

The meat manifesto


Drawing without particular intention, or without any concern to a subject matter always leads me to faces. As soon as I confront paper angry faces come after me. One after the other they cut into me. Faces of torture, faces of fear, and faces of anguish. Faces from my memory, faces of my lover all come pouring out looking at me through my drawings, which constitute the window of my heritage my nightmare, my personality.

This manifesto is based on a poem by Henri Michaux called in thinking of the phenomena of painting.


The degradation manifesto


     My art celebrate the pursuit of strong visuals, which constitute the fear that exhausts our present day Canadian visual culture.


It calls attentions to the fact that I do not support art that sits on oppressive principles. Empty and shameful aesthetics leads to the engines of creative mediocrity


A public that is indifferent to strong visuals is always the first to support and loves empty designs and vacuous criticism and looks forward to the discussions of the trivial


For this reason I am in favor of believes that are continuously developing ways of strengthening the pursuit of shock art.