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December Archive



Week of December 15-21

Turning an Art Image into a Calling Card

by Celia Martin of Martins Eclectic Adventures

Well, you can sure tell what I made it for. Not that it's a big guess. I'm out signing guestbooks with it even as you read this. I didn't follow the instructions, I basically copied the picture and used a Gaussian blur instead. Sometimes dragging the background can look a little funky and you have to think of something new.

Happy Holidays!

Week of December 8 - 14

Making a Snow Globe

by Geoff's Graphics

This was the one I did straight from the tutorial. I used a picture called "Winter" by Alphonse Mucha as the background which turned out surprisingly well. The base has me a little annoyed, but I know how to use that "deform" tool, and fixed it so more of the globe showed than the base. I think it balanced it better.

So then I made one of my own. I had a hard time with pictures for these. I'm a Spring kind of a gal, not a Winter. However, I had this lingering from an award set I was making and didn't use. 

I nearly used "paw prints" as the snow, which was SO cute...but not very Christmassy. I used a Gaussian Blur of 1 on the snow flake layers, to smooth them out and make them look less like dots.

I used Blade Pro "Glass" to smooth the base out, then added an inner drop shadow to "round" it a little better. As for the poinsettia...what can I say. It's a thing this year. There's a story there. Besides, it made a great splotch of color and a good attraction for the entire globe.


Week of December 1 - 7

Create a web page for your assignments and a membership button for the member quilt.


Well, since I did the assignment creating the WotW PSP pages, I decided to cheat and use my favorite web set from my personal site, the Fifth House. I created this set for my WotW gifts and badges and whatever, but I just don't think I use it enough. But that's how much I like it. 


I did use the tutorial to create the pages for the WotW PSP Community, so you can look there for that. Thanks again to Ronni of Ronni Designs for allowing us to use her great tutorial.

Making a Page Set with Tubes and Tables

by Ronni Designs


I created a membership quilt button for the members page. Okay, I created the "dummy" ones too, which were almost more fun. Here they are, for your enjoyment.



And that ends the first week's assignments.




This web graphic set is copyright 2002  Crescent Designs.

Thanks to Harry Breuer and his Quintet for the album cover art.


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