Meeting: Atticus and Aoi meet for the first time while he is out playing in the park
Becoming Friends: Atticus and Aoi end up being friends over the summer
Getting Her Away from a Bad Situation: Aoi and Atticus run away from her abusive father and pray that she gets away from him. She ends up living with grandmother
Separation #1: Aoi ends up moving away when summer ends
Reunion: Aoi and Atticus end up back together in high school
Dating: Through separate clubs, Aoi and Atticus try to get together
Loss of Virginity: Atticus and Aoi end up sleeping together days before graduation
Pregnancy and Graduation: Aoi ends up pregnant and the couple graduate from high school
Married and Life and Kids: Atticus and Aoi are married with children
New Job: Atticus gets transferred south for work
Deaths: Atticus' grandma and Aoi's father died
Separation #2: Atticus leaves for a new chapter with his work