Bicana Kimonoto:
Age: 20
Shy little Bicana is a young erotic dancer and love slave. She tries hard to keep herself from the pain of rejection. Bicana is a hopeless romantic. She is in love with Jewel and is guilty of wishing that left his wife for her.
Brit Nealson:
Age: 22
Brit is a wild drunk. She drinks before every performance. Brit is know to make-out with both men and women. She is always hitting on Bicana!
Charlotte Sacvo:
Age: 21
Charlotte is the wise chick of the club. She and Brit clash a lot. Charlotte tries to baby Bicana and Serenity around a lot. She is overbearing sometimes.
Izzie Monroe:
Age: 23
Izzie is a loose woman. She gets with guys left and right. Izzie is Sandra Lin's favorite. She makes the most money out of all of the women. She gives Brit and Mimi a run for their money.
Mimi Tomoe:
Age: 25
Mimi is a woman of experience. Every man wants her. She loves to tease and torture to no end. Mimi and Bicana are like day and night. Mimi thinks Bicana is an idiot with a lost cause. Mimi is a tough soul.
Serenity Cole:
Age: 18
Serenity is the baby of the erotic ladies. She came to the Gentlemen's Club when she was only thirteen. Serenity has been a great addition to the club. She may look innocent but the girl is a complete flirt. She gives Izzie and Mimi a run for their money.
Jewel Yang:
Age: 29
Jewel is a drowning man. His job, life, and marriage are a wreck. So his refugee in the club. He has stolen Bicana's heart. Jewel is thinking about leaving his wife for Bicana.
Cam Hill
Age: 19
Cam is a bright student. But he too has appetites. Thus soothing them at the club. He is Serenity's customer. Sam is Cam's teacher.
Iwan Oh:
Age: 27
Iwan is Mimi's main squeeze. He is a high-powered business man. He always has money to throw around. Girls are his favorite thing to spend. Iwan is the Club's favorite customer.
Sam Hong
Age: 23
Sam is a college professor. He is a wise man. But at night, this mild man goes to the club. Sam tries to stay hidden. But Izzie drags him out.
Sunny Ian
Age: 25
Sunny is a mob prince. His dad owns most of the city. Thousands of women desire him madly. Even Brit chases after Sunny! He is into watching more participating.
Tony Page
Age: 30
Tony is an average guy. Or so it seems. At night, he sneaks out to the Gentlemen's Club every night. Tony is Charlotte's man. He drinks enough to fill a river.
Sandra Lin Cho:
Age: 35
Sandra Lin is the owner of the Gentlemen's Club. She formed the club when her boyfriend left her for another woman. Now that Sandra is rich, he wants her back. She loves money.
Kim Yang:
Age: 27
Kim is Jewel's wife. She is a nagging slut. The woman gives her husband hell everyday. Kim seems to be proud of what she does. She wants a divorce.