People/Family stories
I took my mom to visit my dad this morning. He seems to be adjusting to his new environment pretty well now. He talked to us a little bit and didn't seem to be having any paranoia problems today. We took him to get his haircut, then back up to lunch. He gave me a sincere hug and kiss goodbye (he usually shows some aggrivation or whispers a paranoid thought into your ear when you tell him goodbye) was a good visit.

It's been a long hot day and we are about to go swimming as the sun goes down. The water in the pool has been just below 90 degrees, so it's a little warm. But for some reason, floating around in water has been really relaxing lately. Maybe I"ll do a study on lower blood pressure and anxiety relief through floating therapy. I'm so thankful for that's hard to get a good float going in the tub. ;)

Here is a cool website about an artist who Stacks Rocks for gardens or parties. And if you have the urge to stack, you can try Virtual Rock Stacking. I couldn't get the rocks to stay where I put them, but maybe you can figure that out.

You stack rocks, I'll go float....

by crickl at 7:22 PM PDT
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Wed, Jun 28 2006
With ears like a child
Topic: God things
My husband, the pastor, wrote a great post on his blog about really listening. I will just refer you over there today. Like a Child, listening and responding.

by crickl at 9:20 AM PDT
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Tue, Jun 27 2006
Lightning, thunder, fire and ashes
Topic: People/Family stories
I just have a minute to post, but wanted to share this with you.

My daughter Hannah wrote this post on her blog today. I loved it! She's had a rough couple of months and lives 2 hours away from us. (The 'canyon' she is talking about in the post is the Grand Canyon)

Oh, my head is feeling fine today (no anurism...sorry I worried you Cheryl!) Life is so much more livable without headaches!

by crickl at 5:38 PM PDT
Updated: Sat, Jul 1 2006 11:27 PM PDT
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Mon, Jun 26 2006
Topic: Other
I'm experimenting with backgrounds and formats....

...please hit 'reload' if things don't look right.....

...stay tuned for final choices.

by crickl at 10:09 PM PDT
Updated: Mon, Jun 26 2006 10:16 PM PDT
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Yellow and blue
Topic: Photo entries

My first sunflower is blooming....

by crickl at 7:40 PM PDT
Updated: Mon, Jun 26 2006 7:38 PM PDT
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Weekends and Mondays
Topic: Other
We had a very lazy weekend around here. Saturday found us sleeping in, enjoying an afternoon wedding and swimming in the evening. Sunday was a good day at church, we saw Emma off to jr high camp and went out to lunch with some friends who just moved to Phoenix. We knew them about 13 years ago while living in New Jersey.

I also had time to really explore the Christian Women Online e-zine. It's an online magazine full of cool stuff. I also joined their web ring of Christian Women bloggers, as you can see from the graphic on the lower left of my page.

Today I have what I think is a monster sinus headache....either that or an anurism, I can't really tell the difference. So I am probably going to lie this bowling ball head of mine down on a pillow and shut my eyes for a while.

by crickl at 2:02 PM PDT
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Fri, Jun 23 2006
Extremely cool kids...
Topic: People/Family stories
When our kids were little, I used to let them choose 2 or 3 songs to sing, then pray and kisses. We alternated that with reading a book before bed.

Now our oldest lives on her own in her college town, the next 2 are teens and we have an 8 year old (all the picture they are from left to right: Bethany, 16, Emma, 14, Hannah, 18, and Maggie, 8). So I still say prayers about half the time with Maggie, the 8 yr old, so she can learn to do it on her own too. This summer, my 14 yr old, Emma, started reading a chapter a night to the Maggie out of the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. They said the Hobbit is next. They just decided it on their own and are very regular about it.

Maggie is at camp this week (coming home tonight) and I asked Emma if she missed Maggie. She said, "YES, and I miss reading that book!" I told her she can still read it, but she said she wanted to wait to read it with Maggie.

How cool is that?

I think it is extremely cool.

We have extremely cool kids

....imho. =) extremely cool husband began a blog for our church members, but I want link to it here also. Heeeeeeeeeeeere's Charles.

by crickl at 2:34 PM PDT
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