Joker and Saint

Soot's Bio

Name: Soot Terrell (Real name unknown)

AKA: Brat

Birthdate: 10/13/89

Age: 15

P.O.B.: Atlanta, Georgia

Species: 1/4 immortal

Hair: Blackish-Brown

Eyes: Blue

Height: 5'3"

Occupation: T.J.'s intern

Love Status: Dating

Likes: Spying, Amanda, Sakura, pretty-looking girls, manga, anime, comics, video games, the beach, TATU, music, food (especially snacks), picking on Bemmer, codes, harassing Sarah, helping T.J., playing pranks on everybody, and his dark blue trucker hat

Outfit: Dark blue t-shirt, jeans, sneakers, and a dark blue trucker hat

Animal Chibi: Rat

    Sweet yet sour, Soot likes causing trouble. Whenever he sees a pretty girl, he tries to help them as much as he can. Orphaned at a young age, Soot ended up as a wanderer. He was bullied around a lot. Because of that, the boy was passive and depressed. He about ended up committing suicide. But it wasn't successful. He ended up in the hospital for eight weeks. At that time, Soot met Sarah and became friends with her. Soon afterwards, Soot crossed paths with Bemmer and they became close friends. Soon after that, the boy met Amanda and fell in love with her. All was well with Soot and co. until Amanda died while saving his life. Soot was very sad and left the group.

    Years later, he had heard that Bemmer and Sarah were in Japan. So the boy left Georgia, bought a plane ticket, and flew to Tokyo, Japan. T.J. took Soot in as an intern and Soot now has to look after Daisuke.

Amanda's Bio

Name: Amanda Elliot Peters

AKA: Mandy

Age: 15 (When she died)

    Amanda was Soot's girlfriend. They were really close and in love. She really brought up his self-confidence. Amanda was closer to Soot than Bemmer and Sarah ever were. Things looked really rosy for them. But then tragedy struck. Bemmer, Soot, Sarah, and Amanda were looking around on a back road when a truck came rushing forward. Soot would have been dead if his girl hadn't pushed him out of the way and let the truck hit her instead. Now she is an angel in Soot's heart and memory. But Bemmer, Mandy, and Daisuke brought her from heaven to stay on Earth in the summer of year three. Amanda hates fish.