Indian II

    This is my Indian II class. Read and enjoy.

Volume one:

Rated: T

    Chapter one: Arrive
Fumio's little sister, Sui-Topii, shows at his door on the first day of summer. But... money is a problem....

    Chapter two: Start the Party
Fumio and Sui-Topii's 2nd day of summer.

    Chapter three: Crush
Fumio runs into his crush, Fergi, and tries to date her. But chaos always follows.

    Chapter four: Work Day
Fumio takes Sui-Topii to work on campus with him. Sui-Topii has her own ideas of work.

    Chapter five: Dog Walk
Fumio and Sui-Topii take Fergi's dog for a walk for a day.

    Chapter six: The Rain
It's raining and Sui-Topii is bored. She wants to play with Fumio but he's busy sorting out his debts. So she makes him play...

    Chapter seven: City
Fergi, Fumio, and Sui-Topii hit the city of Tokyo.

Volume two:

Rated: T

    Chapter eight: Morning Walk
The girls get up early and go for a little walk.

    Chapter nine: Kiddie Park
Fumio takes Sui-Topii to the new Kiddie amusement park.

    Chapter ten: Grandma
Sui-Topii and Fumio go see their grandma in the mountains. Fergi accompanies them.

    Chapter eleven: Company
A homeless boy joins the crew for lunch. Fumio seems suspicious but Sui-Topii doesn't mind.

    Chapter twelve: Day Dream
Fumio remembers his childhood before Sui-Topii was born.

    Chapter thirteen: Treasure
Fumio, Sui-Topii, and Fergi help grandma find some long lost treasure. They find lost memories.

    Chapter fourteen: Bully
Fumio finds that a bully has been bothering his sister. The guy will have to defend his princess-- even the bully's smaller than him.

Volume three:

Rated: T

    Chapter fifteen: Walk
Fergi and Sui-Topii go out for an early morning walk and talk about Fumio.

    Chapter sixteen: Out of Gas
Fumio's car runs out of gas and he Sui-Topii have to hick-hike home.

    Chapter seventeen: Birds
Fumio takes Sui-Topii to the park for the day. Sui-Topii plays with the birds and her brother watches slowly.

    Chapter eighteen: Go Crazy
Due to cabin fever, Fumio loses his mind.

    Chapter nineteen: Subway
Fumio and Sui-Topii ride the subway through the city.

    Chapter twenty: Work Again
Fumio takes Sui-Topii to work again. He hopes she will behave this time. But Sui-Topii is unpredictable...

    Chapter twenty-one: Nighttime
Fumio and Sui-Topii spend the night outside.

Volume four:

Rated: T

    Chapter twenty-two: Lounge
Fergi visits Fumio and Sui-Topii at work. Fumio tries to impress but his sis still wants to play...

    Chapter twenty-three: Sunrise
Fergi and Sui-Topii watch the sunrise together one night.

    Chapter twenty-four: Street Walk
Fumio and Sui-Topii braves the night streets after working late one night.

    Chapter twenty-five: The Ranch
Fumio and Sui-Topii go out on a farm to see their other grandma.

    Chapter twenty-six: Insomnia
Fumio can't sleep and neither can Sui-Topii. What can they do?

    Chapter twenty-seven: My Date
Fumio and Fergi go on a date together.

    Chapter twenty-eight: Road Trip
Fumio, Sui-Topii, and Fergi go on a road trip.

Volume five:

Rated: T

    Chapter twenty-nine: Pipe
Fumio has a pipe problem that keeps Sui-Topii up all night. Time to go outside and fix it up.

    Chapter thirty: Lounge
Fumio and Sui-Topii hang out in lounge while a few old guys talk about the good old days.

    Chapter thirty-one: Campus
Fumio and Sui-Topii go on Tokyo University to do some work.

    Chapter thirty-two: Boss
Fed up with the boss's son, Fumio decides to take him.

    Chapter thirty-three: Sunset
Fumio, Fergi, and Sui-Topii watch the sunset together.

    Chapter thirty-four: Float On
The trio go out to a karaoke bar. Fergi coaxes Fumio into singing. So he sucks it up and does it.

    Chapter thirty-five: River
Fumio loses one of Sui-Topii's little pink shoes in the river where they were resting. Now, they have to go after it.

Volume six:

Rated: T

    Chapter thirty-six: Lost Sanity
Fumio loses his mind again while his is working late at night again!

    Chapter thirty-seven: Picture
Fumio and Sui-Topii are drawing for Fumio is stressed out. (Again!)

    Chapter thirty-eight: Community Chaos
Fumio takes Sui-Topii to the community canter one day while he practices with the band. All is well until Sui-Topii wanders off...

    Chapter thirty-nine: Fireflies
Fumio and Sui-Topii hang around the park at night.

    Chapter forty: Beach Walk
Fumio, Sui-Topii, and Fergi go to the beach for the weekend.

    Chapter forty-one: Cupid's Arrow
Finally, Fumio gets a date with Fergi on a Friday night! But sadly for him, trouble always follows...

    Chapter forty-two: City Trip
Fumio and Sui-Topii go out to Osaka on a long hot day.

Volume seven:

Rated: T

    Chapter forty-three: Hero
Fumio finally stands up to neighbors and puts an end to their petulance.

    Chapter forty-four: Camp Test
Running out of options, Fumio signs Sui-Topii up for a day camp. It seems fine but his sis is so unpredictable...

    Chapter forty-five: Midnight Snacking
Fumio, Fergi, and Sui-Topii go out for something to eat real late.

    Chapter forty-six: Might
Fumio finally stands strong and puts his foot down at work!

    Chapter forty-seven: Exit Doesn't Exist
Jobless, Fumio digs for work in order to pay his band debts.

    Chapter forty-eight: Safe Walk
Fumio tries to get Sui-Topii for little while.

    Chapter forty-nine: Water Pipes
Sui-Topii and Fergi decide to play in the city's water pipes. Fumio has to try and stop them before they all get in trouble.

Volume eight:

Rated: T

    Chapter fifty: Taking a Walk
Fergi and Fumio take a walk together.

    Chapter fifty-one: Help Me
Stressed out again, Fumio runs through the city one night.

    Chapter fifty-two: Tight Money
Fumio has more money troubles, until Fergi shows up.

    Chapter fifty-three: New Plan
Fumio looks for a new job. Good luck man!

    Chapter fifty-four: Old Buddies
Fumio's old high school friend pops in for a visit.

    Chapter fifty-five: Fresh Start
Fumio gets some money from his aunt and pays his debt.

    Chapter fifty-six: Downboy
Fumio is depressed again. Sui-Topii tries to cheer him up.

Volume nine:

Rated: T

    Chapter fifty-seven: Space Nut
Fumio and Fergi work at a kid's camp for a week.

    Chapter fifty-eight: Airplane
Fumio finds his old plane and remembers his childhood.

    Chapter fifty-nine: Dock Night
Fumio takes Sui-Topii out fishing one night.

    Chapter sixty: City Walk
Sui-Topii, Fumio, Fergi walk around the city after lunch.

    Chapter sixty-one: Park Day
The trio visit the park again.

    Chapter sixty-two: Lost Doggie
Sui-Topii finds a lost dog one day and brings it home. Fumio doesn't want it there and a war starts.

    Chapter sixty-three: Crazy Pills
Fumio loses it... again!

Volume ten:

Rated: T

    Chapter sixty-four: Waiting
Fumio has a long meeting today on-line. Sui-Topii waits for him at the camp.

    Chapter sixty-five: Game Day
It's game day for the kids in Sui-Topii's day care. And Fumio has to attend and by supportive.

    Chapter sixty-six: Hurricane Nikki
Sui-Topii gets a new friend, five-year-old American Nikki. And boy! They are both hyper bombs together. Have gun Fumio!

    Chapter sixty-seven: Car Trip
Fumio and Fergi pack Sui-Topii and Nikki in for a car ride to the coast.

    Chapter sixty-eight: TV Gift
Sui-Topii and Fumio get a free new TV.

    Chapter sixty-nine: Shopping Trip
Sui-Topii and Fumio go out shopping.

    Chapter seventy: Bug Trap
Sui-Topii and Nikki go bug hunting one afternoon.

Volume eleven:

Rated: T

    Chapter seventy-one: Summer Rains
It rains in Tokyo again!

    Chapter seventy-two: Delivery Walk
Sui-Topii goes with Fergi out for a noodle delivery.

    Chapter seventy-three: Bug Trapper
Sui-Topii and Nikki catch bugs again.

    Chapter seventy-four: Sunny Home Visit
The trio visit Nikki at her new summer house.

    Chapter seventy-five: Missing Dog
Nikki loses her dog. Sui-Topii, Fumio, and Fergi help her look for it.

    Chapter seventy-six: Little Wish
Fumio reflects on his feelings on Fergi one night while she and him are caught in the rain at a temple.

    Chapter seventy-seven: Field Play Day
The crew spends another day in the countryside.

Volume twelve:

Rated: T

    Chapter seventy-eight: The Nursery
Sui-Topii and Becky start a planet nursery. Fumio deals with an old bully.

    Chapter seventy-nine: Road Drive
The girls go out on a road trip.

    Chapter eighty: