Shona's Bio

Name: Izabel Vidonia Rodrigues

AKA: Shona and Artmis

Birthdate: 3/3/78

Age: 24

P.O.B: Lisbon, Portugal

Species: Kamimortal

Occupation: Writer and florist

Hair: Blackish brown

Eyes: Blue

Height: 5'6.5"

Love Status: Dating (But has thirteen ex-boyfriends)

Likes: Mandras, anime, manga, vampires, Gorillaz, Gwen Stefani, music, goth things, Halloween, meat, rain, cooking, reading, and knives

Outfit: Long black dress, white sandals, and gold necklace

Car: Tomahawk

Animal Chibi: Fox

    Shona is a dark woman. She has had her share of hang-ups. Shona and her mom didn't talk much. She didn't know her father. Shona was a lone wolf until she was twelve. Then she met her first boyfriend.

    A descendant of Helen. Shona ate a piece of the maiden's heart in a duck. She collapsed out into the grass. Helen took care of her for thirty days.

    Shona had many sweethearts. They didn't last long. But she still kept looking for love. Her last ex led her all the way to Japan. He loaned her the money and she bought a plane ticket to live with him. It didn't work; they broke up after months. That was Shona's weakness. She was a hopeless romantic. Always had and always will. That was how she was.

    Shona stayed in Japan for a months. She was planning to leave for Portugal when she met Noiz in a steakhouse. They became close friends and Noiz got Shona a job at TZA.

    Shona still looks for love and has a chocolate puppy named Hoto.

Mandras Anetakis:

Age: 19

    Mandras is Shona's love interest. She found him dying in the woods behind the academy while looking for herbs. He was shot and poisoned in battle. So his pals left him to die. But Shona came along and nursed him back to health. Thus the two falling in love.