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Famous Quotes

Once, Armand had dragged Daniel out of bed in New Orleans and 
shouted at him: "That telephone, I want you to dial Paris, I want 
to see if you can really talk to Paris."
"Goddamn it, do it yourself," Daniel had roared. "You're five hundred 
years old and you can't even use a telephone? Read the directions. 
What are you, an immortal idiot? I will do no such thing!"
How surprised Armand had looked. 
"All right, I'll call Paris for you. But you pay the bill."
"But of course," Armand had said innocently. 
~Daniel and Armand, Queen of the Damned
"You're a perfect devil, Lestat!" he was saying. "That's what 
you are! You are the devil himself!" 
"Yes, I know," I said, loving to look at him, to see the anger pumping 
him so full of life. "And I love to hear you say it. I don't think 
anyone will ever say it quite like you do. Come on, say it again.
I'm a perfect devil. Tell me how bad I am. It makes me feel so good!"
~Louis and Lestat, Queen of the Damned

"The first discipline is the realization that there is a discipline-
that all art begins and ends with discipline,
that any art is first and foremost a craft."
~Archibald MacLeish
"And if wasn't for your misfortions,
I'd be a heavenly person today."
"I've had enough of this world and people's mindless games."