Drunk for You
“Susan” stood in the doorway. She only had on black bra and panties. Her
cat-like shot up warning signs.
“Hey there,” she said. Ozzy’s eyes widened.
“Uh…” he said. “Susan” walked over like a model.
“I am so lonely,” she said.
“Uh…” Ozzy said. “Susan” put her arms around his neck.
“Entertain me,” she
whispered. The biker panicked.
What… What is this?
“Susan” licked her lips.
“I like you,” she said. “Very much.”
“What are you doing?” Ozzy asked.
“Can’t you see?” she asked.
“No…” His eyes shifted for escape. “Susan” smirked. This would be so easy. After
all, Ann-Sui had the practice. Ozzy gulped. “Susan” gave him an innocent look.
“I really like you,” she said. Ozzy shook his head.
“I can’t,” he said.
She gave him a tiny pout. “Why not?”
“We just met and…”
“Susan” raised eyebrow. “Are you gay?”
“No! No!” The biker shook his head. “It’s not like that. No.”
“Then what’s wrong?” “Susan” asked. Ozzy sighed.
“I made a promise to a friend,” he said. “I can’t stick around here.”
“What do you mean?”
Ozzy gently pushed “Susan” away. “I’m sorry. I can’t have any ties to distract
me.” He tried to walk away, but “Susan” grabbed him by the wrist. Ozzy turned
around. She rested her head on his chest.
“No, stay,” she said.
“Let go.” He tried to push her off, but “Susan” climbed on top.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “I can’t seem to let go.” Even pinned down, Ozzy didn’t
stop struggling.
“Are you drunk?” he asked.
“Uh-huh,” she said. “Off of you.”
“Take me.” She pressed her lips against his as if to choke him. Ozzy prayed for
someone to rescue him.
“What the fuck are you doing?!” someone shouted. Ozzy and “Susan” looked up to
see Jun’ko glaring at them from the doorway. The biker trembled at her scowl and
cold eyes. The tapping of her foot made him desperate for escape.
“Jun’ko!” Ozzy yelped. “It’s not what it looks like!”
“Yes it is!” “Susan” said. “We are in love!”
“No we’re not!”
“Oh, don’t be shy, you silly boy!”
“It’s not true! Please believe me!”
“Susan” turned Ozzy’s head and gave him another kiss on the lips. The biker
struggled in vain to push her off. Jun’ko rolled her eyes.
“Whatever,” she muttered before she walked away. Ann-Sui smirked in the kiss at
the result of her first move.
Meanwhile in the desert…