Sakura Tenshi

AKA: Sakura-chan (By Spike, Faye, Amadeus, and Kaze-san), twit, cry-baby, sap, and whimp (By Francesca), Little Rabbit, Bambi (By Kuroito), Tenshi-Lady (By Ed), Kitten (By Spike), and Sakura-sama (By everyone else)

Species: Tenshi-chi

Age: 500 (But looks 20)

Gender: Female

Hair: Pinkish Strawberry

Eyes: Amber

Height: 5'5"

Blood type: Angel

Place of Birth: Heaven

Occupation: Nurse

Likes: Spike, children, singing, the piano, rabbits, cats, cherry blossoms, roses, the ocean, Faye, Ed, Ein, Cherry, and doves

    Alluring little kitten goddess yet an innocent angel to the core of her soul, Sakura was first found by Spike as a chibi in an oak tree. She was running away from her mistress who was going use her as a slave. Spike saved her from the mistress' cat who was going to take her back to her cruel lady.

    Now Sakura stays with Spike and his crew on the Bebop. Not much known about her past when we first meet her. She doesn't even remember too much. All the tenshi-chi knows is she's looking for someone named Amadeus. But the twist? Sakura doesn't remember who he is. She may be a sweetheart, but Sakura houses a powerful force in her body in the center of her heart. So powerful, that it is a danger to heaven, hell, and the entire supernatural species. So the Angel Administrators want to take her back to heaven and keep her there for eternality. But Amadeus locked her power tightly. When others try to scan for it, they collapse out. Plus she doesn’t feel physical pain, only emotional pain. Sakura can turn into a chibi when she is too weak or be an attractive woman the rest of the time. She falls victim to her sister's mind control.

    Sakura is unable to understand her heart and feelings. Because of this, she doesn't understand love. But Sakura later falls in love with Spike subconsciously. So much, that her love for him increases her power. She sees Faye as an idol, Jet as a father, Ed as a sister, and Ein as a friend.

    Sakura's powers are love and light. Her naive innocent child-like ways get her in trouble. Sakura doesn’t eat sweets, beef or pork. She only eats vegetables, fruit, chicken, and various fish. Sweets they will make the tenshi-chi sick and kill her.

Faye Valentine

AKA: Faye-sama (By Sakura and Cherry)

Species: Human

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Hair: Deep Violet

Eyes: Green

Height: 5'6"

Blood Type: B

Place of Birth: N/A

Occupation: Bounty huntress

    Much of Faye's past is a complete mystery. Apparently, she was placed in cryogenic stasis when disasters befell Earth and precipitated the great exodus. Many records that would've provided answers were destroyed, leaving gaping holes in Faye's life that no one (not even herself) apparently can answer. If memories are her least plentiful asset, debts are her most plentiful: amounting to a total too large to state.

    She becomes familiar with the mismatched crew of the Bebop and occasionally makes herself at home...if only to relax and await a scoop on a big bounty or easy money. Half the time she's on board, she's in cuffs while they rummage through her stuff. The one member of the crew she hates is Ein. She's never gotten along with the dog and frequently torments him.

    Most of the time, Faye is calm, confident, sometimes even cocky. She is an expert gambler and a sharpshooter to boot. But every so often, a softer, more timid side of her emerges: that part of her still looking for answers to her mysterious past, lost and bewildered.

    Though really a rival, Faye becomes as much a part of the Bebop as everyone else. Like Spike and Jet, Faye is an experienced huntress. Her personal jewelry is in reality an assortment of electronic devices, including a summons bracelet for her personal craft, Redtail. Redtail is based on a patrol ship design. Like Spike's Sword Fish II, Redtail is built to be fast yet maneuverable, and it also possesses a notable array of weapons.

Spike Spiegel

AKA: Spike-kun (By Sakura and others) Spike-chan (By Sakura) and Aka-chan (By Sakura) Onii-san (By Molly)

Species: Human

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Hair: Green

Eyes: Red

Height: 6'1"

Blood Type: O

Place of Birth: Heaven

Place of Birth: Mars

Occupation: Bounty Hunter

    Three years ago, Spike left his past and stroke out on a life of his own.  He left the Red Dragons mob and teamed up with Jet Black to roam the solar system hunting for bounty and adventure. A lean, laid-back individual, Spike is nonetheless competent in his abilities. His idol is 20th-century martial artist and philosopher Bruce Lee, and he is constantly practicing his own Jeet Kune Do skills. He has yet to lose a fair fight hand-to-hand. Combine this with proficiency with a handgun, and he is definitely not a man to mess with.

    Though he doesn't really own it, Spike calls the Bebop home. Home life for Spike, though, is relatively tame. If he isn't practicing his martial arts, he's watching  Big Shot, a "Solar System's Most Wanted" for bounty hunters. Spike also has a personal craft: his transit from home ship to planet. His "baby" is named Sword Fish II. Spike's personal ship was originally a Sword Fish asteroid racer (a notorious racing circuit in its day) but has since been customized to make it one of the fastest personal ships in existence. It is very maneuverable yet capable of incredible speeds, and it is able to fly both in air and in space.

Jet Black

AKA: Grandpa and Old Fart (By interns)

Species: Human

Age: 36

Gender: Male

Hair: Black

 Eyes: Blue

Height: 6'2"

Blood Type: A

Place of Birth: N/A

Occupation: Bounty hunter, owner of the Bebop

    A former member of the Inter Solar Systems Police (or ISSP), an incident (of which he will not elaborate) cost him his left arm and partial use of his right eye, forcing him to retire from ISSP and to get a cyborg arm and implants to improve his damaged eye. That's when Jet turned Cowboy, getting his hands on a secondhand space trawler and converting it into the ship we know as the Bebop and eventually teaming together with Spike to form a bounty-hunting partnership. Jet frequently resorts to the contacts he established at ISSP to help locate potential bounties.

    Jet is a throwback to the older, more civilized days when things are taken more slowly and methodically. Jet maintains operations aboard the Bebop, and he's also the ship's cook, though a lack of money makes the pickings slim at times. Besides the Bebop, Jet also has his own personal craft called Hammerhead, originally a Sack Fish catcher boat. He's also capable of flying Spike's Sword Fish II. In his spare time, Jet tends to his collection of Bonsai trees.

Lit. Dan

Species: Human

Age: 40

Gender: Male

    Lit. Dan is the head police officer. His mission is to track down Sakura and Faye and bring Sakura home. He will not stop until a case is solved. Dan will chase down Faye and Sakura to no end. Good luck man! He is the wise man of the series.


Species: Human

Ages: 28-49

Gender: Male

    The police are Dan's finest team. They too want to catch Sakura and Faye before everyone is overwhelmed. Good luck boys!

Hell's Angels

Species: Human

Ages: 18-27

Gender: Female

    The Hell's Angels are a female biker gang that Faye and Sakura encounter. They are tough she-wolves. The foxes and Hell's Angels hate each other at first, but then they befriend each other at the end.

Doug Warren

Species: Human

Age: 23

Gender: Male

    Doug is the flirt that Sakura encounters at Hopper Jack. He seems nice at first. But as it turns out, Doug is a married leech who just wants to sleep around. And when tried to have his way with Sakura, Faye shot and killed him.

Lauren Davis

Species: Human

Age: 25

Gender: Female

    Lauren is the barmaid at Hopper Jack. She is tough and the only female who has resisted Doug's flirtation. In fact, Lauren was glad that he died. She has a small role in the series.

Logan Green

Species: Human

Age: 32

Gender: Male

    Logan is a dealer in the casino, Hopper Jack, that the lovely foxes stop at. He helps them escape from the cops and has the hots for Faye. Logan is really charming.