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Name: Xian (Zan) Foxworth

N.Name(s): PuU, Zap, Shocker

Age: 17

Element: Lightning

Birthday: Sept 14

Gender: Male

Spiecies: Fox

Description: Xian is a male Fox, he has yellow Fur to match his Element, he was White hair, Bangs fall over his left eye, and white fur for trimming. he wears a red tank to with the name "Xian" In big white letters, light-blue wide leg jeans, his shoes are white with two Broad yellow Stripes right next to eachother, he stands at 6'7" with light green eyes.

Background:Xian is 17 years old and has a twin sister by the name Celia, his element of power is lightning, he's got 4 sisters and 2 brothers, unfortunately he's lost two of his sisters, the one's responsible are the echidna Biker gang "the Rouges" led by Reinor him self.

Xian's nick-name is "PuU" aparrently because thats what mimi called him when she was a baby and it just kinda stuck. Celia had her fun teasing him about that name.

Xian's name is Pronounced "Zan." he is a friendly, flirty, out going person. there are times where his personality can get annoying, but he basically does that just to attempt to cheer people up. he and his sister are about the middle children of 7.

Xian's Twin sister was killed by Reinor and his group when she was 17, just a few months after their 17th birthday. she was raped and then killed, when Xian found out he became Enraged, hurt,sad, and very serious.

When Celia died, he thought his life was over,he was at the brink of Suicide,to him killing his sister was killing a part of day he felt a presencenearby and then he heard her voice in his head, that brought him back to reality. he finally pulled himseld together, and he and Celia's bond became whole once again. they still have their talks and still tease eachother. one would call him crazy but he know's he's anything but...

He thinks that the people who were born single don't understand the bond that keeps Twins together even if one is beyond the grave.and he'll live by that from now til forever.

