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Nimue's Profile

Name: Nimue

Nickname(s): Nim, Stranger, Changling

Age: unknown; but appears to be around 20

Birthdate: unknown

Gender: female

Species: unknown

Abilities: shapechanging (into almost anything as long as it's somewhat feminine), some telepathy, and flight (depending on her form)

Physical Description: Nimue is a type of cyborg. Her epidermis of flesh, but underneath, her muscles and veins are laced with circuitry and metal. She is most often in the form of a winged mammal looking something like a fox (but that isn't her original form). When in this form, she has tawny gold colored fur, red (actual red) hair, and bright green eyes. Her feathered angel-like wings are maroonish brown, and her outfit is maroon. Her has a mark going down over each eye, and wears golden earrings.

Background: Created by an eccentric old scientist who died shortly before she was finished. In order to pay their bills, the scientist's family sold her to the government for a rather lofty sum. (During all of this, Nimue but nothing more that a shell...she didn't have a mind or soul.)

The government put the brain of one of their best secret agents into the cyborg body. The brain had been that of male, and the new entity was named Jonah as to not disconcert him totally. The new being called Jonah functioned well for awhile, but soon it seemed that the procedure had been to much for the male inside the cyborg shell. The government agency holding possesion of Jonah decided that they might do better with a female brain, but truly wished to keep all of the male's knowledge. The agency did a "soul wipe" and believed that they had destroyed the male's consiousness, then they began to search for someone new with qualities that they could use.

A few years earlier, some of the agency's employees had been sent to jail for fraud. When they were later released, they were still furious with the police who had caught them, and wanted to punish them severly. They entered the police headquaters and kidnapped several of the officer's children. Parents solemnly traded places with their offspring, and the ex-convicts swifty slaughtered the adults.

Unknown to the police, the angency had agents nearby the police headquarters when the kidnapping occured. The agents were going to rescue their old comrades from arrest, but found that they had been swiftly eliminated by the police. Seeing that several female police officers had been killed in the debacle, the officers "body-napped" the corpses, hoping to salvage their consiousness.

With only one were they successful, and the female counsiousness was quickly placed inside Jonah. With this new counsiouness though, they decided to keep her in closed quarters for awhile, in order to see if the counsiousness, brain, and body could truly fuse together to create a new being. After a trial period of 18 months, Jonah was given a new name: Nimue.

Other: The agency believed that they had gotten rid of the previous male counsiousness that had been inside of Jonah, they hadn't quite suceeded. Though the female counsiousness is the one that speaks and appears to those looking at Nimue, the male is also inside the cyborg's mind. She vies for the control that should be hers, and he struggles to hang on to live, if it could be called that.