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So you like the sound of what you get? wanna apply? than read the rules and if you still think you've got what it takes to be hosted here, apply!

You must know HTML or at least the basics.

Must have some sort of knowledge of a FTP program like cuteFTP or ws_FTP if not than go and learn it, it's very easy!

You don't have to have fantastic graphic skill, just that eliminates alot of people

I will only host sites that I think deserve it or if they just just rock lol

You will have to host you're images (pic gals if you have one) on angelfire or find a host for them or something because I only have limited space...fanlistings are ok though :)

Do not copy anyone! I hate copiers and if I find any of my hostees copying they will be deleted but you will have a chance to 'prove' you never copied.

If you get more than 150 visitrs a day, buy you're own domain, simple enough!

Where it says 'Eric Bana..' you must put 'Is aweosme as the Hulk!' allforms without that will be deleted!

Do not email/IM me about hosting you, fill out the form like everyone else, please.

Do noy bag sites in you're up dates/blogs, if a site has stolen something off you contact that site. You can say 'this site stole this off me so becareful they dont steal from you' or something is fine just nothing like "omg such and such site is soo crap" and stuff, please

You must up date at least once a week, if you can't either contact me or mention it in you're blog/up dates that you will be away for what ever amount of days/weeks you will be away for. You do not have to state why.

If you're going on hiatus for more than two weeks let me know, it's common courtesy!

Lastly, let me know if you have a new layout and stuff, you must alos keep in contact with me either by email or msn/aim. You also must tell me when you get a new webby co webby.

Good luck! here's the form.
